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Just because something is edgy doesn't mean it can't also be corny.

Tryhard edge tends to blur the line between chuuni and camp. Regardless, Amazons is marketed towards a mature audience with its darker storytelling and goretastic special effects - it's literally a darker and edgier reboot of Amazon thanks to the de-saturated color filter.
Tryhard edge tends to blur the line between chuuni and camp. Regardless, Amazons is marketed towards a mature audience with its darker storytelling and goretastic special effects - it's literally a darker and edgier reboot of Amazon thanks to the de-saturated color filter.
You see in my experience that generally makes it more corny (cornier?) not less.
Around the cusp to being back people. Imagine this is my face; I've been waiting.

Refaulted Refaulted
You just might. It's up to you my friend whether you want or not to go.

GasMaskie GasMaskie
This is wonderful. Third best news I've had all day. And I like GBF. A lot. Many thanks.

That video was epic. That is the kind of scene I want to write. That's me. That's everything I love.

Lucem Lucem
Did you say what engine it was running on? LOL.

clarinetti clarinetti
When you post, do not tag Tanya Degurechaff. If they ask you why, let them know because I asked you not to.
Around the cusp to being back people. Imagine this is my face; I've been waiting.

Refaulted Refaulted
You just might. It's up to you my friend whether you want or not to go.

GasMaskie GasMaskie
This is wonderful. Third best news I've had all day. And I like GBF. A lot. Many thanks.

That video was epic. That is the kind of scene I want to write. That's me. That's everything I love.

Lucem Lucem
Did you say what engine it was running on? LOL.

clarinetti clarinetti
When you post, do not tag Tanya Degurechaff. If they ask you why, let them know because I asked you not to.
Lucem Lucem

Dead friends are the best power-up.
I suppose this is the only choice for a rider when their bike dies. They become their own.

I'd like to see more designs that are combinations of the Level 1 forms. Was a release date announced with the trailer for the Lazer special?
I suppose this is the only choice for a rider when their bike dies. They become their own.

I'd like to see more designs that are combinations of the Level 1 forms. Was a release date announced with the trailer for the Lazer special?

According to the wiki, it's getting released on the 28. It'll probably take a while for a quality rip to show up though.
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GasMaskie GasMaskie
Are you pulling my leg or no? I can't tell if you're serious or not. I meant your second post again to K(atsura). Not the O(ut)O(f)C(hat).
That was just dialogue - I figured that something that didn't advance the story but at least showed off some character traits would be alright since we're still waiting for the story to advance.
Define vang: either of two ropes extending from the peak of a gaff to steady it when the sail is not set.

And understood. It was nice, don't get me wrong, I just thought you were telling me to set up a fight =P.
IG42 IG42
Very good mister42. Pitch perfect; I like it. You have grown my friend. As for JinX, it looks like Gimbal will have some competition. There are about 4 guys by my count in the race. It makes it hard to draw out a correct map for ships, but it's slowly piecing itself together. I am pleased.
IG42 IG42
Very good mister42. Pitch perfect; I like it. You have grown my friend. As for JinX, it looks like Gimbal will have some competition. There are about 4 guys by my count in the race. It makes it hard to draw out a correct map for ships, but it's slowly piecing itself together. I am pleased.
You are most kind.
White Masquerade White Masquerade

This is what true art sounds like - sweet ambrosia to the ears. This is the absolute pinnacle of human culture, this is what history has led up to. Bask in its magnificence and listen to the tale of a pissed off frog beating the shit out of a vampire.

Summary from 4chan, takes place before the time skip in the actual novel. Concetta is an OC.

Chaldea Ace #1 drama CD summary

Chapter 2: October 1837. Concetta narrates that this is the story of the Count of Monte Cristo's other revenge. Angelo Braga calls on Edmond in his home. Haidee warns Edmond that he should not have brought Angelo here, but Edmond tells her to go away, as it is not yet time for the two of them to meet. When Concetta comes to his room to tell him that Angelo has arrived, he's alone. Concetta asks if he was talking to someone, and he says that it was just a phantom.

Chapter 3: Edmond and Angelo talk over dinner. Edmond had apparently been sniffing around the church and Angelo is here for him, and the location of the treasure of Monte Cristo. Edmond reveals how he was taught by Faria and calls him his second father, and also reveals that this was a trap for Angelo, one of the Three Wise Men who got Faria locked up. The food is poisoned and Angelo has taken a lethal dose. It doesn't work because of his special church training and he attacks Edmond. They fight a bit (Edmond with a pistol) and Edmond can't scratch him, so he has Concetta activate a trap which blows Angelo up along with the mansion; Angelo does barely survive but Edmond finishes him off with a black key.

Chapter 4: October 1837. The count moves to Rome to continue his plot. The target is a cardinal. It's mentioned that Concetta is Giovanni's cousin. They plan to draw the cardinal in with money.

Chapter 5: One of Edmond's informants, one of many he has all over Europe, is killed. The killing was thought to be by bandits or pirates, but Concetta narrates that it "went over the line".

The scene cuts to Tarantella interrogating a man. Tarantella talks about the role of the Eight Sacrament Association he's from: He doesn't expect to find any sacred artifacts in the man's home, but there's someone on the loose who was trained by a heretic who used holy relics for his own gains, and is targeting a cardinal, and so he has to do his job here. The man notices blood on Tarantella's hands, and Tarantella says it's his daughter's blood, or was it his wife? Either way he will end up the same.

Concetta narrates that the second set of killings was of a man who started an investment company in Spain, and his wife and 5-year-old daughter. Edmond's group are the only ones who realise that these killings are connected, as the man who was killed was related to Morrel. The killings continue, and some of the corpses are left without a drop of blood.

Chapter 6: Edmond is sure that the killings are the doing of the last of the Three Wise Men and is mad. The killer left behind a message by spelling out a word, letter by letter, with the organs of his victims: Tarantella. Edmond wonders if this is how the church works, or if Tarantella is just crazy, and if this is vengeance for Angelo, or if he's just playing around with people's lives. Either way he's mad, and drinks more of "the elixir". He tells Concetta to prepare, and she narrates that the counterattack began. They started by spreading information that the Count of Monte Cristo would be holding a huge party as bait, and they rent the Villa Medici for this purpose.

Chapter 7: Haidee warns Edmond that this is way too dangerous. She wants him to live, and says that Faria would have wanted the same. Edmond says nobody knows what the dead want, and all he's doing is ridding himself of his own sorrows. Haidee wishes she could heal him of his sorrows, but Edmond just tells her to begone, and to wait for him on the other side beyond love and hate.

Tarantella shows up and there's nobody else at the "party" besides him. He recognises the count by his white hair. Tarantella says that Faria turned his back on the church saying that he wanted to save all life. Edmond says that those are the church's teachings, but Tarantella says that's just the church's front, and the truth is different. Edmond says that they're a bunch of heretics, bloodstained murderers who themselves turned their backs on the messiah and the prophets, and activates a trap which fires spears at Tarantella, and then a trap which binds him with chains made to subdue tigers. Tarantella breaks out easily. Edmond shoots him in the forehead and starts laughing but Tarantella gets back up and pulls out the spears.
Tarantella uses a white light that burns Edmond and defeats him instantly, but doesn't kill him because he still needs to interrogate him. Edmond asks if the church is all monsters, and Tarantella says that not all members have power. The cardinal is a weak human for example, who isn't even an executor- an inquisitor, who represents the will of god- like Angelo or Tarantella. Edmond is enraged by the claim that they're doing god's work and gets up again, blocking Tarantella's vision with his coat and stabbing him in the heart with a knife. Tarantella says that he's not just an executor, and asks where Faria's treasure is while hitting Edmond with more magecraft. Edmond says that there is no treasure. Tarantella observes that Edmond doesn't fear death, or pain, or damage to his body, thinking that time in the chateau made him strong, and says that he'll have Edmond recall what pain is like by destroying one of his belongings, and leaves. Edmond regrets listening to Ali and Concetta and not using explosives in the traps. Haidee calls out to him and asks her to give him more power. She says he already has it within him.

Chapter 8: Concetta is worried. She and Ali wanted to fight alongside Edmond but he refused, and Ali was sent back to Paris while Concetta waits at the inn. Tarantella shows up at the inn and enters her room. She shoots him in the heart but he heals immediately, so she goes after him with a knife going for the throat, but he doesn't take any damage and kills her.

Chapter 9: Tarantella finishes sucking Concetta dry just as Edmond arrives. Edmond realises that he's a vampire. Tarantella says that he's not a vampire, and reveals his true name as Mikhael Roa Balldamnjohn.

Faria narrates about dead apostles and Roa, and says that he wasn't able to tell Edmond about this because Roa put a curse on him. Faria also mentions that he left Edmond "the treasure of darkness", he stole from the church, that would one day help Edmond out when he one day faces a non-human enemy that he would lose to- The treasure of Monte Cristo, which has the power to remake a person.

Edmond laughs and says it doesn't matter what Roa is, and that he, and not Roa, represents god's will, and starts burning with black fire. He immediately understands how it works, and how it's a weapon for him to burn his enemies, and quotes the bible saying "vengeance is mine". Roa recognises the black fire as the Monte Cristo Mythology, a legend hidden in the mountain of Christ, the despair of those without god, the flames of hell and the void, power equal to that from the age of mythology, which forces a magic circuit and magic crest into the user.

Edmond tells him to shut up and blasts him through the hotel's wall. Roa runs, Edmond flies after him, and they fight in the air. Roa uses the moves of multiple reincarnations, including the curses of the seventh and the barriers of the fourth. Edmond just gets madder and calls upon the fire of vengeance to eat his soul and turn to a black flame, breaking the barrier imprisoning him, and he grabs and burns Roa while laughing, declaring that they'll just have to see whose soul is incinerated first. Roa doesn't believe that there's such a thing as a fire that can burn souls, but Edmond says that this fire can. Roa can't heal and Edmond asks him to just try and pretend to be the messiah in front of god again. Roa says "bakana bakana bakana bakana bakana bakanaaaa" and starts to say that he can just reincarnate even if his body is destroyed, but is cut off when Edmond laughs at him and spouts his victory lines from FGO.

Chapter 10: By the time he realises it, Edmond is standing alone. Nothing is left of Roa but cinders. He feels something vanishing from his body, and believes that that's the treasure of Monte Cristo, and realises that he was saved by Faria again. His body will never be enveloped in black flames again, not unless he's someday reborn as something as inhuman as a vampire. He prays for Concetta to watch over his vengeance. He heads for the cathedral and is stopped by a guard, who demands to know who he is. He laughs and says that the Count of Monte Cristo has come for the cardinal.

Chapter 11: Haidee narrates that some time later the cardinal lost his position, and that it's unknown if Edmond killed him. Either way, his vengeance in Rome was over; But this is only the tale of the vengeance for Faria, the other vengeance, and so this is not the end but the beginning of the Count of Monte Cristo's story of vengeance in Paris.
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