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Realistic or Modern Spin You Around

He frowned rubbing her back and trying to soothe her. “He’s strong. He’s gonna be okay. He’s got this far max he’ll be alright.” He told her trying to soothe her.

Someone came out to speak to Tom after a while and gestured for him to follow. “Carmen suffered a ruptured brain aneurysm.” They explained to him. “She’s pulled through only just but we aren’t hoping for more than that. We’ve kept her on support for you to go say your goodbyes if you wish or if you want to keep her on in case she does get better that’s up to you as well.” Her doctor told him and took him through to her room.
Max wiped her eyes and looked up at him but still didn't let go "Why are you here?" She asked softly noticing Tom had left the room

Tom gulped and followed them into the room shaking his head a bit "Carmen.." he whispered taking her hand in his letting a few tears fall "Im so sorry." He said to her thinking over what he should do.
Jon frowned and explained it all to her then sat next to her and rocked her gently trying to soothe her the best he could.

Charlie arrived as soon as his shift at the diner finished and he went straight to the room he’d been given going in and staring at her laying there just turning to glare at Tom. “The fuck did you do to her?!” He yelled shoving him back.
Max frowned more and held onto him "Oh Jon....why can't anything go right? She doesnt deserve this." She whispered looking up at him taking in a shaky breath when she realized how close his face was to hers.

Tom frowned more looking at him shaking his head "I.....Look I fucked up okay? But right now I want to be here and not fight." He muttered turning to look at Carmen again
Jon frowned and coughed awkwardly then pulled back a little but still hugged her tightly trying to soothe her until someone came to speak to her about Michael.

Charlie glared at him. “Get out. I heard what happened now get out. You don’t deserve to be here!” He snapped at him not knowing that Tom knew about everything that had happened between him and carmen and that he was the reason she overdosed on heroin several years ago.
Max turned away but still held him. She got up as a doctor came out to speak with her "What happened?" She asked quietly wiping her eyes as the last of her tears started to fall

Tom glared at him and stood up "Like you have room to fucking talk, I know what you did to her." He spat in a dangerously low tone "Now you either sit here and shut up or get out."
“If you’ll follow me ma’am.... he scraped through. He’s under sedation currently but there was more internal bleeding and it was building pressure on his chest until it stopped his heart but it’s been fixed and now he’s resting.

Carmen started waking up not long after and just in time to see Tom punch Charlie across the face as hard as possible.
Max walked with the doctor and frowned more shaking her head "Will he be okay now?" she asked quietly as they got into the room

Tom growled as Charlie made a snide remark to him which quickly made him loose his already short temper. He swung hitting him as hard as possible not even noticing that Carmen had woken up
Carmen frowned a little just watching them but too weak to do anything while a nurse came in and kicked them both out until she allowed Tom back in. By that point they’d had her a bit more settled and she looked over at him frowning some. “How many ... times do I have... to tell you? ... no hurting Charlie.” She muttered.

He modded and let her in. “He should be but there’s still no guarantee ma’am.” He explained to her then left her to privacy.
Max nodded softly and held Michael's hand hoping that he would pull through this but something felt different, she couldnt figure out what it was though.

Tom frowned and took her hand in his kissing her knuckles gently "He had it coming this time Carmen...I'm sorry." He murmured placing his cheek into the palm of her hand "Im so sorry."
She carefully pulled her hand away and glared at him. “No. No you.... you hurt me.” She slurred and started trying to pull the blood pressure machine off to show him the large gouges in her arm from his fingers. “Why are you not you?” She slurred again trying to become more coherent.

Michael eventually woke up late into the evening and looked over at her frowning some seeing she looked upset. “Hey.... how you doing?” He mumbled tiredly trying to sit up a little.
Tom shook his head some "I dont know." He whispered taking in a deep breath "I thought pulling away would be best, I dont want to loose you Carmen." He whispered

Max looked at him and wiped her eyes "Worried about you, you scared me." She whispered squeezing his hands gently
She frowned staring at him for a short while longer too weak to talk before falling asleep again and Jon walked in passing Tom some coffee. “Talk to me. What the fuck is going on dude? What you did to her.... that’s not the Tom that I know.” He muttered.

He smiled and watched her tiredly. “Mmm can’t get rid of me that easy.” He mumbled. “You doing okay? Hey.... cmere. I think I’m doped up. Can’t feel my ribs. Come cuddle while I’m still pain free.” He mumbled smiling at her.
Tom sipped the coffee shaking his head some "I cant loose her Jon, I think its best I don't be with her to help out. Jon....I fucked up...I got drunk one night and woke up in some one elses bed." He muttered finally saying it to someone

Max smiled and cuddled him gently kissong his cheek "We'll be home soon enough." She whispered stroking his cheek gently before kissing him softly not feeling the spark that used to be there
Jon frowned. “No you can still be with her. You just gotta step up... I’m sorry what did you just say?” He questioned and spit his coffee out, coughing loudly. “You? You cheated?” He muttered. “Oh my god Tom.... you can’t be serious.... you have to tell her.” He muttered.

Michael smiled and watched her tiredly. “I love you. What would I do without you?” He mumbled and kissed her cheek gently.
Max shrugged softly giving a small laugh "Im not sure." She said softly tracing small patterns on his chest

Tom shook his head some "I can't! She would never forgive me and right now I don't need her getting hurt any further." He said taking a deep breath "She won't take me back Jon...look at her. This is because of me."
Jon glared at him some. “And you’re not gonna keep your mouth shut and hurting her even worse once she’s better. When she’s awake enough to know what’s going on. You’re telling her that you slept with someone else. Pull it together Tom.” He spat and left him to it.

He smiled tiredly and watched her. “You sure you’re okay?” He mumbled just watching her and played with her fingers. “You seem.... a little off.” He mumbled.
Tom frowned more and took a deep breath looking back at Carmen as she started to stir a little bit "Hey beautiful." He whispered to her ever so gently

Max nodded some giving a soft smile "Yes I'm okay, just worried about you and opening the studio tomorrow as well." She said softly
She groaned a little and looked over at him. “I don’t feel very good.... am I ever gonna get home now?” She asked him sounding scared and tried to grip at his hand as much as possible.

Michael sighed a little and frowned. “Don’t worry about me love. I’m gonna be okay. Tough as old boots I am.” He winked at her and gave her hand a gentle squeeze.
Max gave a small squeeze and laughed softly noticing Jon pass by "Give me a minute I need to talk with him." She whispered before headinh out "Jon!" She yelled smiling as he stopped instantly and turned to face her.

Tom nodded softly and kissed her cheek "You will babe I promise." He whispered stroking her face gently "Dont worry."
He frowned and looked over st her. “What is it? I’m in shit up to my neck is this important?” He muttered feeling frazzled.

She frowned and watched him. “What happened to you?” She mumbled gently moving away from his touch a little.
Max frowned softly anf shook her head some "Oh no, sorry I was just going to let you know Lana's class is at 4:30 tomorrow." She explained before she turned to let him go cursing herself for getting her hopes up to think they had somewhat settled things.

Tom frowned softly "Im terrified Carmen, so terrified to loose you." He whispered letting her go seeing she didn't want him touching her.
He nodded and thanked her quietly making a mental Note he would speak to Her tomorrow before going home to Lana and getting some dinner on the way.

She shook her head watching him. “No. I know that bit.... what happened?” She asked him trying to be a little firmer this time. Since he’d come home from that night out clubbing he’d been different again.
Lana looked at Jon as he came home and waved a bit "Hi Uncle Jon, did you have a good day?" She asked as she put up her homework.

Tom frowned some shaking his head "Its nothing babe, right now its not important." He explained sighing softly
Carmen grit her teeth and glared at him. “Please. I want to know now. Stop treating me like a child. I deserve to know what happened.” She spat st him getting angry.

He glanced over and smiled some. “Yeah I did alright kiddo. How did school go? Any boys start bothering you?” He asked her chuckling some.

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