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Fantasy Second Wind (OOC)

welcome aboard! feel free to join the discord chat :p

Hmm, I've still got to think more about the story if I want to write more about the 221st Erylon penal battalion. Right now, my mind's blank and I'm trying to coax some ideas out of it. Its sort of like trying to collect water in the middle of a barren desert. Nothing wet there 'cause the entire place is as dry as fuck.

Anyways, I've wanted to ask if I can make a daylight vampire for the roleplay. Its only one! He'll still look human and he can still walk in the sunlight but now he's got an obsession with drinking blood.
Hmm, I've still got to think more about the story if I want to write more about the 221st Erylon penal battalion. Right now, my mind's blank and I'm trying to coax some ideas out of it. Its sort of like trying to collect water in the middle of a barren desert. Nothing wet there 'cause the entire place is as dry as fuck.

Anyways, I've wanted to ask if I can make a daylight vampire for the roleplay. Its only one! He'll still look human and he can still walk in the sunlight but now he's got an obsession with drinking blood.
Should be fine as long as you tie that into a magic ability (or a magic curse?) somehow!
RIP Sword deflecting wizard . . .

Do not be disheartened yet, child, for there is an even greater power you could use to your satisfaction. Your wizard may have the ability to deflect metallic objects whether they be swords, spears, axes or anything made out of metal.

I bring forth the newest magical creation of magic.

A 3 inch thick metal sheet.

That's a sword. No wait, actually that's a BIG sword.
Do not be disheartened yet, child, for there is an even greater power you could use to your satisfaction. Your wizard may have the ability to deflect metallic objects whether they be swords, spears, axes or anything made out of metal.

... But then again we could just beat you to death with a stick.

Mx.Trinity Mx.Trinity What do you think would happen if Kai were to mimic your character redirecting someone's else is magic?

Would he be mimicking the redirecting or the power they are redirecting?
Seems like that could get really trippy . . . unless it doesn't count???
Mx.Trinity Mx.Trinity What do you think would happen if Kai were to mimic your character redirecting someone's else is magic?

Would he be mimicking the redirecting or the power they are redirecting?
Seems like that could get really trippy . . . unless it doesn't count???
Well the point of mimicry I would imagine is to duplicate the magic someone is doing, because he isn't manifesting anything I don't think there would be anything for him to mimic. It'd be like trying to freeze water without any water. You could make the area really really cold, but wouldn't be able to affect the state of matter because there's not really any matter.

Same goes for my character, if my character doesn't have any magic to manipulate there's nothing that can be done. August August
I'm interested to join :P

I made a CS, but where do I post it for review?

I know the Character Sheets page is a thing, but that's only for accepted sheets I'm guessing
I'm interested to join :P

I made a CS, but where do I post it for review?

I know the Character Sheets page is a thing, but that's only for accepted sheets I'm guessing
Nope just pop it on the character sheet page, Atlas will look at it from there~
N Nonexisting , @Wandering Grim Hollow, @Handabooo, you people MAY want to join this project here. Tidy concept, everything squared up.
looks interesting enough, but from looking at the basics of the setting. i'm kinda surprised there is no undead races or any immortal type races (though they'd be strictly non aging),since in all honesty is would add some diversity as well as conflict and bringing the darker half of things...
looks interesting enough, but from looking at the basics of the setting. i'm kinda surprised there is no undead races or any immortal type races (though they'd be strictly non aging),since in all honesty is would add some diversity as well as conflict and bringing the darker half of things...
Me and the GM discussed this extensively last night. If you take particular attention to the last bit about "Second wind" you'll see that it involves souls. Because of this - Resurrection, necromancy, and the like are not to be implemented. Just because it could conflict with the lore of things N Nonexisting Melon Bomb Melon Bomb
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looks interesting enough, but from looking at the basics of the setting. i'm kinda surprised there is no undead races or any immortal type races (though they'd be strictly non aging),since in all honesty is would add some diversity as well as conflict and bringing the darker half of things...

What she said.
Me and the GM discussed this extensively last night. If you take particular attention to the last bit about "Second wind" you'll see that it involves soles. Because of this Resurrection, necromancy, and the like are not to be implemented. Just because it could conflict with the lore of things N Nonexisting Melon Bomb Melon Bomb

yes. i read it. and honestly it would make more sense with the lore if you added necromancy and the like since you are dealing with souls. seeing as nothing can really exist without one and if you do your research properly you'll notice necromancy uses souls,death,and black magic where as animancy is birth,souls,and light magic. if you are going to be using magic and playing with souls it would make sense to include those rather than exclude something that would obviously come into play with this sort of thing...

not gonna force you but i'm going to point this out.
yes. i read it. and honestly it would make more sense with the lore if you added necromancy and the like since you are dealing with souls. seeing as nothing can really exist without one and if you do your research properly you'll notice necromancy uses souls,death,and black magic where as animancy is birth,souls,and light magic. if you are going to be using magic and playing with souls it would make sense to include those rather than exclude something that would obviously come into play with this sort of thing...

not gonna force you but i'm going to point this out.
It's not about it making sense, as I said we've already discussed this. It's just that in this universe, for this roleplay, magic involving souls is a very rare occassion and is a very particular kind of magic and ritual in order to do so. I'm sure it's going to play a big part in the plot of the story; so having people be able to use soul magic could derail the story quite badly. It just creates complications that don't need to exist. N Nonexisting
Hi, glad to see you've shown interest but I'd like to clarify some things:

if you are going to be using magic and playing with souls
This is actually a false statement and there is no type of magic that can interact with souls, and why resurrection is not a thing. The magic a person wields stems from the soul on a certain level, but in no way can it actually be used to raise the dead because such a power does not exist. Second winds do not draw upon someone's latent magic capabilities, but rather a bonding of souls themselves.
Hi, glad to see you've shown interest but I'd like to clarify some things:

This is actually a false statement and there is no type of magic that can interact with souls, and why resurrection is not a thing. The magic a person wields stems from the soul on a certain level, but in no way can it actually be used to raise the dead because such a power does not exist. Second winds do not draw upon someone's latent magic capabilities, but rather a bonding of souls themselves.

ok,thank you for clearing that up. i appreciate it since that much was not clarified what so ever in the lore. -_- not to be rude but Mx.Trinity Mx.Trinity 's explanation of it was pretty much not much help. i would have probly shut up already if i had been told the concept was the magic type stemmed from the soul in the rp.
instead of them basically being like this:
It's not about it making sense, as I said we've already discussed this.

which is basically like saying there is no need for logic and you'll just have to deal with it.... keep in mind this is not to be mean or rude but what i'm saying is that could have been handled a little better.
any who, while i'm at it i have to ask to make sure. is any animal at all fine for the beastial? and do they have to look completely anthro/furry or can make them look more humanoid??? i draw my characters so i gotta ask before i start on my refs
which is basically like saying there is no need for logic and you'll just have to deal with it.... keep in mind this is not to be mean or rude but what i'm saying is that could have been handled a little better.
any who, while i'm at it i have to ask to make sure. is any animal at all fine for the beastial? and do they have to look completely anthro/furry or can make them look more humanoid??? i draw my characters so i gotta ask before i start on my refs

I pretty much said exactly what Atlas said. Sorry you didn't understand. Take a look at the character sheets for reference to your question.

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