Chitchat So... how did you come up with your username?

I usually have pretty 2D usernames (blahblahanimeblah) and when i made this account i was listening to Chillstep, one of the pictures the uploader put with the song looked like another dimension, so i was thinking "What if that was what our minds could be viewed as in another dimension?" and so Mindscape. I'd be lying is i said that there wasn't a huge inspiration from gravity fall's Dreamscape
Shin: I have always liked this Japanese name. If I remember correctly. It can be used to describe something new.

Positron laser: comes from the at name of imperialdramon from digimon season 2.

Basically put together it would mean the new and improved Positron laser
8 years ago when i was a wee child i misspellt "Neo" and i needed a number at the end of the name when i first signed up for Runescape.


It's stuck ever since someone get it off
My screen names comes from my passion to inspire others ^.^ I enjoy writting to much, and well actually >.> ;;;; People said I am muse for them before sooo Iunno ! -face+desk-
It's the name of my main OC. I came up with the name based on the word Nova (and the name Noba from Bleach when I watched it) and a typo I made on a forum when I miss typed Phoenix.
It's the Japanese word for dimension and the name of one of my favorite characters, Daisuke Jigen.
Well come sit down by the itchy Christmas sweaters and old stinky carpet, that smelleth of decaying living beings. You see back when I was a wee beginner in rping, I was recommended this site by a dear friend, who I believe was with this site since before the "collision" Sadly we barely talk anymore, not because we don't want to, she just...disappeared. Anywhoo, after contemplating and the nerves of entering the world of rping, I created my account. I thought to myself what could I call myself that represents my inner thoughts? I liketh the blood of good strong sacrifices and adore hoodies, I live and breathe hoodies. I. AM. HOODIE. And that kids is how ScarletHood got her name. Jokes she went on a gunning killing spree and found a bloody hood, dipped it into more blood and started wearing it, that's right kids she's wearing the life essence of human beings on her hood. Don't worry she doesn't do such things now days.

@Mordecai Aren't you proudeth of me?
When XBOX first came out, You were able to change you're account name frequently.

I think that is I was first faced with the reality of needing a screen name. Prior to that I wasn't online much, because well, I didn't get high speed internet until after Halo 2 came out for Xbox.

I started with "Omish Boy" because I thought it was a funny allusion for an advanced skilled gamer.

The "Abomination" indicating rather strange and formidable contribution, was really my thing,

But I found that "ArcaneMaster" really stuck. Arcane being Magic, an element I endeared. I loved the Idea of being the "Master of Secrets"

I immediately implicated it into all online services.

BUT, one day I found that ArcaneMaster was "currently in use". The formidable words. SO,

I selected ArcaneUnit, and that has forever stuck.
"Well, when I was young, I thought about making a Youtube channel (it never happened, of course...), so I thought about a name which isn't used much. And here I am!"

What a lie! Obviously, you'll look for a name that doesn't induce the Username taken' text box to pop up, but there's more to it. Retro109 was slightly interesting after I thought about it.

•Most people call me 'Retro'. I don't mind this, but I find it funny that people need a nickname for my nickname.

•The '109' is quite weird as well, since if you add 1 and 9, you make 10. That is included in the numbers. I found that pretty cool.

•It really doesn't say my gender, what I'm like or what I'm into. That means you would actually have to converse with me to find out anything.

Pretty good reasons. The only reason I wrote the top part was because of my fear of that whole '10 posts in 24hrs or die' thing.
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I always used to think that I was a mage. No, I'm not crazy haha! As an avid gamer I couldn't help but to wonder what kind of class I would have been if I had been born into a fantasy world and so I though. ''Yes! Mage for sure!'' But as I've grown and matured so have I changed and my ever growing need to stop arguments and help the helpless made me more of a Cleric. Sounds reasonable?

So I thought. Clerics either have Holy/Light based spells or Ice/Water based ones as well and thus Snow Halation was born! It does sound kind o9 f cool (at least to me) but making it a bit more gentle Snowy Halation was settled.

And that's that.
Random, really. I used the name once before in a MMORPG and it sort of stuck. In Chinese "Chi" is an individuals energy force. "Ken" is one's range of knowledge or sight. Not everyone gets it and assume I misspelled the word chicken. I just think its funny.
It actually wasn't me that came up with it, it was suggested by my dad a few years ago. He suggested it because, back when I was a kid, I was obsessed with Legos. I liked how the name sounded, and it stuck ( :) )
elbowroom said:
You need knee room. But what about elbow room?
what is even a knee room

I chose this username because I like to be edgy but I wanted it to be original and catchy. Short and concise. The word 'cavil' seems to summarize my general existance quite well at the moment. Aaand it's kind of a homage to when I first registered.
Basically I wanted a original username. Since my username went through 9 different names, I used the number 9 to commemorate thise names. My username was actually a typo and was supposed to be Anime9

but I typed too fast, and typed Ainine9 instead which sounded original.
My story is dark and gritty and edgy and awful and grim

one day

On a regular day that was soon about to change, I joined RPNation...

And I chose the name DERPESTEIN on a tangent.

I'm sorry.
I've had it for years. It's basically an underground rock band, plus there used to be a drink called Vault (Drinks like a soda, kicks like an energy drink!)
It's a name I have on a few other sites but when I first came up with it I was really into Generator Rex and thought that big bunny killer thing was adorable so I wanted to make a name out of it to justify using a certain avatar on that site, even though I didn't need to. Now I'm thinking its easier to just try and stick with one user name for forums that are similar. Maybe it would of been easier to use my old quizilla name but I liked razorrabbit way more.
I used a really bad translator to "See how your name is spelled in Japanese!" You know, one of those bad facebook things, and bam,


"Gi" "Ya" "Ri"

And that's the story of why I'm a massive weeb.
When I was younger, I hated cliche and overdone usernames (and I still do); since I made my first account with this name (or changed it, I don't remember) on a rather populated website, I had to come up with a pun or something other people "wouldn't think of", and my first thought was to just do something in Latin. So for that website, I decided to use "castigat ridendo mores", which means "one corrects customs by laughing at them" or "he corrects morals by ridicule". It embodies satire: the best way to change something is to point out its absurdities and laugh at them.

Since I do that all the time, I decided that would be a swell name to use and have used it since; castigat is just a shortening for that, because the full phrase is long-winded and some/a lot of websites don't allow names that long lol.
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For starters, I prefer to share a single identity or two web-wide in regards to usernames. If it wasn't for the fact that it was already taken, I would have named this account simply, "Mana". Mana (愛), is a Japanese name meaning "affection, love". I go by this name now on most sites I use as it has become a part of my online and offline identity.

This name is a self-assigned nickname of sorts as it shares similar meaning with the other Japanese word for love, Ai (愛). However, the two terms slightly differ from each other, and I felt that 'Mana' was much more closer to me, and suitable as a nickname as opposed to 'Ai', which is too proximate to my real name.
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