Slave/Master rps??


Lone Wanderer
How do slave/master rps work? It just seems like it could get really creepy really fast and just seems a little icky if it's a romance
Well, they aren't my thing, but they work much the same as any other roleplay which focuses on a relationship dynamic. Two people interact in a way that fits their personalities, possibly with some plot thrown in.

Even in real life, there are many people who feel a deep need for that kind of relationship in order to feel satisfied. Is it okay if it makes you uncomfortable? Sure, but that just means you don't put yourself in those situations. Let people do what makes them happy, as long as it's within the rules. ( :) )
I never said that I dont want people to rp that sort of thing. I was just saying how it could go very wrong with the wrong roleplaying partner :)
Again not my cup of tea but I think the most respectful way I've ever seen it played more or less was about exploring psychological issues. I believe the idea pitched that one of the people had been either heavily abused or held captive for many years ( this was a while back and as I said I didn't do the plot )

So it was more about two people working through specific traumas.

So I would say that might be the best way for it to be portrayed. Using the BDSM or master/slave dynamic to work through some kind of psychological issue your character has. Or as @Anomaly said if your focusing more on a relationship than just exploring that relationship.

I would say it needs to have clear rules though, especially on a site like this where some people might take it too far and get the both of you kicked off.
zanarkand said:
How do slave/master rps work? It just seems like it could get really creepy really fast and just seems a little icky if it's a romance
they work because they incorporate several elements that can help in the beginning of the development, and also which explore the idea of class, racial or national differences. In a master/slave RP, you get a pre-set relationship that in theory involves the characters framing the other in a box, of which they will eventually have to get out of, but which provides an initial relationship where they have an excuse to be intimate or frequently hang out with one another, without needing to be close or even friendly, but it still making sense. We also have the factor that lead to such popularity of it´s kind in several works, the idea of different classes overcoming being so over their love. Slave and master is a class system, even if in some of the plots it might be very small scale. This provides interesting conflict for the characters, not only internally, but also externally. Then, having a slave and master relantionship means we can put them together nomatter what they are, or more specifically, how different. The more different from one another, the more sense it makes that one mentality would put the other beneath itself. Furthermore, to some (myself included) the underdog character who strives to be greater is very appealing.

Finally, while more ninche, there is the possibility the pairing is being played and works due to the shared love of some RPers for historical accuracy in their historical RPs.
It's not always about "romance", or BDSM.

Some slave/master plots are political - there's nothing titillating about them, it's all about escaping forced servitude and destroying (or working with) the system.

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