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(I know that no one is interested, but I’ll start anyway)

The day had finally come. The day they hoped to never see but had always been prepared for. Laying one of their beloved heroes to rest. That day, October 12, 2091, was Superman’s funeral.

People milled about aimlessly, trying to forget about the tragedy. They walked around as if at a party. At least, those who wished to be seen.

Dylan and Anderson each had one of River’s arms slung over their shoulders. Viola picked underneath her black painted nails, a nervous tick of hers. They couldn’t afford to be seen, not when the only adult in the ‘family’ was passed out. “Jeez, he barely weighs anything at all.” Anderson said in partial shock. It was true, their ‘older brother’ was feather-light. Stupid powers, Dylan thought to herself.

She looked around. “Okay, it’s clear now. Let’s move. Viola, get those security guards distracted.” she motioned for the other girl to use her ‘gifts’. Viola rolled her eyes and walked over to the uniformed officers.

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