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Fantasy Second Wind (OOC)

Alright, so I've talked this over with some of the players and I think there's a strong consensus that the RP started off on the wrong foot - the fact that everyone was artificially divided got in the way of a natural progression of events and overall chaotic pacing. As a result, we have come to the conclusion that it may be best to restart from square one, with the new conditions being that everyone writes their own intros, and we slow down with interactions but flesh out our posts more.

arkhamcity arkhamcity VexaHexa VexaHexa August August Elephantom Elephantom Tex.Y Tex.Y Historical Storyteller Historical Storyteller Berries Berries michikarp michikarp Mx.Trinity Mx.Trinity Jensoman Jensoman N Nonexisting
Everything was great and would have just been peachy if he didn't think about how 90% of his family were Mezzas.

It honestly didn't take long for him to figure it out considering his parents took him to his baby cousin's Second Winding ceremony. Wasn't too hard to put things together. From then on, he started to grow distant from the path his family carved for him.

Rich powerful human boy problems
I did not think your person would be so close to the ice cream stand. I am now concerned for Kai's bag of coins---
Interested player here with a question about the setting: Could you expand a little bit more on Miraqi? How is it's government run? Is there a caste system?
King Crimson King Crimson Feel free to hop in whenever you like!

Miraqi is, to put short, run like a business. You have leaders that control specific districts and powerful corporations, and any drastic decisions they make have to be approved by the equivalent of a board of directors. The more investments you make in organizations with a foothold, the more you can make your voice heard in everything from economy to politics, influencing even people at the top if enough holders congregate and hold meetings and such - they mostly have jurisdiction with whatever areas their group controls, but mergers, deals, and alliances happen all the time. There isn't a caste system per se, but if you're out of money then you're probably out of luck.

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