Chitchat So... how did you come up with your username?

When I was little, I bought a book on how to paint monsters. I never figured out how to paint them, and I never did more than sketch the example pictures. But one of the monsters was Leviathan and it was just so awesome I had to use it. The L in the end is for my last name.
Just something that kinda stuck given to me by my friends, I think I heard it in a song or something.
A Seether song, of all places. I heard the line "Like sugar and cyanide / These worlds are gonna collide." And then I started thinking "Sugar...saccharine...saccharine cyanide." For a few days it just popped into my head once in a while. So I made it my username.

For the record I don't even really like Seether.
I love Captain America, and at first I wanted to call myself Captain Holland on this site (since I'm Dutch). But somehow I just thought that 'Captain' was cooler an more simple. ^^
I'm obsessed with dinosaurs, so it made sense to combine three of my favourites to make a user name

(Spinosaurus, triceratops and T.rex)
my friend and i came up with these concept comedy comic characters, one's a space bard and one's a space pirate - i'm often called the space bard character while the pirate takes after her
Well... a few yeas ago, when "Fringe" was airing in Germany I gained an obsession with the character called September (in the end it turned out, that he was the most important the whole time, so I was reeeeally psyched about it and ran around yelling at my friends and family "I knew it! I always knew it!"). Since the name sounds pretty cool to me as well I started using him as Username, literally EVERYWHERE!
Hmph, How I came up with my Username...Well

I've always had a Fascination with Art of all kinds, be it Writing or things such a Drawing, Painting etc etc
{ Even though I can't do any of those two latter things to save my life } and I'm an Incredibly indecisive person. I believe I've made quite a few accounts on this website but kind of left them barren, simply forgot the Password and couldn't be asked to get it back oorrr I just detested the Username and had already changed it too something that I soon found it I also hated. Mainly because all of these Usernames were just random and I'm not exactly fond of that, that and for some stupid reason I always get envious of people with cool looking usernames and thought mine were stupid. That and none of them actually conveyed who I am, what I like or anything of the sort.

My current one
{ Which I plan on keeping this time mind you } was inspired by my Liking for Art and Writing, though the Username "Paper" or "Word" would be the most bland thing in history. I've also always had a thing for Languages so I eventually dug through different languages and looked up the word Imagination in Japanese which came out as Imajinēshon. Using the whole thing would be ridiculous for a username but the last part sounded simple and quite nice, "Shon." That and being Creative & Artistic both require a good amount of Imagination and thought. So I thought "Well this sounds cool, relates to me and isn't taken...and I have a nice matching picture as well!." Annd that's how this account came to be.

That is the grand tale, Of how I inherited my Username.
fushiis is kind of like a nickname i gave to my favorite anime character, fushimi saruhiko cx

i use it on most of my sns accounts.
A lot of interesting stories here!

Mines probably the most complicated, though. My family and my co-workers think I look like Shaggy from Scooby-Doo, and there you have it. xD

Also, Shaggy's my favorite character from the show, so woohoo!
In all trueness, my name, "Chihaya", came because it is part of Japanese robes (an overcoat or a cloth to tie robes.) When I was younger, I enjoyed saying it, so I just adopted it as a name!

To be honest, Nullifisation wasn't made by me :v I asked a few people in a chat if they could help me get a name that has something like "Nullifying/Nullify/e.t.c." in it xD And one person came up with Nullifisation. No idea how xD
Heh. Some guy once tried to piss me off by calling me The One Eyed Bandit at school, but, as things would turn out I actually liked the name and have been using it ever since ;P
Pretty basic really, my initials are MAI, and from there it somehow evolved to my brain making the connection to Mayhem (they aren't actually pronounced the same way but what the hell). And if you know me and know how I live my life then the name makes a looot of sense.
My favorite twenty one pilots album is their self titled album (it's called twenty one pilots) and I was just thinking "Self titled, what a cool name" then I changed it to self titled

(My original name was Zella because of the singer Zella Day because she's one of my favorites)
Don't ask me, I think I have like 20 different usernames each on different websites. And I think of them on the spot.
When I was in like 4th grade I was trying to make a Poptropica account and all the usernames I tried were already taken so I just bashed the keyboard and that became my user name :)

I still use it for basically everything, just not this website because I wanted to be classy

MariasDitch comes from my favorite band: Marianas Trench. I just kinda switched up the first name and chose a different hole in the ground :)
@Stamper The only Stamper I know is this guy

But yeah, my nick is just a typo of my middle name. Otherwise people call me wolf or wolfy because that is what Aniyah means.
Actually, my name is based off that guy right there. He's great and I thought the name was cute.

Interesting name, Aniihya~
Mine's rather unimpressive.

I started out my forays onto the internet on a warhammer 40k site called DakkaDakka, as Ineptus Astartes, a play on "Adeptus Astartes" As I shifted sites with some friends to s smaller, more insular community, I got a lot of nicknames. Nepty, Neptoon, Neptosaurus, can usually find me somewhere on the internet going by any of these handles.

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