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Realistic or Modern Singularity CS



Not even my final form
Can be in any format you want, but should include this information:

[center][img]Your pic[/img]

[tab=Basic Details][font=Quantico]


[b]Appearance Description:[/b]
[b]Distinguishing features (if any):[/b]

[tab=Personality][font=Quantico]Personality goes here[/tab]


[tab=History][font=Quantico]History/background goes here[/tab]

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Professor Lewis McCloud

  • Name: Professor Lewis R. McCloud
    Age: 30
    Gender: Male

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I re-read the starting thread, realized some errors, and fixed them. Now he just LOOKS old xD

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    Ryan Turley



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the disheartened model.
Name: Aleksander Linares
Age: Twenty Two
Gender: Male

Alek's person is an ostentatious sight, with a head of long, grey-colored hair with a white streak through the front left fringe and a height of 6'0". His frame and lean, subtle muscle visible throughout his arms, legs, and abdomen especially. His skin is fair with a red undertone that bleeds through for a natural dusted blush around his cheeks, knees, elbows, and shoulders. His attire is stylish and monochromatic, favoring coats and blocks of black and white with a tiny pop of color. His dress is professional and form-fitting, reminiscent of the many stylings he is captured in as a model, His eyes are a steel blue color, the color more saturated in a small ring around the iris. From a distance, his eyes appear more silver than blue unless caught in the light in a certain manner.

Distinguishing Features: The most obvious thing about Alek is his hair - both an unnatural color with an even bolder white streak through it. Covered up, however, is the large tattoo that covers his left shoulder and half his back. The tattoo, a water-color depiction of black roses whose stem and thorns were digging into his skin. It is something he doesn't often reveal unless alone in the safety of his apartment, the design having connotations with quite a number of 'naturals' such as himself. Of course, it is something he purports to know nothing about, a fact supported in the face of societal and the technological higher powers who would see his like captured when it is common knowledge that he didn't come up with the design himself.

Well-mannered and patient, Aleksander is not one to speak out of line. Years of resting at the bottom of the hierarchy in social standing have left him desperate to fit in, breeding the personality and self-loathing of a people pleaser. He is empathetic and kind, willing to put himself on the line to help others. It comes less from a place of genuineness and more from a place of wanting to belong. In fact, most of his actions are tinged in this different sort of selfish but good intention. He is attentive, quick to notice when something doesn't seem right. Unfortunately, he additionally doesn't think highly of himself or his conclusions, leading him to act against his instincts ofttimes. Private, he is quiet about his feelings and his thoughts, preferring not to risk upsetting those around him with his sometimes more 'outlandish' ideas.

<JUDGEMENT> Aleksander, through years of trying to figure out the people around him, is a fine judge of character. He isn't quite aware of it, mostly due to rarely being around naturals aside from his mother. Potentially, he could become more adept at picking up on the more 'human' reactions of naturals, if given time around naturals or reason to hone this particular observational skill.​
<FACADE> His entire occupation relies on being able to swallow every part of himself and embody the very image that his photographer and the design staff have come up with. And he must do so without uttering a single word. As the usually shy, soft-spoken individual has learned to embody the alluring and the downright domineering behind a camera that shamelessly reveals all, he has become much more adept at playing 'roles' outside of work as well. He's quite the liar, even if he doesn't like to think of it that way.​
<ENDURANCE> Modelling requires one to be in their best shape. Between a mixture of a carefully curated diet and regular exercise, his endurance is considerably higher than it used to be. It allows him to undergo physical activity without wearing quickly.​

<SELF DOUBT> Years of thinking himself unintelligent have caused him to second guess his decisions on the mere basis of being 'Too incapable of making good ones'. He often goes with the opposite decision of his gut, getting himself in all kinds of trouble in the meantime. It doesn't matter how keen his instincts might be if he refuses to listen to them.​
<EXPOSURE> Even if Aleksander doesn't know it, he's a natural. A natural whose likeness is constantly in the public eye. If not for a naturally quiet demeanor, he could very well risk outing himself for the natural, unrestrained person he is. All while being entirely unaware of the danger he is posing to his own self.​
<HUMANITY> Not a single thing about Aleksander is enhanced, from his mind to his body. Although this grants him free will, he isn't able to outmaneuver or out strength those that have such enhancements. He is considerably more susceptible to being outsmarted from a statistically-based standpoint and being outclassed by a combatant with physical enhancements. In short, he's human. There's only so much he can do alone.​

Born to an implanted father and a natural mother, Aleksander's lack of an implant came due in part to his mother's influence and his father's absence during his actual birth. The documentation of his implanting was easy enough to complete, both with his parents' social standing as a start-up company owner and a housewife respectively. No one would assume they were lying - especially not when his father wholeheartedly believed Aleksander had truly been implanted. As with most naturals growing up, Aleksander struggled. Deemed 'unintelligent' from a young age, he barely managed to scrape by through his years in academia. High School was perhaps the worst of all, where he could not even begin to keep up with the mathematical prowess of his classmates and began to feel, more than ever, alone in a crowded room. Graduation was a blessing until it wasn't when even the simplest of office jobs wrought more ire upon him as his coworkers' productivity was lightyears beyond his own. Finally, he decided he should put the cruel taunts he received as a kid to use.

"Too bad you're not as smart as you are easy on the eyes."

Well, modeling didn't require him to recite the first hundred numbers of Pi, now did it? What had been a half-hearted endeavor taken up only because he couldn't quite come up with something else to do, Aleksander went from being the ridiculed student at the bottom of his class to appearing in the occasional advertisement about the latest product that came out or the even rarer ad about the UDM's latest advancement for the betterment of humanity. It was a good life. A better life, even. But without being able to explain it, that feeling from his youth returned tenfold. With more eyes on him than ever, he couldn't help but feel the most alone he ever felt. Unbeknownst to the un-implanted child, he is practically hiding in plain sight from an enemy he never knew was an enemy to begin with.

Cassandra Wu

  • Name: Cassandra Wu Yu-Qian
    Age: 28
    Gender: Female

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    Age: 24

    Gender: Female


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    Name: K.D. Harper
    Age: 29
    Gender: Male

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  • Name: Yulia Avraham
    Age: 26
    Gender: Female


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