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Fandom Senpai belongs to me!~ A Yandere Simulator RP

ThatOneCrazyAnimeFan said:
"I-I'm not..." She wiped her eyes "it doesn't matter anyways..."
"So tell me what happen. What happen to your mother?" Kuno said as he looked at her, and held both of her hands.
TheWhiteScarf said:
"So tell me what happen. What happen to your mother?" Kuno said as he looked at her, and held both of her hands.
"She had.... She has had cancer for the last...? 5 years...." She whispered "and it finally got her.."
(In the next few post could we jump into the next day? @ThatOneCrazyAnimeFan )
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ThatOneCrazyAnimeFan said:
"She had.... She has had cancer for the last...? 5 years...." She whispered "and it finally got her.."
"Oh... I'm so sorry for you..." Kuno said as he looked at her with a sad, but concerned look on his face.
~next day~

Daichi sighed and walked into school. The day before was surely a drag. He went up to his locker and got out a book to read. He went up against a tree and sat down, opening the book and reading. He occasionally glanced up to see the other students walking in.
Uni arrives at the school, humming gleefully as she walks along. When she spots a boy sitting by a tree reading a book. She walks up to him and exclaims "hi!"
( i really cant impliment myself to the rp)*Ryukaa walks through the school gates and sees a new girl run to a man and scream hi to him* "Man shes weird." He mumbles to himself
(@Ryukaa Miura Get your character in trouble? Surely somebody will notice and post something about it)

Daichi looks up from his spot to see a girl with rather long hair, he looks away, his eyebrows furrowing, "Um... Hello. What do you need?" What kind of person would just say hi to a stranger like that? Was going threw his mind.
Uni is stunned by his comment. She thought he would be nice, but right now he seems kind of rude. She can't t read him very well. She sighs and says "Well I'm new here and I was looking for someone that could maybe show me around, or hang out with?"
"New? Ms. Tachibana would've told us if we had a new student..." He closes his eyes for a second then stands up, closing his book and putting it away in his bag, "I'm not busy. I can show you around if you want." He asked her in the most polite way he can, though his face showed no emotion.
(oh ok gotcha) *Ryukaa keeps walking through the school and stumbles upon a boy*

"Hey I'm uncultured! Watch were your going or else we will have problems." He yelled at me.

I wasnt in a good mood already so i turned around and punched him in the jaw. "You are gonna have problems next time you open your mouth like that. Watch you pick a fight with next time buddy." He tells him as he starts to walk away.
Kasai trudged to school, bags under her eyes, and her hair seemed a bit crazy and tangled. "Ugh..." She groaned looking at the ground and accidentally bumped into Ryukaa "Gah! s-sorry!"

@Ryukaa Miura
"That would be great" Uni says as she grabs his hand and pulls him into the hall. She says "Come on, let's go already" with a grin on her face.
Daichi eyes widen as the girl suddenly was holding his hand and pulled him into a hall. His mouth opened but no sound came out, he sighed and looked away, "Y-Yeah, okay." He mumbles and starts walking down the hall, her hand still in his. They pass by various rooms and he explains what they are. He interrupts himself and says, "Um, by the way, My name is Daichi Kita. What's yours?"
*Ryukaa spun around thinking it was the boy again but it was a girl a beautiful one in fact*

"Oh its alright he said. So whats your name?" He asks politely smiling.

[QUOTE="Ryukaa Miura]*Ryukaa spun around thinking it was the boy again but it was a girl a beautiful one in fact*
"Oh its alright he said. So whats your name?" He asks politely smiling.


"I'm Kasai" She mumbled sleepily "And you are..?" She asked, tilting her head up ever so slightly to look into Ryukaa's eyes.
*Ryukaa blushed a little of how cute she was* "Oh umm, i-im Ryukaa Miura nice to m-meet you." He said while holding out his hand for her to shake it and looking at the ground so she doesnt see him blush.

[QUOTE="Ryukaa Miura]*Ryukaa blushed a little of how cute she was* "Oh umm, i-im Ryukaa Miura nice to m-meet you." He said while holding out his hand for her to shake it and looking at the ground so she doesnt see him blush.

Kasai shook his hand, and smiled ever so slightly "So, you must be new here?" She asked tilting her head.

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