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Fandom Soul Eater: The Perfect Order

AnnoDomini said:
It's 5 pm here. But good morning nonetheless everyone.
I suppose I should say "Good day!" then. That works.... unless someone comes in and says it is night time where they are. Hmm... timezones are annoying.
Hello. Thank you. Just wanted to pop in quickly. School day is almost over, so I probably will start working on my second character when I get home. I haven't had much time this weekend due to festivities...
Refaulted said:
Hello. Thank you. Just wanted to pop in quickly. School day is almost over, so I probably will start working on my second character when I get home. I haven't had much time this weekend due to festivities...
Sounds good!
Cephalo said:
@Arkytior and I should be getting a post in sometime later today!
"Should" is the word that you should be focusing on.
I will tell the work I need to do for my AP Lit teacher screw you just so we finish this post

Like I'm on my way home. I should be there and ready to write by four
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I'm really curious to see what people think of Jessyka when I get to start rping her... I know I'll have to wait until next weekend, but that doesn't mean I can't be excited!
Okay so I've been watching a horror game for the last hour or so and it stressed me out so much while I was doing my homework that I go an eye twitch, and my eyelid would not stop pulsating until now xD
So now that Sam has been accepted... what's the best way to jump into this thing?

PS Brownie points to anyone that gets the reference of my character...
Phineas Forge]So now that Sam has been accepted... what's the best way to jump into this thing? PS Brownie points to anyone that gets the reference of my character... [/QUOTE] I would suggest doing something similar to what [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/15143-violet-obsidian/ said:
@Violet Obsidian[/URL] did with Warren. For some reason your character is late to school so they just kind of walk in on all the chaos with absolutely no clue as to what is actually going on.
[QUOTE="Phineas Forge]So now that Sam has been accepted... what's the best way to jump into this thing?
PS Brownie points to anyone that gets the reference of my character...

If you want to PM me, we can work out a post that works with where Deyrn is now? Or do you want to mess around on your own a bit before we work towards being partners?
Mine said:
Hello ~ !
And why yes, relatively better today since tests are over for now.

What about you?
I have 2 tests today that I am not looking forward to although one of them is open note. I also have to start working on a paper sometime soon so I'm procrastinating on that.

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