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Fantasy Slightly Ridiculous High Fantasy Adventure Search

Neon Valkyrie

She Who Is Called I Am
Heroes, they say, aren't born ... Well, I mean, they ARE born, everyone is born ... let me start over.

People aren't born Great, or Heroic. They become so by merit of their deeds, and the scope of their actions. Some do so one purpose, some by accident. Some do so by fate, some against it. Whatever the case, they do it, rather than being it. It is, then, fair to say, that legends, and heroes, and even villains, cannot be made without the opportunity to perform great deeds. This is probably why there are very few legends about office workers, janitors, and bakers. There is little glory to be amassed at the sharp end of a baguette or a ball-point quill.

It is at the precipice of one such opportunity that our story begins;

Okay, so ... I picked up a Piers Anthony novel again recently, and I'm craving some high, ridiculous, fantasy, if anyone is down! The basic idea would be that a few people, probably relatively mundane people, decide to go on an adventure one day for some reason. Maybe the monarch of an adjacent kingdom is offering the throne to anyone who can retrieve a particular artifact, or save a relative from certain Doom. Maybe there's a strange, swirling mass of black clouds growing over the northern cliffs, and a local temple has raised a million gold for anyone brave enough to seek out the source of the disturbance. Maybe the party are the only survivors when Daggar James Murderface's bandit marauders plow through their lands, and they vow together to bring justice to the roving tyrant. Maybe the golden god YSHRBRA speaks to them directly, and everyone thinks they're crazy when they suddenly quit their village jobs to go questing. I image that each has an idea of the class they want to be, but have none of the required skills. They don't necessarily have to be bad at what they do, but the way that they do it should be heavily influenced by their day-job.

I like the idea of ... of a saucier who dreams of being a paladin, and so when the party first sets out, she/he uses a saucepan lid and a metal ladle as equipment, and as she/he advances in levels, she/he insists on having blacksmiths forge more and more impressive saucepan lid shields and deadly, weaponized soup ladles.

or a priest who has always imagined being a dashing rogue, and makes a habit of stealing things, then sheepishly returning those things with some kind of apology note.

My personal plan is either a vet who becomes a monk, or a farmer's daughter whose journey to learn magic is a metaphor for her journey to learn to read.

Anyway, if this sounds interesting to anyone, drop a line in the thread, maybe tell me what kind of character you would play. If we get enough interest, then I'll put something together.

Oh, I'm very interested! It sounds fun. What do you think of;


A necromancer in training who wants to learn to be a necromancer so he can bring his little sister back. Everyone thinks he is dark and mysterious because he always wears dark clothes and never speaks, but black is just the colour necromancers traditionally wear, and he literally can't talk because he is mute. He is always confused as to why people are always scared of him.
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hm... a croupier who has always wanted to be a doctor, but loved cards too much to quit, so he becomes a healer; he sees this as an opportunity to heal people and gamble until people and indebted to him. Also, he may be a pickpocket and literally always has cards up his sleeve.

I can bring to the table a depressive nihilist hermaphrodite (not the sexy kind). But, give him the right motivation and he'll go to the ends of the Earth to succeed.

Maybe not the first choice when I read the title of 'Slightly Ridiculous High Fantasy Adventure Search' but hey, I like sarcasm.

His skills include: Sweeping and mopping floors to a very high standard, being a pillow and he's fat so he's got a weighty punch on him.

Good enough?
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I got one a weak looking knight too small for her sword so every swing sends her twirling like a beyblade uncontrollably. Rather than blocking attacks she has to parry everything that comes her way since she can't handle the force of a block. Since her armors too heavy she basically can only move around in fights via beyblade spin.
Ori is joining.

Hold your applause. 

And I'm not join because I saw a friend joined and I figured it'd be a good way to solve my recent boredom problems. 

Totally not the reasons. 




And finaly I! 

Nah, figured this would be fun.

Lol, love it. I have images floating through my head of him looming toward a small group of terrified people trapped at the end of a hallway. He creeps closer and closer, and their screams reach their zenith before they fall silent, finally spying the lovely tea set, complete with biscuits, clutched between his pale hands.

I like it, an anti-hero. Consider this; He was only intending to scam people as a "faith healer," but then it turned out he was actually touched by the divine. I love the idea either way, taking pulses and purses for the greater good-ish!

Hmm, I see potential for interesting. Do you have a cliched fantasy class in mind to attempt to force him into, or what traditional party dynamic he would fill?

Hourray, people say she's a top knight! She's decided to give swordplay a whirl! She's just taking her armour for a spin! Sorry ... but yes, totally accepted!

... you know what, good enough for me.

I think we reached that magic number! And we have a rather well rounded group, with a healer, a necromancer, a knight, and a monk. 0stinato and Orikanyo, you two can pick pretty much anything you'd like as far as generic fantasy classes. I'll start getting the setting posts and whatnot ready, but with my work schedule being bonkers and madness at the moment, it will probably take a day or ... yeah, a day, to get everything set up and posted. Soooo ... liiiiike ... tomorrow, around the time of this post, I'll be mostly finished ... probably ... in all likelihood.

I'll try to have the profile skeleton up tonight though, just so everyone has something to work on, and pester me with later.
Lol, love it. I have images floating through my head of him looming toward a small group of terrified people trapped at the end of a hallway. He creeps closer and closer, and their screams reach their zenith before they fall silent, finally spying the lovely tea set, complete with biscuits, clutched between his pale hands.

I like it, an anti-hero. Consider this; He was only intending to scam people as a "faith healer," but then it turned out he was actually touched by the divine. I love the idea either way, taking pulses and purses for the greater good-ish!

Hmm, I see potential for interesting. Do you have a cliched fantasy class in mind to attempt to force him into, or what traditional party dynamic he would fill?

Hourray, people say she's a top knight! She's decided to give swordplay a whirl! She's just taking her armour for a spin! Sorry ... but yes, totally accepted!

... you know what, good enough for me.

I think we reached that magic number! And we have a rather well rounded group, with a healer, a necromancer, a knight, and a monk. 0stinato and Orikanyo, you two can pick pretty much anything you'd like as far as generic fantasy classes. I'll start getting the setting posts and whatnot ready, but with my work schedule being bonkers and madness at the moment, it will probably take a day or ... yeah, a day, to get everything set up and posted. Soooo ... liiiiike ... tomorrow, around the time of this post, I'll be mostly finished ... probably ... in all likelihood.

I'll try to have the profile skeleton up tonight though, just so everyone has something to work on, and pester me with later.

I have a few plans in mind. 

Do not worry.

They will be strange. 

Just ask lettuce.
Well ... the easy part is done. Below is the official profile. No word limit, just have fun with it.

Reason for Adventuring:
Previous Occupation:
Short Bio:
Physical Description: (Include image for reference if you'd like)
Lol, love it. I have images floating through my head of him looming toward a small group of terrified people trapped at the end of a hallway. He creeps closer and closer, and their screams reach their zenith before they fall silent, finally spying the lovely tea set, complete with biscuits, clutched between his pale hands.

Ok that made me crack up 
. Thank you! 

And take your your time setting up if you need it, thanks for the skeleton  <3
Name: Orion TornacAge: Twenty OneGender: MaleRace: HumanClass: Rouge KnightReason for Adventuring: Has the desire to discover his potentialPrevious Occupation: Solider of a townShort Bio:Physical Description: Short, neatly trimmed beard. Tall with broad shoulders. Eyes are dark green and he has big muscles.
Name: Lull Skullface (his born surname is 'Lyster' but he is unaware of this. As such, he took on the name Skullface so it becomes an official surname rather than a derogatory insult aimed at him)
Age: Late 30s. Lull's actual date of birth is unknown, as he has no birth certificate.
Gender: Hermaphrodite. It's not as confusing as it sounds - he merely has both sets of genitalia, has no problems with their functions, and sports breasts. Only occasionally does he have crises over what gender he actually is, but usually he couldn't care less. Goes by male pronouns most of the time, unless he requests otherwise, which is rare.
Race: Human. Although the pink spikes emerging from the back of his neck detect electrical impulses. In this way, he acts like a snake or a shark, able to detect exactly where others are from the muscle impulses they give off. He cannot be snuck up on unless the sneaker goes about it in a very careful way. He is also immune to the effects of radiation - this does not come in handy most of the time, and is just a thing he has.
Class: Servant/barefist. Lull's never been afraid manual labour. Although he's a big guy, he's strong and endures a lot. His pain tolerance is high. He is used to being the lowest ranking in any social order, but he cares nothing for it. His skills include: mopping, sweeping and generally cleaning to a very high standard, has a general skill in food- and beverage-making, and doesn't become bored by monotonous tasks. As for a fantasy class, Barefist Fighter would probably be the correct way to phrase it. Lull hates violence, but, ironically, reacts badly to it, and lashes out with his own violence. He's got quite a punch on him, and, because of his ability to detect muscle impulses, can often strike foes in areas he know they will be exposed once they move. He is inexperienced with weapons, only ever picking up sharp objects because he's going to cut vegetables with them.
Reason for Adventuring: I'll think on this. He has two major drives in his life - cigarettes and his sister. However, he'd go to the ends of the Earth for his sister Lois, but only to the end of the street for cigarettes. I'm thinking maybe he's had a threat made personally against the sanctity of him and his sister, so he's going to try and stop the treat at the source so his sister won't have to go through it.
Previous Occupation: Servant. And a damn good one. Sure he complained a lot, but she called him a fat bastard so it was all square. Also used as a pillow.
Short Bio: Nihilistic and ugly, Lull lives his life waiting for it to end. He has no time for nonsense, and, although usually drifting through life in a state of quiet melancholia, will become roused by annoyances, no matter how small. However, he's not all bad - he's an efficient and reliable worker. And, if you catch him at the right time and you share something in common with him, he will begin to soften. Whether it's sibling woes or gender confusion or addiction issues, Lull might just be a good ear to soak up your stories. He detests alcohol, hates violence, and enjoys cigarettes. His other love is sweet things, and he can never get enough of them. That probably explains why he's so fat. His face and forearms are hidden for good reasons that he will not tell anyone unless he trusts them enough to remain on his side.
Physical Description: Lull is 5'11" and weighs 87 KG. He has a surprisingly emotive face, despite most of it being hidden. The emotions he usually shows are: "stop", "God not this again", "you honestly think I give a single shit about your problems" and "I literally want to die right now."

View attachment 241262View attachment 241261

(On the right is his usual attire - grey shirt, grubby white apron, dark trousers, practical boots. In the left one you can see the bandages he wears.)

View attachment 241264Lull's sister, Lois Fukushima. She's pretty and childish. Because Lull treats her like a child.Like this
@0stinato the pictures arent working

I had an issue when attempting to post the comment - the submit button was just... gone. I'll put 'em here for you. Anything needs to be changed, please let me know. Obviously, I can alter anything he's wearing to make it more era-worthy.

BustsLullEyeroll.pngLull.s New Shirt col.pngBustsLoisOMG.png Lull, Lull, Lois.


Hmm ... So, is he a big brawny soldier who is now attempting to be a sneaky rogue?

The Art is awesome, but a little modern. We're going for medieval fantasy, and the "short bio" should be more of a personal history than a personality blurb.

Otherwise the character is great. posty posty post!

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