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Fantasy Seiunita OOC

Notice how Shrike is a combination of 'Shit' and 'Spike'
That's pretty much how the Shrike goes.
*SWEATS* ITS NOT LIKE I RUINED MY FIRST CS BEFORE, GOD DAMN. Had to redo it again, ha...just cause I added the Spoiler for his light armour and it ruined me code just like that.
*SWEATS* ITS NOT LIKE I RUINED MY FIRST CS BEFORE, GOD DAMN. Had to redo it again, ha...just cause I added the Spoiler for his light armour and it ruined me code just like that.
Can't see the attachment for his armor.
I was wondering if my Oc can have like Old -Timey FlintLocks and a Springfield Rifle

Oooh! I can imagine with a good reason you could have some sort of firearm, would be pretty cool.

Ork handcannons!

They blow your arm off 25% of the time, and maybe the other 50% it actually fires!

Nobody knows what happens the other 25% when you pull the trigger. Just throw the cannon away when that happens.
And if anyone wants to listen to Exiled Ace talking about some game (and maybe voice chatting with your fellow rpers in the future) lemme know :)
shadowz1995 shadowz1995 I asked this question earlier, but I don't believe I ever got an answer on it, so I'll just ask you directly.

If some one is orphaned from one kingdom but is taken to a different kingdom and raised there, would they have the powers from their birth place or the place they are in currently?
Oh, you guys are paying attention to her tits, alright give me a second and I'll get something you virgins won't flip out over



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