Hard Boiled
Ovum Enthusiast
Please complete the following form in order to process your employee identification card.
(A detailed description of the employee is also acceptable.)
(Employee identification number should be formatted as: XXXX-XXXX-XXXX.)
(All employees must fall under one of HarpsiCorp's subdivisions: Lynx, Deep Rock Galactic, Hyperion, or Aperture Science.)
(All employees are generated one spare upon hiring. The employee's original body is destroyed in the process.)
By submitting this form, you affirm that all of the above knowledge is accurate to the current fiscal period. Any inaccurate information will result in a subsequent identification editorial charge and a demerit on your employee record.
Notes from the GM regarding characters:
As of the beginning of the RP, your character will reside on Space Rig No. 64, a vessel primarily used by the Deep Rock division but also harboring the other subdivisions in various capacities. For example, Hyperion technicians would be on board for weapons maintenance, armory duties, and security. Aperture scientists and representatives would be tweaking/developing robotics, as well as conducting various tests on the local alien population (and perhaps a few lucky HarpsiCorp employees!). Lynx employees would handle the majority of logistical work, including but not limited to import/export of supplies, ship maintenance, and scrap salvage. And, of course, the Deep Rock miners would be regularly dropping into the local system, Hoxxes IV, to gather valuable resources, establish mining settlements on the surface, and exterminate "invasive" (native) species.
Your character's job title can be, more or less, anything you can think of that might fall under any of the four subdivisions, with their rank allowed up to local unit management but no higher. Want to be a Deep Rock scout tasked with zipping through the mines of Hoxxes and fighting off predatory arachnid creatures? Go for it! Want to be a desk jockey whose greatest excitement is their sugar cube ration during their ten minute lunch break? Sounds great! You like the sound of being an engineer, savvy in creating and/or destroying spacecraft of all shapes and sizes? So do I! At HarpsiCorp, there's room for everyone.
As a requirement, your character must be at least $750,000,000.00 in debt to HarpsiCorp - and that's impressively low, assuming you have a number of years under your belt with the firm. Fully paying off your debt is near-unheard of, with only career-long top-earners ever coming close. Remember: any purchases, mistakes, sick days, company equipment, and most importantly, spares, feed directly back into your debt pool. Yes, all employees earn commission on all sales associated with their identification number, but this commission is a fraction of a fraction of a fraction of the total profit, netting the employee a couple thousand dollars that will be vaporized by the next day's payments at 0800.
Speaking of spares, in clearer terms: A spare is a clone of the employee generated by manipulating a single DNA sample harvested upon hiring. Given the dubious nature of work-related hazards at HarpsiCorp, the firm has provided employees the courtesy of destroying their original body and replacing them with a single free* spare, complete with a tracking implant, vitals monitoring, and more gadgets crucial to employee satisfaction. Spares retain the memories of the original body and/or previous spare(s) - well, technically. Using Aperture technology far too complex for me to understand, the Everwork system regularly updates its logs using data directly from a brain implant, allowing it to effectively rewrite a deceased employee's memories to a high degree of accuracy. The Everwork program was not flawless in its early days, leading to "anatomical anomalies" in the first thousand spares or so, but has now been upgraded to as close to perfection as Aperture Science is capable of.
*employees are responsible for cost of genetic backup storage and biomaterial refrigeration, as well as additional charges for each subsequent spare.
Given the nature of the RP and the surrounding lore, alien species very much do exist, but humanity is yet to contact any species sophisticated enough to communicate with. That is to say, your character must be exclusively human. Now, whether they were born in the ecological wasteland of 24th century Earth or on a space station 50 lightyears away, is up to you (I hear Mars is a great place to have kids in this economy). As far as the firm is concerned, progress does not stop for local courtesies - in other words, you have management's permission to destroy any lifeform you feel is a threat to potential or real profits.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to DM me or ask them in the OOC page!
Happy trails, employee!
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