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Fandom Soul Eater: The Perfect Order

Um, I was waiting for my character's partners to step in before making any decisions to which of the three scenarios we should take.

I just didn't want to make the decision for
@The Suspicious Eye, they should voice their opinion too. After all, this is a partnership!
Mine said:
Um, I was waiting for my character's partners to step in before making any decisions to which of the three scenarios we should take.
I just didn't want to make the decision for
@The Suspicious Eye, they should voice their opinion too. After all, this is a partnership!
Agreed. Waiting for a partner is ok; however, if it gets close to two weeks since your last post though, then you will be hearing from me and it would be ok to move forward without your partner.
Yes I caught up! Muhahahahaa! Aiko is going to behave herself and stay by Erica though unless she has to do something to defend Erica or possible if she feels she has to step up to save something. Aiko might like the idea of jumping in (even if its weaponless) but she ain't no abandoner of a friend in need *puts on her Kool Kid Bestest of Best Friends glasses* xD
[QUOTE="T h e F o o l]You are so mean to Kassana xD

That's because I have so many plans for her. Her epic and initial depression upon learning about her own condition is necessary for her future awesomeness. Because eventually everyone will be jealous of the fantastic weapon that Vanille calls her partner....
Phineas Forge] [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/13833-daughterofathena/ said:
Speaking of the Overview roster, my character's name is Samuel Stephens.
Fixed! I'm sorry about that. I don't know where that came from to be quite honest.
'sall good... I think the relatively long Given name part of my sheet may have thrown you. Normally a paragraph isn't necessary for a name.
@DaughterofAthena Gahahahaha! I wasn't reading any of the other sheets until you pointed that out. Everything down to their medical conditions are on the other end of the spectrum.
DaughterofAthena said:
That's because I have so many plans for her. Her epic and initial depression upon learning about her own condition is necessary for her future awesomeness. Because eventually everyone will be jealous of the fantastic weapon that Vanille calls her partner....
Yes, because everyone is terrified of a Slingshot -no sarcasm-
@Arkytior Your not suppose to quote yourself without any context... it makes you look silly trying to hype up your own post. *hands you some 'diss' noodles* Oooooooooooo! xD
I wasn't about to retype that. Especially when the context was right above that repost.
I'm not sure of who to direct this so....

Does everyone have a partner yet? Or is there still people without, say....a Weapon?
Mine said:
I'm not sure of who to direct this so....
Does everyone have a partner yet? Or is there still people without, say....a Weapon?
Currently the character submitted by @simj22 would be weaponless. There are a few more people who peeked in who were looking for partners. I don't know if they are still around... And Hashitan Lace needs a new meister @TheWeirdPhilosopher
DaughterofAthena said:
Currently the character submitted by @simj22 would be weaponless. There are a few more people who peeked in who were looking for partners. I don't know if they are still around... And Hashitan Lace needs a new meister @TheWeirdPhilosopher
Alright, thank you, this will make it a bit easier for me to say this.

I apologize deeply, especially to
@The Suspicious Eye...but I can't continue on this group.

It's selfish of me to leave, I know, but...I'll be honest, I feel as if I'm no..."good enough". Like every reply is an assignment for me. Everyone is great here, don't get me wrong, the roleplay is fun, the characters are all different and interesting but...I just don't fit in this group. That's what I honestly feel like.

I guess Soul Eater really isn't a type of roleplay for me, since this is not the first time this happened, believe me.

Once again, I apologize deeply and thank you for everything.
[QUOTE="The Suspicious Eye]

As of now Tao and Tora are partnerless dual weapons until a new meister comes around that's a good fit for them.

Alright? Alright.​

Good luck finding a new meister!

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