Chitchat So... how did you come up with your username?

I like Harry Potter stuff. --> I was making stupid Pettigrew jokes. --> Pettigrew --> Pett-a-grew --> Pet a shrew --> Shrew

I know, it makes no sense, does it? :P
Yeah, shrews are cute.~ :D And I think I might be the only person who actually likes Pettigrew as a character for some reason.
I honestly do not have the slightest idea where CloudyBlueDay even came from. I'm pretty sure the day I came up with wasn't even cloudy.

Quite simple, I like the name Eliza and Violy comes from Violet; which is a flower I like.
I'm a big fan of Mortis Ghost.

Also ghosts are cool.
I'm not sure, I was thinking of the most silly/random thing out there, and my head was like "Turtle!" :P
My username actually is a sort of almost-nickname of mine with "The Rabbit" tagged on to the end. You get Zabet if you take off some the letters of my first name, and rabbit rhymes with zabet, so... Yeah. That's pretty much it.
Ashurbanipal was an Assyrian king and the last mighty king of a united Neo-Assyrian empire. He was famous for his great cruelty in war and his great works in peace, chief among them his vast library that supplied much of the cuneiform still around today.

I like kings. I like mesopotamia.
My original username was Aircrafter. I created this off-hand when I was much younger, simply because I needed a username for my internet activities, and it fit the purpose. Jump forward to 2014, I experience one of my most beloved games that I have ever played, Dark Souls. In the game there is a knight, Solaire of Astora, who ran a covenant that had an adoration of the sun. In the community, the people who join this covenant and help other players in the game are known as Sunbros. Hence the shortening of "Aircrafter" into "Air the Sunbro".
My username "Tempestral" was actually an old nickname of mine. I have no idea how my friends came up with the idea to call me it to be rather honest. It might be derived from the book I wrote though- possibly "Temporal" which, is similar to "Tempestral" (kind of). I give them credit though! I've used it online as an alias of sorts ever since then. c:
Hm. Hm! When I first signed up for this website it was asduskfalls - it became Dusky 'cause everyone called me that, or Dusk, and I felt a change was in order. As for asduskfalls.... that's a good question. Pretty sure it came from my fascination with the song Vanilla Twilight at the time and therefore my brainstorming variations of it. For awhile my online handle was chocolatedusk, but then I got used to the Dusk bit and got really stuck on the imagery of the transition between day and night.

Haven't gotten unstuck since.

Another username I often use is onyxsunrise. For similar reasons to chocolatedusk, except it stuck.
Once upon a time, it was The Grey Pilgrim, for a variety of angsty teenage reasons I won't go into here. I also hadn't read LOTR yet.

So people called me Grey for short. Since the whole handle was usually taken on other sites, I started shortening it to Grey as I branched out.

I spent a few years actually being called Grey in real life, because a lot of people knew me from a gaming cafe, which lead to being introduced as Grey.

So it stuck really hard, I suppose.
welian.... is my initials, actually. I won't break it down to you because I don't want to world knowing my full name, but seriously it's just the bits and pieces of my name mushed together. I came up with it 4 or 5 years ago when I wanted to rebrand myself on DeviantART, and decided to go for what (I thought) was a fairly gender neutral name. I guess that was my experimenting-with-gender phase? Iunno. I remember craving some sort of male or androgynous identity online for a while.
I kept listening to "Centuries" by Fall Out Boy over and over on a non-stop loop since Friday, and I really like the part that says:

"We've been here forever

Here's the frozen proof

I could scream forever

We're the poisoned youth."

My username is just the one I can actually remember, which is my Last Name, First, and Middle initial. I don't really care much for fancy usernames.

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