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Fandom So Ya Want to be a Master?

"Honestly I don't know what kind of pokemon I was other than I was still standing on only two feet. I couldn't see my face. I don't....remember."

Looking over to the tub as Cynthia is doing her laps he kneels down next to the tub and pets the Vaporeon as she passes by his hand during her laps. He can't help but to smile at the innocence in her actions. It's like watching a small child play during bath time.
"I see. Well, I am sorry you did not rest pleasantly. I shall endeavor to ensure you have a more pleasant experience this evening."

Cynthia is very happy to see you. The light in her eyes shows she's starting to put some pieces back together again, albeit slowly.

"I wonder if she can stand...I am concerned we are losing time, however. Whatever plans Team Rocket constructs have more time to execute the longer we wait. Perhaps...perhaps it would be wise...if I were to scope out ahead and do some predictive research?"

Charlie leans back a bit anxiously.
"It's not your fault and I'm kind of nervous to see what you mean by that statement Charlie," he states before standing from the tub.

Thinking about her proposed idea of reconnaissance he ponders for a few moments before turning back to her.

"I'd say that my excursions with Cynthia are helping me to gain mastery over my newly attained psychic abilities rather quickly and they have no idea that I have said abilities. If we can get you and the team stronger while I finish what I started with Cynthia we could possibly still stand a chance against them. As for you going ahead on your own do you think you could maintain a safe distance where you won't be noticed? You are a pokemon after all now. If you go off wandering by yourself people might try to capture you thinking your wild and you will draw quite a bit of attention."

Folding his arms akimbo he looks down at the floor for a few more moments before returning his eyes to hers.

"That being said I think that we could use some recon on our enemy. Since our last trip into the belly of the beast they might have changed the password at the gaming corner. They could have upped their security as well and changed up their routines. All of this would be useful information to have before we go attempting to reinfiltrate the base."
"Well, by the statement I simply meant I would try to connect with you and help you in your dream. While I admit my shiny coloring makes me stand out in a crowd...and that I am rare enough to be a 'find,' I imagine we could...make a disguise of sorts? Dress me as a service Pokemon or delivery Pokemon, maybe? That way I can get close to the situation and come back with some new data. If I get near the game room I can begin reading the thoughts of the Pokemon and people nearby. Given some time to probe I bet I could gain some useful information."

She glances around the room, then begins to spin around gracefully.

"What if I was a trained dancing Pokemon? I bet I could do that -- be the entertainment at the Game Room and no one would even think about it. What do you say to that?"

Cynthia chuckles.
"I would prefer it if you didn't have to enter the building. I just have a bad feeling about this. I know we removed your programming so the codewords like starlight and the others shouldn't work anymore if they did spot you but for all we know Team Rocket still might have a way to capture you against your will like a machine that can steal other trainers' pokemon or something. I don't want you to ever have to live through the horror of being at their mercy again."

Cupping her cheek in his hand he pets it with his thumb as he looks into her eyes concerningly.

"Even if we could just dress you in human clothing people might think you're just a kid since you're shorter in this form."
"Then...how about if...if I pretend to be a machine? You know, like a mechanical Pokemon? I've seen them in museums -- they used to be there to promote carnivals and events and such. All we'd need to do is paint my face and strap a box to my back so it looked like I had an engine, attach an ad for something to the front of my body, and there you are! Mechanical advertisement. If I attracted any attention it wouldn't be the kind that got me captured...and I can stream a live feed from my brain so you know what I'm seeing. How's that?"

She begins glancing around the room, looking for materials to help with her disguise. Cynthia begins to splash around a bit more before dissolving into bubbles again.

Her nature is pretty perky, that's for sure.
"It could potentially work but I'm still a little uneasy about this. We've already had so much bad happen on our journey together. The last thing I would ever want is for you to get captured Charlie. God knows what they would do to you if they got their hands on you again. I can't bare the thought of that."

Looking concerningly into her eyes he pulls her to a stop by putting a hand on either of her shoulders.

"I might lose my cool again to the point that I might do something I regret greatly for the rest of my life Char. You remember how I flipped out last time right? Imagine it 100 fold but add psychic powers to my rampage."
"I--I understand. But...if we're going to win this fight, we're going to have to take some risks, right? Otherwise neither of us will grow. We can't hope to prevent every bad thing from happening -- we just need to do our best and hope for the best. The final decision is yours, and if you have another idea I will of course gladly listen. I don't wish for the darkness in your heart to manifest itself so...violently. So...what would you have me do?"

The two of you are interrupted by a knock at the door. "Mail call!"
"I understand that we will have to take some risks. I've been doing my best and I'm certain that you and the others have been as well. I couldn't ask for any more from any of you."

Hearing the knock at the door and the voice say mail call he looked through the peep hole of the door. Who would be sending them mail? Noone knew where they were and he didn't have any family to be sending him messages. Not being able to positively identify the person at the door he leaves the chain lock on the door and only opens it to the point it's ajar and he could peek out the door to see the person more clearly.
"Are you Kyle?" asks a uniformed person with a Raichu. "I have a package for you from Professor Oak."

At those words Charlie brightens. "Perhaps he has new information or hardware for us to test!"

Cynthia, meanwhile, has begun splashing around in the tub -- apparently so much so that the water is trailing into the room.

"Oh, Cynthia...calm down, sweetie!"

An excited squeak is the only response.
Eyeballing the delivery person up and down he responds, "I am Kyle. Thank you," before he takes the package off of the deliverer.

Turning to Charlie he sees she's disappeared into the bathroom to calm down Cynthia who had begun to test her ability to move the water from the tub out onto the floor of the room. Chuckling nervously he turns back to the delivery person.

"Thanks for the delivery. I better go take care of this," he adds before closing the door and making his own way to the bathroom to try and help calm Cynthia down.
Cynthia is still splashing around and throwing water all over the floor despite Charlie's efforts. It takes a few minutes for you both to calm her down. It's a little hard on Charlie, who's used to her Vaporeon splashing less and speaking more, but she still keeps up the smile.

"So energetic -- you'll be back to your old self in no time!"

Cynthia nods and squeaks.

"What did the professor send us?" Charlie nods towards the box. "I can't see inside."
Finally getting Cynthia to calm down he sighs.

"She really is like having a child. Guess that makes you momma," he states aloud, looking at Charlie.

When she mentions the package and not being able to see inside he gets a little leery again. Why would the professors send them a gift in packaging that they couldn't see through.

"You're going to have to teach me that trick one of these days. I haven't opened it yet but you stay in here with Cynthia for the moment. I'll go and open it. Why would the professors put it in wrapping that we can't see through? Makes me suspicious."
Charlie smiles a bit at your joke, then frowns at the box.

"Perhaps the contents are meant to be secure? Or maybe they didn't want prying psychic eyes to see it before you did. Good luck." She waits with her friend as you exit the room.

The package is small, but rather heavy, with thick paper wrapping. The return address is Oak's Laboratory, but there's no card attached.

As you consider it you can hear the Pokemon playing and giggling. Seems that Cynthia is a little sillier now, but perhaps it's good for her. Now...about the box...
"It's unusually heavy for such a small thing," he mutters to himself as he inspects it.

Suspecting an explosive of some time it is too small to be a self-destructing pokemon but he checks to see if it could be a homemade bomb by the rockets by listening to it to see if he hears ticking. He also smells it to determine if there are any strange odors emanating from it, which could signify that there are chemicals inside that could be explosive or poisonous. Not hearing ticking or smelling anything out of the ordinary he begins ripping off the packaging and opens it.
Inside is a hard drive, with a note attached.

Hello, Kyle. I hope this note finds you well. I wanted to send you this, because I think you may find it important. After some research and a bit of hacking, I was able to break into Team Rocket's database and copy the information regarding everything done to Charlie and Cynthia. I am still analyzing it, but wanted you to have a copy as well. I encrypted it, so you will need to use your name and birthday to decrypt it. Some of the details are likely a bit disturbing -- and they themselves will not be aware of them -- but the files are complete and will give you all the info on your newly acquired Pokemon.

I wish you both the best of luck in your attempt to take down Team Rocket.

Be safe and well. Enjoy your adventure -- and make us proud. Safe travels!

-Professor Oak
Reading the note he crumbles it up and pulls out the hard drive. Turning back to Charlie who is still in the bathroom with Cynthia he calls to her.

"Charlie? Did you have a laptop? I could really use a computer right now."

Looking down at the hard drive he gripped it tightly in his hand like it was a precious jewel that he would have to protect with his life.

"Thank you Professor," he muttered to himself.
"I carried a computer in my bag...but I haven't used it since becoming your Pokemon. Want me to start it up?"

She enters the room, grabs her bag, and pulls out a laptop, then flips it open and hands it off to you. "I need to go back and help Cynthia, but I removed all the locks so you could use it. It's yours now -- I'm not going to need it anymore."

With that, she dashes back to the restroom to care for her friend without giving you a second look.
Accepting the laptop from her he waits until she is back into the bathroom with Cynthia before he plugs in the hard drive to her laptop. He's a little surprised that she didn't ask yet what was in the package but as he thought about it she probably still had some sort of psychic link with him so she probably already knew. Shrugging he started up the laptop and began navigating his way into the files on the harddrive. There definitely was plenty there. There was a decryption on it and he followed the instructions that the professor had left in the note to decrypt it.

Once he was in he began looking over things file by file while Charlie staid fairly preoccupied with Cynthia in the bathroom. He would close it if she would come out of the bathroom. she didn't need to relive all of this after all.
File #592 -- Pokemorph experiment file: Charlotte -- file last updated April 15th.

Subject originally located within laboratory, posing as Team member. Subject was attempting to interfere with Project 14. Subject was captured and inducted into Pokemorph program, designated "Starlight unit #21" -- date -- December 2015

Subject underwent repeated brainwashing and psychic conditioning. Subject underwent chemical reconfiguration to allow for swappable forms.

Subject used in raid on Viridian City -- control parameter indicates 100% success in takeover. -- date -- February 2015

Subject used in raid on Safari Zone -- control parameter indicates 100% success in takeover. -- date -- April 2015

Subject used in raid on Goldrenrod City -- subject pre-programmed to execute capture tasks -- success -- date May 2015

The file reads like this for a while...and just keeps going. There are audio and video clips attached -- including of the original changes and the processes and programming. The Charlie you see in them starts off a bit like the one you know -- but quickly becomes little more than one of Team Rocket's tools.

Criminal activity, mind control, espionage, theft, and all sorts of preprogrammed tasks that make you shudder. There's blood on her hands and she doesn't even know it.

And that's just page one.
Taking a break from reading and watching the file he sits back and rubs his eyes before turning towards the bathroom.

"She can't see this. I would hate for her to have to relive any of it. We just managed to reconcile the fact that she won't ever be human again."

Inhaling a deep breath with a stretch he returned to the files to see if there was anything else that would prove useful to learn.
Subject can transform into various Pokemon, but is locked in shiny Gardevoir form. To bypass this lock, access the unit's control panel under the chest horn and select a Pokemon option. Subject will seamlessly adapt to multiple environments. In the event that control is lost, these features will still be functional. Please note -- Unit power rating is currently unmatched. Do not handle if you cannot maintain control. If all else fails, the word "Charlotte" can be used to make the unit forget events and occurrences, even if other programming is removed.

There's plenty more to read, but this is notable...since it hearkens back to a conversation you can recall from a while back.

"Anything of interest, Kyle?" Charlie comes back into the room with a warm smile and soggy arms. "I think Cynthia's becoming more able to communicate again. Oh, but what did you need the computer for?"
Looking up from the computer he sees how soggy her arms are and smiles. Closing the laptop he stands.

"Just wanted to look something up," he replies. "You manage to calm her down so we don't end up turning the room into an indoor pool?" he added with a chuckle.

Walking into the bathroom he grabs a towel and comes back out to her gently taking each harm into his hands to wipe them off.
"Indeed. She seems to be sleeping now. It's strange -- she's obviously aware of who we are but seems to lack most of the other information that made her functional. Lightning can induce a coma and even brain damage...but you've done such a fine job helping her that she's trying to teach herself to walk again. You're a fine trainer." So saying, she walks closer and nuzzles her head against your chest, almost like a cat.

You can vaguely hear Cynthia blowing bubbles in her sleep. The sun has gone down all over again. Another day of information garnered -- and still so much to do.

I sense some distress, but the reason is hidden from me...like the contents of that package. What is wrong?" At this distance, her eyes really stand out, not only because of their being red, but because of how big and sad they are. Usually she's careful, but in her eagerness to help, she's practically standing on top of you -- and you can hear her holding her breath.
"I appreciate the praise Char," he replies before she begins nuzzling him.

When she questions him and gives him those sad eyes he feels his resistance waning quickly.

"Are we certain she won't drown falling asleep in the water?" he questions, attempting to change he subject from himself.

He really didn't want her finding out what was on the hard drive. She shouldn't have to revisit everything that Team Rocket had done to her and Cynthia. Hopefully the process with the professors erased all of the programming so that a lot of these commands would be useless. He didn't want her to have to worry about what she might have done while under their control and what they might possibly be able to do to her if they got their hands on her again. Wanting to spare her all of this he smiles up to her as she is almost face to face with him.

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