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Fandom Shadow and Mephiles The Dark Brothers

Smoketrail took the water and drank it gratefully, "Thank you..." she said, trying to pop he shoulder back into place, as it had been dislocated, "Want any help?"
Cosmo let out a small yelp in surprise when Cream.EXE forced her hand into his. However before she could pull away the copy of her friend had already dragged her into the floating Red Ring, returning them all back to Green Hill Zone. Cosmo’s landing was less than graceful, as she tumbled out onto the grass, landing on her behind with a hard thud that rattled her skull. Groaning, she’d see Smokey leap out from the ring right after them, seemingly barely hindered by her previous injuries. With everyone out Cosmo slowly got up from the ground as Sark took lead further more. She’d quietly position herself in between Tails and Smoketrail as they walked onward towards their destination. As to what it was, Cosmo was unsure of until she noticed the bus stop peak over the horizon. Unsure of what Sark intended to do once there, Cosmo shyly raised a hand, “Sark Are we going to Sunset City?” General’s directions only listed that there would be a bus for the place in question, thus Cosmo was unsure if the stop also allowed for travel to other locations as well.
"Yes we are going back to Vanilla. Though we're not taking the bus. It's just the bus stop is on the way to how we're gonna get there."
“Oh…But-“ Cosmo stopped herself. Was she really going to correct a demon on his mistake. They already weren’t on the best of terms, Cosmo only being in on this as to rid the creature from Shadow’s body. The last thing she needed was to look like a smart aleck and anger him. Who knows what someone of his power would do if pushed enough. Still, did she really want to walk to Sunset City? It appeared she had no other choice but to correct him. Swallowing down her fear, Cosmo mumbled to the pink hedgehog and yellow fox beside him, quiet enough as to not alert anyone else. “Could you tell him that Vanilla’s home is in Floral Forest Village?”
Sark shot a glare of anoyance at her. "When did I say walking? You think I the 4th strongest of the exes couldn't create red warp rings? I am merely leading us to a less populated area so we can warp there without anyone suspicous nearby."
Cosmo had no choice but to stand up for her friend, even if she hid behind Tails while doing so. “I-It’s just so we wouldn’t warp to the wrong town on accident. You said Sunset City instead of Floral Forest Village”
Sark groaned. "I answered your question so EXCUSE ME FOR HAVING BLOOD IN MY EARS AND BEING A BIT HARD OF HEARING AT THE MOMENT!" Sark was already getting mad and it was obvious. Even Cream.EXE was to frightened to say anything to him and that was saying something.
Cosmo retorted with an anxious yet stern. “There’s no reason to shout! And there’s no reason to be angry, you could have simply let as known and I would have been happy to apologize to you” She pouted, crossing her arms.
Sark growled. His red stripes turning to a blue color. "Shut up. I am in charge on the way as I know more about the demons following us."
“I never said you weren’t in charge, I was correcting a simple mistake you made, nothing more. Everyone makes them sometimes”
Sark stopped and faced her. "Then fix yours and shut up now. Just because I am reformed doesn't mean I still won't hurt people. I just won't kill them unless thier my enemy."
Sark’s threat did not go over Cosmo’s head as she’d quickly shut her mouth before she could say anymore. However, the demon’s over reaction to a simple correction of words certainly didn’t do much to change the Seedrian’s opinion of him. All the Seedrian saw was the same man who possessed Shadow and almost murdered her friend, nothing more, nothing less. With a silent huff, she’d begrudgingly continue to follow behind, deciding that as soon as they took care of this mess, she’d get Sark to leave Shadow’s body and pretend as if the demon never existed.

Cosmo however couldn’t help but feel guilt for forcing Smoketrail to be involved. Quietly she’d whisper to the hedgehog once more, “I shouldn’t have made you be the one to correct him, I’m sorry for dragging you into it” She’d hold a strained smile for politeness though it did little to hide her true feelings.
Sark led them to an open foggy area of Green Hill where even though it was spring it felt as cold as a winter night. Sark and Cream.EXE the only two unaffected by it and Sark didn't seem to acknowledge the sounds of the others being cold. Cream.EXE looked up at him and said, "Master thier cold we should hurry..." Sark made a sound of acknowledgement and replied, "We're being tailed so we have to take a detour. So if anyone complains expect to give away our exact location." With that Sark fell silent and picked up to a faster pace walk.
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