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Fantasy Serenity's Fall


Legendary Golden Support
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Serenity's Fall
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Indigo's Keep
[/div][div class=stoneContent]Long ago, a tree began to grow. From a tiny sapling it forged on for hundreds of years, pure magic of the earth's veins surging through its every branch. The tree was magic in a very special way, and those who lived on it were imbued with the tree's magic too. Slowly but surely, the tree offered its residents sentience.

The tree was always lush and green, no matter what time of the year. Even when the lake was frozen over or the leaves of other trees changed colour and fell to the ground, the magical tree stood strong and steadfast against all Mother Nature could use against it. And never once was it disturbed. For its residents, the tree was safety and life. And for it, they named it Serenity.

More than birds came to live nearby. When the spring came and the forest began to flourish, more animals came to live there. Rabbits, deer, water fowl, animals of all sorts lived near the tree. And one of the tree's youngest residents Indigo, decided to start a community off this magical tree and those granted sentience by the tree.

Indigo's community flourished just like the forest had for years, but with time all things must come and go, and Indigo passed on on a hazy summer afternoon. Loved dearly and missed as much by the community she had made, they kept it going in her name, and the whole forest became Indigo's Keep. Serenity was the biggest part of it, and the community swore to protect it for all their lives.

Magical as Serenity was however, magic would not be able to fend off the most violent of the beasts - humans. And when the people came, fire came, and they sought to raze the forest to the ground for space. The fire hasn't quite reached Serenity yet, but it has become unstoppable, burning the forest to ashes and stumps. Indigo's Keep now burns, and there is little hope for it.

Serenity's community must now abandon their beloved tree, tearing themselves from their home to save their lives. But it is not the fleeing that is the hardest part - it is finding a new home. Without Serenity standing and granting them sentience, her community will become nothing but prey in the eyes of those who hunger.

It is time to leave and find the magic again, but there is only so much time before they all lose their sentience - an option they are not willing to take.

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[/div][div class=stoneContent]Welcome to Serenity's Fall, a magical RP based around this animal community that is forced to flee their sanctuary after a forest fire begins, and must find a new magical home before they lose their sentience. It's a perilous journey through the wild unknown where predators wait, but if Indigo believed anything, it was that a community should always stick together.

Serenity's community is made up of prey animals - a majority of which are birds, deer, and rabbits. Some smaller predators are allowed in too, including snakes, foxes, and birds of prey. Together, they must work as a community to protect each other in the race against time to find a new magical home, or the source of the magic.

The RP is open ended and player-controlled. It's up to you to decide how you want the long journey ahead to go, where it ends, what they go through, what they gain and what they lose. It begins when the evacuation call has been sounded and they must flee Indigo's Keep or perish in the fire. You decide what happens next.
[/div][div class=stoneCredit]Coded By || StoneWolf18 StoneWolf18 [/div][/div][/div]
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