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Futuristic Space


made up of opposites


The year is 4014.

You can hear them coming.

You can hear them coming to take you away.

There is a slim chance you will survive.

You don't know what they'll do to you.

You can only hope.

The door slams open. No.. no. You think. Not me.. It couldn't possibly be me..

They storm in. There are least 10 of them. Two grab you by the arms.

"You have been chosen to partake in our research. Say your goodbyes. You aren't coming back."

You struggle in their grip, but it's impossible to break free, and you know it.

Say goodbye to Earth.



Hello, hello. My name's Cloudy. You're probably thinking: WOAH, scary intro there? What the heck is this RP about?

And I will tell you.

This RP is takes place in the future. You are a normal human being that lives in one of the Outer Rings.

Every 5 months, The so-called 'Scientists' that live in the Upper Ring take 10 children from the ages of 11-17 from their homes in the Outer Rings and bring them to the Upper Ring. They are told they are going to partake in their research, but no one has come back to the Outer Rings to tell the tale.

You are one of those children.

While you are at the Upper Ring, they treat you and run some tests on you before going on 'The Mission'. The only thing you know about this is that it's not on earth. You spend 3 days in the Upper Ring before leaving. There is a very, very small chance you will be able to escape. And you will be punished severely if you get caught.

Can you survive 'The Mission"? Will you make it back alive? If you do, I promise you you'll never be the same.


This is just an interest check. I can reserve spots for you if you want. As the RP says though, only 10 children. If all the spots are filled up, you can play as a researcher. Maximum 2 characters per person, only one 'sacrifice' per person.

So. You guys like this idea? Please post your comments and such C: And feel free to ask any questions.


Reserved Spots

@Snowflake09 - Female

@Chris Wyman

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Alright- I'm very interested, however I have a few questions:

One: what have the "scientists" done to the children, have they modified them in any way-if so how?

Two: Can you describe a little bit about what goes on during "The Mission".

Three: In what setting would the role play take place?

Also I enjoyed the intro- although brief, it immediately grasped my attention and made me want to know more.
Oh, how interesting~

Like Wisper, I am also curious as to what they do to these children in the 3 days on the Upper Ring.
Cool, cool :D Let me answer those questions:

One: So basically, "The Mission' is in space. They modify the children to be able to live in space, so basically implant them with things that make them able to survive. They're cruel, and don't care if they're hurting you.

Two: As said before, "The Mission" Is taking children and throwing them into space. They send you to live there and monitor you and test you. They take you to other planets to live with other sacrifices they've taken and see how you adapt.

Three: Well, the Upper Ring and the Outer Rings are like rich people and poor people. There's really no in between. You basically start out in the Outer Ring, then are taken to the Upper Ring, then to space on "The Mission". It changes.

I hope that answered your questions. C:

@The Doorman @oOVacatedWisperOo
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Hmm, well, I hope this gathers more interest~

What type of rp?

Thread or Forum?

Just curious~
Ooh! I should probably say that, yes, be a dear and hold a spot for me...

And hello there, Ice!

See you and Kira around quite a bit!
Everybody's spots have been reserved :D Thank you for your interest!

@oOVacatedWisperOo I imagined the kids being humans with a little alien implants so they can survive. So, yes, but no magical powers or stuff like that. Just think of some things aliens would have; like, I don't know, an extra finger, funny antennas, special lungs or something.
Haha yes xD That's be kind of suckish, I was thinking just like 6 fingers but I don't know what you twisted minds are thinking xD
*wow, much manly giggles*

I just think it'd be funny, some 3-eyed wonder with six thumbs, 3 on each hand, and really awkward antennae coming out of the back of his head xD

This is what I imagine when I'm sick, wtf.
We'll wait for one more person and then I'll start making the thread/forum.

Still don't know which one to use. What do you guys think?

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