Scariest Video Game Moment/Scariest Video Game?

You can always tell how old people are by how they answer these sorts of questions.

On that note: Silent Hill 2 remains one of, if not the, best Survival Horror games in history.
 This'll probably be a common answer for this, but Outlast, gave me the best scares, and, in my opinion THE all-time scariest scare, when I hid in a locker and the crazy doctor saw me doing so cebause (No, not a typo, I just watched Hotel Transylvania 2 on Netflix) the patient screamed, alerting him prior to that, was the 1st time a hiding place failed me in that game and I DID NOT EXPECT IT. 
My scariest moment in a video game was when I was playing outlast and I turned a corner and one of the guys were there, he chased me and I hid in a locker and at first I thought he hadnt seen me, but then he approached the locker and pulled me out. #Fail
My scariest moment in a video game was when I was playing outlast and I turned a corner and one of the guys were there, he chased me and I hid in a locker and at first I thought he hadnt seen me, but then he approached the locker and pulled me out. #Fail

 This'll probably be a common answer for this, but Outlast, gave me the best scares, and, in my opinion THE all-time scariest scare, when I hid in a locker and the crazy doctor saw me doing so cebause (No, not a typo, I just watched Hotel Transylvania 2 on Netflix) the patient screamed, alerting him prior to that, was the 1st time a hiding place failed me in that game and I DID NOT EXPECT IT. 

Oh I didn't see that, I'll do another one.
the entirety of inside is incredibly unsettling

there's also a moment in mad father where it shows the protagonist in what looks like a normal picture but then you see the creature behind her. it's a slow scare for sure but when you see the face- ugh. 

neverending nightmares is creepy af

the bit in corpse party when you run from kizami and the chase scene in mad father for the same reason: the voice actors calling out names in creepy voices. it's so unsettling.  

in fran bow, when you click the bottle and switch worlds and see all the creepy stuff. obviously the longer you play the less creepy it is but the first few times... it's a little surprising when the worlds switch. 
Honestly one of the times when I was most scared was during, strangely enough, Skyrim.

To give some explanation, it all started when I decided to download a mod from the Nexus, (of which I've sadly forgotten) and I didn't look at all at what exactly was contained in it.  This was a mistake obviously.  I decided to start up a new play through, and got through the introduction quickly.  As soon as I had finished I went to the very first dungeon near Helgen, thinking that it would be pretty easy to go through.  I was almost halfway through the dungeon when I heard an ear-piercing scream behind me.  I turned around and immediately felt regret as I saw a bloody Draugr Lord chasing towards me.  Keep in mind that I was only level 2 at the time.  This was enough to freak me out and cause me to run throughout the dungeon, (I found out later that the running speed was slowed down to make chases more "fun") and finally I ended up at a dead end and turned around to see the Draugr Lord slash at me, cutting me down where I stood.  I laughed so hard afterwards from how unexpected and adrenaline filled the fight was.  I looked back at what the mod did and saw that it offered: "Much more energetically packed dungeons."

I also have a few stories about how the mod put in some really strange models and creatures as well, but that's for another time.

Life is hard.

Serious answer; P.T. Everything about that. Only game I ever backed down from. I'll beat it one day but for now I'm gonna continue being a massive coward.

happened to a mate,

when yr mining in minecraft, been underground for hours, everything's dark, then you hear the drrUUGNHHNN DUN DUN DUN HHRRSScchchhhh,,,,
I don't play horror focused games really.

Nastiest moment was the start of Dead Space, until I got a weapon and cut the buggers up, not I wasn't glaring at every creaking sound.
This game isn't exactly out yet but they've already gotten a good buzz around it.

The 'Hello Neighbor' game that's coming out next year looks like it's going to be good.

I think what makes it so scary is the fact that the neighbor is an AI that uses your actions to create the challenges against you.

It learns what you do and uses it. 

I'm gonna get this but I'm positive I'm gonna nope out of there at some point lol.
If I had to choose a game off the top of my head for horror in an atmospherical sense, i'd have to go with Layers of Fear or Alien: Isolation. But, generally for my all time favorite, even if it isn't the scariest of games, I'd have to go with Amnesia: The Dark Descent. 
Oh god eternal darkness was like shitting my pants scary. I had uni tomorrow so I did whatever a responsible adult would do play a video game at 3 am ish. So my really annoying friend sent me a really happy looking game, like a remix of mario. But it was a trick. Basically inside the cover was actually eternal darkness. So when I put it on I was really confused. And I started playing and my GODAMN sanity meter got like really low so the game punished me by, making the volume go super Lou's suddenly. I jumped out of my seat and called my friend and started swearing at him. I woke up my poor brother I screamed that loud
This game isn't exactly out yet but they've already gotten a good buzz around it.

The 'Hello Neighbor' game that's coming out next year looks like it's going to be good.

I think what makes it so scary is the fact that the neighbor is an AI that uses your actions to create the challenges against you.

It learns what you do and uses it.

I'm gonna get this but I'm positive I'm gonna nope out of there at some point lol.

This game isn't scary lol, I've played the beta where he learns your move. It would be creepy in real life but not in the game, you don't notice
I've never actually played it, but "Until Dawn". I watched a full play through. It's a little weird, but I found the jump scares effective.
My first time playing through Dead Space was in the middle of the night with GOOD gaming headphones and I almost cried a coulle times and broke furniture.
DayZ, man. When you have 50 tents loaded with snipers, ghillies and other good stuff all hidden away in a small forest patch and you hear a car driving by. Heartrate through the roof!

That's MY stuff, man! I looted dead players fair 'n' square.
Oh! Oh! I loved the Silent Hill series. Honestly, it might be one of my favorites of all time. Scariest moment? I'd say anytime with a Nurse. Having to sneak around without light or making a sound is extremely difficult for me. Although scary, it is still one of my favorites.
Dead space 1, my first true horror game, I'll never forget the fear of playing it for the first time.
For me personally, probably Metro: Last Light but I am not a horror movie/game person so yeah. I loved the game though.
Horror games aren't really my thing, and my scariest video game moment is probably a lot scarier due to tje shock, and my age at the time.

Years ago, early 2010s, I think I was 8-10 years old, my sister got Silent Hill: Shattered Memories on the Wii.
I watched her play up until the part where mr dude is running to wherever and being chased by those pink things (idk any name)
My sister, who is aboit 3 1/2 years older than me, shoves the wii remote into my hand and runs to the bathroom, telling me to "take over while shes in the bathroom" leaving me alone running from the things as they chase me

I was scared shitless by the monsters, but now they ain't so bad in hindsight, but its still tje most scary thing ive expereinced on video game.
Seems this year old thread got new life in it :P

But anyways, the scariest moment in a video game for me was in Batman: Arkum Asylum. Where you are on those floating panel things and had to keep an eye out for uh... dang forgot his name. The alligator guy. But yeah, that was freaky and tense.

I also would say that the Five Nights at Freddy's games can be a bit 'intense'. Only played the first so far but I'm terrible with Jump scares. Well, pending on how they are but still... just ugh.
I don't remember all the details, in fact this might be all wrong, but anywho.. In the first bioshock there's a moment when you walk down a hallway into an intersection and everything goes pitch black. Then a ripper appears and attacks you. x-x At least I think that's what it was called.. The lights flicker and make the scary moment even more dramatic. I put the game down for a while after that. Freaked me out.
Alien: Isolation. A classic :'). The fucking Alien hated me and I was hiding under beds 90% of the time. One time, Someone spotted me, yelled and started shooting at me with his gang. I only moved a bit to the left before...*swoosh* the door next to meopens. I glare to the right and see the Alien approaching. "Oh god, no, you can not be serious! Fuck off!" The Alien completely ignored me and went at the shooting guys. I saw it grabbing someone and killing him, the other 2 ran away, the Alien then chased after someone. I was MORTIFIED!

Another one is from a game I never played, but watched as a kid. Dementium 2.. Dementium 2 had those god awful lack ghosts with like...6 white eyes? Or 6 teeth? Idk man they looked evil as hell They don't directly attack, but when they float towards you and hit you, you get teleported into this weird ass demon world and gotta fight 2 normal enemies. 10 year old me was TERRIFIED by the black ghosts! Zombies with open chests? Ok cool! Weird ass "brain spiders" with 2 legs? Neat. Those "ppoison dogs" that laugh when you attack them? Aw, cute! Harmless ghosts? "Oh fuck this!"
Also: Dementium 2 had those "fairly easy" green enemies that could reanimate. They kinda looked like a green, ugly twin of the Hunters from Dead Space. Man, I got freaked out when they appeared! And attacking them with a flamethrower? They let out a horrible metallic screech! Awful!

One of the most creepy things I've seen was when I was playing Friday the 13th and it was a 2v1 against a Jason Part 6. (It was a 7v1, but a group left, fuck!) Me and my bf as Deborah (High stealth, can fix easily.) against a motherfuckin' J6. Back, when the game came out and we were about Lvl 50. After the 1st minute, J6 morphed to me (lucky fuckin' bastard) and INSTANTLY went after me. I was PANICKING and yelling at my bf to fix the fucking car (He didn't trap it, lol). Into one house, locking all doors, and someone trying to pick up a fight against a J6. The game was in my favor, found a fuckton of Flareguns. He was chasing me for a solid 6 minutes until my bf fixed the car. I dn't fuckin' know how I survived that, but I made it to the car and we fled.
Another version involved a J9 against 3 of us, me and my bf and a random dude with no mic. We all spawned at the same area, I fixed the gas before J9 appeared. He chased me briefly before I whacked the shit outta him, fled into a nearby house music. Note: he CAN turn off the music, so I was being extra careful. Looking out of the window, left, right. Then the door. Nothing. Did he lose me? "Yo, where's Jason at?" "I dunno, why ya asking?" "He was up my fucking ass and I think he lost me." "Lost you? You have no stealth." "Well, he was looking into my direction last time I saw him. So possibly.". No clue where he was, he was gone for a solid 3 minutes. And right when we were about to take off in the car, he morphed NEXT TO US. I was SCREECHING because this could have ended deadly. But he apparently fucked up his shift, so we were able to flee. Haa this was intense.

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