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Realistic or Modern Spin You Around

Lana made a disgusted face and shook her head some "Ewwww no! Boys are nasty!" She said before she went to hug him "Except you, you're okay." She said giggling

Tom sighed heavily and ran a hand over his face "I got shit faced.....and.....I ended up in another woman's bed..." he admits looking at the floor not able to look at her.
He smiled some and nodded. “That’s a good answer.” He chuckled and hugged her back. “I got you some bbq from Jim’s place down off the main road.” He told her and went to get the food on the table before setting his gun up on the hooks.

She bit down hard on her lip and frowned. “Look at me.” She mumbled. “Look at me!” She said it louder this time trying to be more forceful.
Lana nodded sitting down at the table while she watched him put his guns away "Uncle Jon? Could you teach me how to use one?" She asked as she pointed at his guns.

Tom looked at her with heartbroken eyes taking in a deep breath "Im sorry..." was all he could muster out
He tensed up and looked at her frowning. “Absolutely not. When you’re an adult I can but not now Lana.” He told her seriously. “Don’t you ever touch those either.” He told her frowning some and muttering under his breath about having to hide them now

Carmen just nodded and glanced at the door. “You need to leave. Quickly.” She muttered and glared at him. She felt more hurt than she though was possible now.
Lana frowned some and nodded softly "Uncle Jon.....can...can you make me a promise?" She asked softly. She had a reason for asking about the guns, after some of the men her mother had over she wanted to know defense.

Tom got up and left without another word not wanting to hurt her anymore than he already had.
Once he was gone she just curled up in the bed and broke down sobbing holding onto the sheets tightly.

Jon frowned looking over at Lana. “What is it kiddo?” He asked her and got them some sodas before sitting down with her.
Charlie came in not too long after once he saw Tom was gone. He frowned though when he saw the state Carmen was in and quickly rushed over to her "Carmen? Hey whats wrong?" He asked in a gentle voice

Lana looked at him with all seriousness and took in a deep breath "You promise...you promise no one will get me? And you'll protect me?" She asked in a shaky voice letting a couple tears fall as she remembered some of the men who had hurt her mother infront of her
She looked up at him and gripped onto him, sobbing into his shoulder, telling him everything and just held him tightly.

Jon frowned and looked over at her. “Lana sweetheart come here.” He murmured and hugged her to him tightly. “As long as you are here I promise to always keep you safe.” He told her quietly and rocked her gently, even more angry with his sister now for letting things happen to her. “Lana.... do you.... if I could make it so that you live with me for good now... would you be okay with that?” He asked her gently.
Charlie tensed as she explained what happened and took a deep breath "I hope I never fucking see him again." He spat while he held her close to him

Lana hugged him tight and cried softly. She sniffled and pulled away some "You can do that?" She asked softly watching him nod. She just hugged him tight and took deep breaths before she ran upstairs to her room and quickly came down placing a large ziplock bag full of every drug you could think of on the table "This was Mommy's....she told me to hide it." She whispered looking at him with heart broken eyes "She said to hide it when the police came...and if they found it someone would get me..." she said but the last of it coming out as a small whimper
She whimpered and just held onto him tighter until she fell asleep from exhaustion as well as the headache she had coming on, feeling comfortable in Charlie’s arms.

Jon frowned and tended up. “Lana how long have you had that?” He asked her slowly. “Have you taken anything out of it? Have you tried anything from it?” He asked this time a little firmer but not telling her off, just concerned.
Charlie held her the entire time refusing to let her go unless it was a nurse coming to check on her and even then he was still on the bed next to her.

Lana shook her heading pushing them away "I had it since I got here....but I don't want it! I want it gone!" She yelled then started crying softly as she ran to hug her uncle tightly "Dont let her take me back....I dont wanna go back." She pleaded
Carmen frowned as she woke up hours later feeling really not good and just looked over at Charlie. “Did Max’s mom tell you? They’re thinking about giving up on the treatment. It’s not working.” She mumbled watching him carefully.

Jon just held her tightly. “Shh Shh it’s okay. I’m not letting you go back there ever again I swear to you kiddo.” He told her quietly. “I will sort this out don’t you worry okay?” He murmured rocking her gently and watching her carefully.
Charlie frowned as he looked at her when she woke up "Then we find something else, we do whatever it takes to make this right." he whispered kissing her forehead gently "You have survived so much Carmen, I know you can get through this." he said in a comforting tone trying to lift her spirits in any way he could.

Lana held onto him tightly and gave a small nod. She pulled back and wiped her eyes sniffling a bit "Pinky promise?" she asked quietly as she stuck out her small pinky finger to him. She might have been a bit more mature than most ten years olds with the things she had been through in life but deep down she was still a little kid and things like a pinky promise still meant something to her.
She frowned and watched him a little. “I don’t know if I can.” She whimpered and held onto him tightly. “You know if you had pushed through rehab with me I would have married you on the spot?” She mumbled gripping at his hand. She still loved him more than anything. She missed him a lot and right now she felt more alone than ever but having him there was making it a little easier.

Jon nodded and did a pinky promise with her. “I promise Lana. Come on. Let’s get some food down you then it’s time for bed. You’ve got your dance lesson tomorrow remember?” He smiled and kissed her head going to call up the station to get them to come and collect the bag of drugs for him to process tomorrow.
Lana nodded softly and moved to sit down and eat the food. She ate as much as she could before she went to go take a shower then get ready for bed. She walked down seeing the deputy take the bag she had given her uncle and frowned some "I'm not in trouble am I?" she asked her uncle as the deputy left the house.

Charlie nodded and gave a heavy sigh "Yeah, and I regret it every day." he whispered kissing the top of her head again stroking her cheek gently "I hope you know I'm not that guy anymore, I can promise you that." he whispered
She smiled at him and sighed a little. “That’s not the first time that you’ve promised me that you would be a different person Charlie.” She mumbled quietly and rest her head back still watching him, struggling to breathe a little.

“No kiddo you’re not gonna get in any trouble Lana. I promise. Let’s get you in bed kiddo. You want Venice with you tonight?” He asked her frowning and took her up to her room.
Charlie nodded some noticing her change in breath "I know, but I can tell you, as can others, I have been good not a drop of alcohol or drugs in nearly 2 years." he whispered before pressing the call button to get a nurse in there so she could check Carmen over.

Lana nodded softly smiling softly as they got into her room seeing Venice already curled up on the foot of her bed "I love you Uncle Jon." she whispered hugging him tight before she layed down and fell asleep.
She frowned and watched him. “I know Charlie I know but... I wanna see 3 years before we think about anything.” She slurred, shaking a little and just staring straight ahead of her. “I don’t feel so good.” She whimpered and started passing out, her breathing slowing even more.

Jon stayed there for a few minutes before going to his room and sitting on his bed crying for a short while until he was tired enough that he fell asleep.
Charlie nodded some not going to push anything on her. He loved her more than anything and would do anything to make her happy. He went wide eyed when she started to pass out and quickly rushed out "Help! Someone help!" he yelled loudly before he went back in to check on Carmen.

Max woke up the next morning and smiled softly seeing Michael laying there with a book at hand "Hey handsome." she whispered kissing his cheek gently "How are you feeling?" she asked stroking his cheek gently
He smiled over at her tiredl. “I’m doing okay sweetheart.... missing home.” He mumbled just taking her hand in his carefully. “You alright? You seemed a bit upset yesterday.” He pointed out.

She crashed twice during the night and they had her on full support now but it wasn’t looking hugely likely that she would be okay. The receptionist at the station looked over when Tom came in. “Tom... uh... I heard about you and carmen .... but I got a call from a Charlie... says you should go down cause you might not get another chance. Said she’s really bad.” She told him. “Jon will be in soon. I can cover for you.” She told him.
Max gave a small nod and sighed softly "Carmen is here too.." she said quietly before she explained everything Jon had told her about what happened, though she had no idea about what the fight had been about or that Tom had hurt Carmen.

Tom frowned and nodded not even taking a second thought before he rushed to his cruiser and drove to the hospital going into Carmen's room immediately gulping as he saw her. Wires sticking out everywhere and a tube down her throat so she could breath.
Charlie got back and sat down looking over at him. “She wouldn’t want you here but I know if the tables were turned. I’d want you to call me anyway. Her heart stopped twice last night. Shes stable for now but they don’t think that’s gonna be for very long. She might be gone by tomorrow.” He muttered swallowing hard. “So say your goodbyes cause either way you’re not getting her back. I’m making sure of it.” He told him.

Michael frowned and nodded reaching for her to come a bit closer. “I ever tell you how much I love you?” He murmured smiling tiredly at her.
Tom frowned more and kept quiet as he held Carmen's hand gently in his "Can I have a minute? You can wait outside I would just like to say my goodbye alone." He muttered not even looking at Charlie

Max gave a small smile and kissed his cheek "I love you too babe." She murmured glancing at the time "I gotta get going, need to prep for my first class for the little ones." She said softly giving him an excited smile as her eyes lit up with happieness.
He smiled and nodded. “Come here. Call me when you’re done. Tell me how everything goes.” He murmured and pecked her lips before letting her go.

He just nodded and got up, walking out to the hallway and sat down with his phone while he waited impatiently.
Tom held her hand softly as he started to cry shaking his head repeatedly "I'm so sorry Carmen, I know this is over for us but....god please stay, please don't take her." He whispered out kissing her hand as he stared at her.

Max smiled happily and nodded kissing him gently before she ran out and made her way to the studio. Before she knew it it was already 4 in the afternoon and her last class for the day would be starting soon.

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