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Searching Once Again (Updated 7-2-15)


Junior Member
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)
So recently I've found myself with inspiration to write but not enough active role plays. I'm going to keep this search thread short and sweet, and hopefully find a few new partners.

-I can reply multiple times a day most days, and can write anywhere from a few lines to about 3, or maybe 4, paragraphs. I'm looking for partners who I'll hear from at least once a day and match my post length. Also, the usual requests. Tell me if you're leaving, be it for a couple days or forever. Don't god-mod, etc. Also, please use good grammar and correct spelling. I know nobody is perfect, but I need to be able to understand you. I'm in EST and am online at various times throughout the day and night.

-I prefer to play female characters, and I prefer role plays set in a modern setting. I do double, but only if it works well with the plot. I'm looking for somebody who preferably plays male characters, although FxF is also fine.

-I'm good with role playing over threads or PMs, but I reply from my phone quite a bit so PMs are a bit easier for me to keep track of.

-I enjoy romance in my role plays, but not as the main plot. I also really like role playing out lies, betrayals, things like that.

-I like to do basic characters sheets, with Name, Age, and Appearance but leave things like personality and backstory to be discovered through the actual role play. I think it's much more interesting.

Now, onto the pairings. I don't have solid plot ideas for any of these, but I'm sure we can come up with something! I'm good with playing either role in these pairings, unless a role is in bold. Then I would like that role.

Vampire x Human

Werewolf x Human

x Werewolf

Criminal x Vigilante (Maybe the vigilante goes undercover in a criminal organization?)

Criminal x Cop (Same loose idea as above, just with a cop instead of a vigilante.)

Vigilante x Vigilante/Cop

Detective x Scientist

Detective x Psychic/Medium (Really wanting to do this one.)

Assassin x Other (Be it another assassin, a potential victim, etc.)

So, those are all of the pairings I can think of right this second. I might be adding more pairings, if I come up with any. Please post below or (preferably) PM me if you're interested. Thanks!
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[QUOTE="Quiet Is Violent]Ooh the Vigilante x Cop sounds like fun!! (I like your profile pic, it's so pretty ^^)

Great, I'll PM you! And thanks. :-) I like your profile pic too!
I think I can get on board with the Assassin x ? one. I often play as an assassin and, in my opinion, can fit the role quite nicely. Let me know, if you're still finding that inspiration to RP.
DevlinRoss said:
I would love to do the Detective X Psychic with you :3
Yay! I'll PM you.

Frag said:
I think I can get on board with the Assassin x ? one. I often play as an assassin and, in my opinion, can fit the role quite nicely. Let me know, if you're still finding that inspiration to RP.
Great! I'll PM you.

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