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Fantasy Sometimes change matters (idea and Tsutarji)

(While it's true that this roleplay hasn't been really up to my usual standards, I am not going to leave without telling, at least not if I can help it (there are cases where out of distraction I forget to get back to something)).

"But I... I don't want to be a girl!!" I pouters knowing no matter what I said, I was already defeated. I gulped, hard, as Ash told me to go check her closet. My hands were shaking as they took the handles, and for a moment it was like my mind blacked out as I stared in awe at the outfits. My body didn't even feel like my own as my hands reached out to grab a few and just take a feel, spreading them around the room in a strangely clean and orderly fashion. It was more like a shuffling through pieces for the right tool than someone just not bothering to bring their shirt all the way across the room.

Finally, I fully came to my senses in a frilly skirt and a t-shirt. At least my body hasn't forced me to switch from my boxers into panties, but that was probably because I wasn't thinking of underwear before, and I couldn't start now.

"Do we...have to go to the mall like this?"

Tsutarji Tsutarji
Ash watched her go though her cloest looking at her different kind of her clothing. As The new girl complained about being a girl. Ash took out her phone and took a picture if her as she was looking at the different clothing. She sighed as she changed Dansa contact picture before putting the phone up. She noticed what she choose and she smiled happily " awe that looks cute...you wanna go change in the bathroom " she asked

After a brief moment of silence " yes sorry but dont worry you look cute in it...ill try to keep guys from hitting on you.." She closed her eyes letting her change if she wanted
Idea Idea
I nodded and trembled my way to the bathroom. There was a sweet scent in the air, one that tickled my fancy from multiple angles. On one hand, the scent was really sweet, noticeable perfume and wild flowers that made a most sublime combination. On the other hand, there were still traces of the scent of a showering girl. I shook my head. Just those thoughts alone would make me seem like a pervert... In so many ways in fact!

But it took one look at the mirror for me to realize pervertness may have sensed being a choice for me.


I came out of the bathroom with a lazily put on shirt and a backwards skirt. My hair was all stringed out in every direction over how much I struggled to dress myself with my eyes closed while avoiding contact with my own body as much as possible.

And yet, Ash still wanted to go to the mall.

"Don't you get it! I don't wanna be cute! I don't wanna... at all..." I couldn't deny there was SOME appeal to the idea, but as a man, you know...

Tsutarji Tsutarji
Ash watched her as she walked into the bathroom to change. She sighed before looking at her thur the crack in the almost shut door. Shes doing a horrible job. .she looks like she meant to do this she thought as she stood up from the spot where she was watching her. She walked over to her bed and waited on her.

After a while of waiting she finally came out and looking like a hot mess. Ash got up and grabbed her arm and pulled her back into the bathroom. She was not gonna let her friend go to the mall looking like this. She quickly took of her shirt and skirt then she began to help her put them on correctly. After she finished this task , she started to fix her hair. She smiled softly " there all pretty looking and yes we are going because im gonna buy you new clothes"
"H-hey what are you doing?" While my blush remained strong, I found myself unable to even lightly overpower Ash. Not only had my body changed into this form, but I who once towered over and could easily outmatch Ash, now was a girly girl with physical attributes to match! What a curse, what a curse!

As such, I ended up getting dressed by my friend like I was some doll for her to play with. And now she wanted to go buy me new clothes.

"Ah fine. I guess at least I'll be able to buy some more manly clothes that fit me." I conceded.

Tsutarji Tsutarji
Ash smiled as she watched her reaction to her dolling her up. She enjoyed being able to over power him now. It was almost like she was in control of her best friend in a way. In a way it was a curse but also a gift if she see it that way. Maybe in the future she'll like being a girly girl. Who knows theres a lot to come and go before that time happens.

"Oh i guess but im buying you girly clothes because your a girl but ill let you pick out a few normal t shirts and jeans if you want" Ash explained to her what she was planning to buy today.

Ash then took her hand walked out to the car and let her get in. Then they drove off to the mall.

Idea Idea
I couldn't help it but bury my face in my hands at her comment about buying me girly clothes. To just imagine myself in a big frilly dress or a fashionable skirt and a bluse... actually that didn't look so ba-


"Please have mercy." I begged, but I was unsurprisingly quickly taken away by my friend, unable to really offer any significant resistance to being led outside. At that point I just wanted to hide so I actually took the offer to get in the car, despite knowing full well we were going to an even more public place. She wouldn't let me just stay in the car, I suspected. Maybe there was some way to cut a deal? I knew what she would want, my friend, that hand- that idol that was good with the ladies. Maybe there would be some way to use that to get her to treat me more like a boy again? While I was still thinking about this, we arrived at the mall.

The place was huge. White walls with eletric lights turned on 24/7, always at the ready. It was marvel of modern technology in many respects with fancy elevators everywhere and pristine stores with barely visible security cameras. The whole place was pristine in fact with clean white walls and one could pratically see their reflection on the floor. Which was probably the only reason why I kept my chin held high as I entered.

Tsutarji Tsutarji
Ash looked at her once she got in the car then she had started to drive thriw the mall. On the way there she started to talk " ok if it makes you feel better ill like you pick out a few girly clothes and ill pick the rest " she said as neared the mall . " i promise ill just pick out t-shirt and jeans or skirts.

Ash parked in the parklot closest to the front doors then she smiles getting out of the car. Truth to be told she knew that model was at the mall today. She wanted to see him and try to actually talk to him. " hey Dansa ...hmm if you help with that buddy of yours...ill see if i can try find a antidote or try to help fix your life as a girl" she said as they walked into the mall.
Idea Idea
While I didn't want to, I agreed with a nod. If she was picking boyish clothes for me, and I was the only one who would pick girly ones, at least then I would be able to pick ones that weren't as flashy or as numerous. Still, even if I knew Ash was something of a easer, I never thought she would be quite to this extent. It was almost nefarious, like she was enjoying this way more than she let on. I soon came to find out one potential reason.

"Help you with my bud- You don't mean... You want me to hook you up with him? Weren't you going to help me out either way? Ash, that's so cruel..." I could almost feel tears in my eyes, but before she had a chance to respond, I nodded once again, clenching my fists. "Alright, you know what? I'll do it. I'll get the two of you together. In return, please help me get on my feet and more importantly, help me go back to being a guy!"

Tsutarji Tsutarji
As you yell those words in the middle of the mall. Well you get alot of stares and people just looking confused. Ash quickly hugged you then she looked into your eyes " Ok now how are you gonna do that...do you even remember where he is in this place today?" She asked happily before she and you walked into a womans clothes shop. There were women all around buying clothes and stuff.

In this store , there was many girly clothes and female underwear. You start to feel the urge to buy all the cute stuff and be girly. Ash smiles as she looks around before picking up a T-shirt "hey Dansa ok so how this t-shirt ...it says helped I've been Tged " she laughed showing her the pink and black shirt.
Idea Idea
(OOC: well, the character wasn't really yelling, but I'll go along with it. Also, I would appreciate it if you could not use sentences like "you start to feel", as while you were correct this time it really comes off as trying to control my character.)

After the shouts I pretty much went silent. I couldn't believe I just yelling something like that! My face was beet red as I accompanied my best friend through the mall towards the woman's clothes shop. I didn't want to look up at first , but as soon as I did, I was marveled by the huge selection the store offered. My gaze found itself drawn to the frilly skirts and the cute school uniforms. My feet would soon follow suit, taking me to that place and feeling the fabric with my hands in marvel.

"Are girl's clothes always like this. They're so soft and cute." My muttering was interrupted by my friend calling out to me, displaying a t-shirt reading...something. "What's TGed?"

Tsutarji Tsutarji

(PS: sorry about the delay!)
(Occ: I'm sorry i should have fixed that post a long time ago but i forgot about due to school and a lot of papers i've been having to do)

Ash looked at you then she shook her head slightly before following her into the clothing shop then she she looked around at the shop with her before she giggles at her friend as she looks at the women's clothing. it kind of made her want to go up to her and force her to wear a dress for the day but she wasn't gonna do that to her best friend just yet. When She asked about the girl clothing always so cute and soft. Ash nodded before answering.

" Yeah they are. most of the dresses and stuff like skirts and t-shirts are really soft and cute" Ash said as she looked at the shirt then she smirked " Oh Tged is when a guy becomes a girl or when a girl becomes a guy. Well i guess this shirt matches you" Ash winked then pet her head gently "I hope your buddy doesn't try hitting on you because if he does...i'll protect you from him" she said smiling at her before she hugged her gently "your so adorable" she whispered before she smiled " come on lets find you some clothes" she held her hand in her own

Idea Idea

(PS: Its fine Idea)

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