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Fandom Soul Eater: The Perfect Order

DaughterofAthena said:
I have 2 tests today that I am not looking forward to although one of them is open note. I also have to start working on a paper sometime soon so I'm procrastinating on that.
I wish you good luck!

And yeah, I can relate to that, especially when it comes to group paper when no one in there gives a crap about it.
@DaughterofAthena[/URL], did Yunn drop out?
Players who have not posted for 2 weeks are messaged and given 4 days beyond that to post or notify the mod team of why they are unable to post. Failure to do one of the two will result in their character's withdrawal from the DWMA.

If the player should later wish to return, it will be discussed on a case by case system with the player and our moderator team.
AnnoDomini said:
It's boring here at college, and I'm hungover from last night. How you all doing ?
I have a lab today which I am not looking forward to, but once that is done, my afternoon is free for the most part.
[QUOTE="The Suspicious Eye]I have all day to cram for a math test and I have the Flu. Yaaaaaaaayyyy (BU)

That doesn't sound fun...

Good luck, though!
DaughterofAthena said:
Players who have not posted for 2 weeks are messaged and given 4 days beyond that to post or notify the mod team of why they are unable to post. Failure to do one of the two will result in their character's withdrawal from the DWMA.
If the player should later wish to return, it will be discussed on a case by case system with the player and our moderator team.
So then, what do the partners of said players do? As that leaves them without a partner for that period of time.
SummerWolf said:
So then, what do the partners of said players do? As that leaves them without a partner for that period of time.
We are working on that. For now, they are able to partner up with another person should there be another person who is partnerless although if there is no available partner, then for now they are partnerless.

Again, we are working on a way to alleviate this problem and hopefully we will have something before it becomes a more prevalent issue.
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