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Fandom So Ya Want to be a Master?

"You came back even faster than I expected," replies a familiar voice. Cynthia appears in your view, then beckons you back towards the light. "Look what I found!" she says with a grin.

A clearing has been made where the sand has been removed. Various statues and objects litter the landscape, but Cynthia seems more interested in showing you a different statue.

"Look! I found you! I bet you didn't know you were in here!" She's excited to see you in two places at once, apparently.
Hearing the voice he turns around trying to figure out where it's coming from until she appears. Smiling down at her he pets her head before they appear in the area where she had cleared away what appeared to be all the sand and more statues had appeared.

"I guess that means that these statues have something to do with your memories then. I wonder how we can access them?"

Turning from the statues back to the Vaporeon he smiles down at her.

"Have you remembered anything important while I was outside?"
"Well, I finally recalled how everything broke. I was struck by lightning -- which kinda messed everything up in my head. I imagine I survived it though, especially since you keep coming back. Look at all these. It seems like each of them was caught in some kind of pose."

She's right. Each statue appears to be in a position, as if they were doing something right as they became stone.

"I think maybe we can get them moving again. Worth a shot, right?"
Looking around at all of the statues he was happy she remembered how her memory loss occurred and her realization that the statues looked like they had been living things at one time. Turning to her with a smile he nods towards her.

"I'll do my best to help all though I have no idea the first thing to do to turn them back to normal. I'm simply winging it right now Cynthia. You have any ideas? Or do you think finding your object holder will restore them?"
"Well, it occurs to me that maybe the object holder got caught in a statue, but I don't want to break any....they're all so pretty, and I'm afraid of losing them."

She glances around. "I have to figure out how to generate enough energy to make a statue move, but for obvious reasons, I don't know how. And to be honest, I'm winging it too, but I wouldn't even have made it this far without you so it's truly a comfort having you here. It gets real lonely in here otherwise."

She begins pawing through the sand a bit, then reveals something with a bright shimmer. It looks like a horn of some kind.

"Help me dig this out?"
"Let's just be careful and go with your initial instinct Cynthia. Let's try to avoid breaking any statues for now unless we absolutely have to."

Catching the glimpse of something shiny in the sand he answers her request by pointing his hand at the object and concentrates to psychically pull it from the sand. Slowly but surely the object rises into the air as the sand falls away he studies it and keeps it where Cynthia can see it as well.

"Do you recognize this item Cynthia? Anything important?"
"It's my object holder! But-- something's wrong with it. It's supposed to light up, not just reflect light."

The orb is pretty, but it seems strangely...inactive. Even it's shine is rather...hollow. Vague shapes can be made out on the surface, but nothing recognizable.

"It needs something to get working again...still, it's a relief to find it! Now...how do we make it work? And...why is it out here?"
"Well you said it's an object holder right? Maybe it's empty right now? How do you think we could fill it? Maybe if we break these statues and put a small piece of each inside it, it might help to restore your memories?"

Looking down at the Vaporeon he awaited an answer.

"I know you said you don't want to break the statues but it might be the only way to get your memories back into your object holder."
She nods. "I wish I remembered more how the statue and the object holder were connected, but my memory is...well, anyway, it is empty, and maybe we could put those inside. But...just in case that's not right, let's pick a statue of something....less important. I'd hate for us to be wrong about it, if you know what I mean."

She begins walking around, looking for a statue to break.

"Do you recognize any of these that I could probably afford to lose? How about this one?" she asks, gesturing to a sculpture of a shy-looking Gardevoir. "I can always meet more of those, right?"
"All memories are important. Every experience good or bad shapes us into who we are today. As for that Gardevoir, I think we should pick another. It might be your partner for all we know. The one you don't really remember?"

Guiding the object holder into his hand he puts the object holder up against the statue if there will be any reaction without them having to break the statues first. He wouldn't want to shatter her memories if that's indeed what these statues are.
The orb changes color slightly, but nothing else moves. Cynthia tilts her head slightly.

"Funny. For a moment I thought I saw something important. Maybe -- maybe we need more power. Like, you seem strong -- is there some way to transfer that energy into these?"

She walks around the statue a few times. "This is all so confusing. I wish I was more help."
Turning and listening after the failure of an attempt he nodded at her theoretical question.

"If this test was any inclination I imagine there would have to be. Or perhaps i'm just the wrong person? Why don't you give it a try Cynthia? They are your memories after all."

Turning the hornlike devices so that the small end would be towards her mouth he held it for her to get a grip on.

"Bite down on it and press it up against the statue. I saw only a flicker when I did it. If this doesn't work I'll try to transfer some energy into either the horn or into the statue. It's risky because I've never done anything like this before and I could possibly run the risk of shooting too much energy at once into them and cause them to shatter. Then they could be lost forever so let's air on the side of caution."
Cynthia nods, then follows your instructions and presses the orb onto the statue. She suddenly shudders, and you can see her beginning to lose color.

"I-- I can't let go. I think my energy is being absorbed -- help, help..."

The Vaporeon begins struggling, but she can't move away. Meanwhile, the statue is starting to gain color and move, just as she begins to petrify. She darts a desperate glance at you.
Grabbing around her torso and weaving his hands up around her front legs he pulls harder and harder until she comes loose from the statue and device.

"Alright. So let's not do that again. Guess I'll have to try and pour some energy into these things," he states, sighing.

Looking the Vaporeon over he asks "You alright Cynthia?"
She's shaky, but tries to put on a brave face. "I'm just a little startled, thanks. I guess my object holder will take power from anywhere. I just...for a moment I thought I was going to be lost completely!"

She eyes the orb. "Maybe...maybe we just need to -- I dunno. Why don't you give it a kick?"

It's still glowing a bit brighter from her power absorption.
Grabbing the object holder from her he placed it back against the statue himself and closed his eyes. Trying to focus he imagines his psychic energy flowing through his arm into the device and through the device into the statue. He starts off pushing only lightly and peaks to see if anything is happening to the statue. When it doesn't start looking like it's going to explode he pushes a little harder. At this point he's grunting through the effort as he starts to feel his energy draining into the device more rapidly.
As you invest more and more power into the orb, it begins to glow brighter and brighter. As it does, the statue begins to regain color and slowly begin moving again, as if coming to life. In fact, it's only a matter of time before the statue has unfrozen completely, and where it once stood, now there's a blinking Gardevoir, who looks at you both with a light of recognition. At the same time, the effort has proven pretty taxing.

"I see the mind has need of repair. Good to see you again, friends."

Cynthia suddenly nods. "Oh! Charlie -- my previous trainer turned super lovey-dovey Pokemon. I know you...now!"
Falling back onto his butt Kyle watches as the two reunite. Smiling tiredly he looks between the two.

"Good to see you too Charlie," he replies before turning to Cynthia. "That was more tiring than I thought Cynthia. Can I trust you to keep track of your object holder until the next time I can visit? I'm wiped."
"Of course," she replies. "Now I won't be too lonely either. Charlie and I will see if we can figure out a way to make this easier."

So saying, she walks up close and nuzzles you in the familiar fashion. "Thank you for saving me, Kyle. I'd be lost in here without you."

"We look forward to your return," adds Charlie. "Rest well, my friend."
"Well in her Gardevoir form Charlie is also a powerful psychic. She might be able to help you restore the statues while I recover. I shall see you both as soon as possible my friends. Take care until we meet again," he states before disappearing, returning to his body by the bathtub.

Leaning forward after waking he smiles down at the tub and runs his hand through the water before walking out into the main room again.

"How long was I out this time?" he questioned to himself aloud. "Should've looked at a clock before I left."
"It was seven hours this time," replies Charlie, who is once again exactly where she was when you left. "It seems apparent that you're making progress -- for a moment I could feel a connection to Cynthia reopen. You're doing well...but you also appear fully exhausted."

You feel yourself begin to float -- turns out she's levitating you. You float over to the bed, then are gently set down, and the covers are pulled.

"You'll need to rest for an extended period. I will care for Cynthia in the interim." She walks over, gives you another pat on the head, and then returns to the bathroom to watch Charlie. As she leaves, you note that despite having a stable energy -- the warmth is the same as usual, she does not appear to have moved much today. Perhaps it's part of a conservation effort.
"It didn't feel like it was as long this time. As soon as I made it to where we left off last time I managed to reconnect her memories of you in your Gardevoir form so now she should at least have a light of recognition towards you in her eyes," he states to Charlie before she begins to levitate him.

Initially being manipulated like this startled him but he knows she wouldn't do anything to harm him so he calms himself.

"You don't think I should clean up before going to bed?"
"I psychically cleaned you every two hours. You're perfectly hygienic right now. Get some sleep. I believe we both have work to do." The voice comes from the restroom, where she has already taken her stance next to Charlie.

The night passes quietly enough. In the middle however, you find yourself having a strange dream...everything feels different...right as you realize in the dream that you're actually a Pokemon -- you wake up, to see Charlie standing over you with a smile.

"Did you sleep okay, Kyle?"
Waking up sweating he is startled awake. Lifting his hands in front of his face just verify whether he was a Pokémon or not he looked over at Charlie.

"Had a nightmare that I was turned into a Pokémon," he responded, trying to explain his actions to her.

Standing up out of the bed he goes into the bedroom to check himself in the mirror.

"How is Cynthia?"
"That is strange...what Pokemon had you become? And by what means, and through whom?" Her look seems almost surprised, as if she herself isn't a former human turned into a Pokemon.

A splashing sound from the bathroom answers your other question. Cynthia has begun doing laps around the tub. She's clumsy about it, but is still making progress.

"She was very calm all night. But please...tell me more about this dream."

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