Chitchat So... how did you come up with your username?

I was in middle school when I made my first OC and named her Shura. I grew to love the character and adopted the name as an alias for everything and anything online.
So there is a lot of back story for mine, haha. So my name is Katie, and a loooong time ago my friends started calling me "Katie Potatie." So for a long time I adopted Potatie as a nickname both online and off and that kind of stuck and there came some variations, such as "Tato," short for "Potato." So I started playing Guild Wars 2 and literally named all of my characters something potato related. I kid you not. And I was going to name one "Tots" like tater tots, but it was already taken or something so I went with "Tahts." So lately most of my new usernames for forums and such have had "tahts" in them somehow because that's my current variation of the original nickname.
One of the words people use to describe me in the real world is 'random'. Since this appears to be my dominant trait, I decided to turn it into an odd little noun and use it as a username.

Alternatively, my pen-name 'SubjectHazard', I came up with years ago when I played Portal 2 co-op and repeatedly (though accidentally) caused my partner's death. Thought it sounded funny/cool, so I went with it.
For a while now I've had an OC called Pluto, but I thought that was a bit short, so I decided on Plutonium, there are a few variants, on instagram I'm P.lutonium and on another site I'm Plutoniium.
Hah! Mine was pretty lame and dumb. The story of how I thought of this was just something that my sister pulled out of her hat. We were listening to a kpop group's song called "Stupid Cupid" sang by Red velvet. And I was wondering what username to use, so my sister just said to use the title of the song. And I ended up like that.
"Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned" was the inspiration for Lucyfer. The idea, I hope, is painfully obvious: what if Lucifer were female? She'd be the epitome of a woman scorned, which would make hell doubly bad.

That, and I needed a break from my standard username, "Itzume".
So, my first RP character was Shadow Darkblade, way back when I was a wee lad of the age of 12, on old AOL and Angelfire pages, connecting to the internet with dial-up ("Beepboopbeeopbeeepbepboopbeeeep SKREEEEEEEEOOOOOOOOOOOOONNNNNNKKWWOOOOOOOOOSSSSHH BRRRZTbbbbbrztBRRRRZT"). Later on, I ended up rping as his son, when I was 14-15ish, and the name just stuck.
There was an old game, many years ago, called Exteel. Essentially giant fighting robots a bit like Gundam. It was clunky but fun.

The best looking robot was called the Boomrocker. It was sleek and fast and the phrase 'Boomrocker' just stuck in my head as a really awesome name. I'm not the only one who uses it either, it seems.
I am horrible with naming things and everything. So I used a random name generator, I think? Honestly I forgot as I've been using this name for a long time now. But I think it was that.
I just liked sweetone because im sometimes a sweetone but not always and ever since i used it on another site iv used it everywhere.
My username was the name of my first ever max level (when cap was only 85) Death Knight on World of Warcraft. I was part of a guild called "The Cake Is A Lie" located on the PVP Server Destromath.... I went by "Deth" "Coffee" "DC" or any variation of Deth or Coffee a person could come up with... for over 2 years. xD So! Now I go by Dethbycoffee where ever I can get away with it. ^-^

And yes, my dk was a female Goblin.... and she was Awesome! Frost DK when they were the bomb with dual weilding. Crushing skulls and whatnot. xD

#ForTheHorde Lok'tar, O'gar! ((Yes, I understand this makes me a total nerd, but it's okay. I've accepted my nerdiness))
Very easy, I borrowed it from the Iliad when I liked the way it rolled off my tongue.

Thanks for sharing your stories people, just been reading through them all and finding a bundle of recurring themes; a longstanding username really is more of a known identity than just a random jumble of characters and numbers.

For most of us. ( ;) )
Ceraunic adj.

Pertaining to or accompanied by thunder and lightning.


For as long as I can remember I've had a special fondness for electric storms.

My breath never fails to escape me when in the presence of such sheer almost perfectly pure power, fracturing the sky as if reality was about to shatter. The thunder that follows thereafter moves me deeper than anything else I've experienced in my lifetime so far, as if my soul were resonating with the sound. (In fact I have no doubt that thunder is why I enjoy base as much as I do.)

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