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SAOF Sailor Moon RP

Sage looked up to the night sky and walking down the steet slowly with his head down before bobbed into someone and fell to the ground.
Sage stood up and bowed lowly. " I'm sorry sir. " He said before looking up at the man and began blushing brightly. 'So handsome' Sage thought before the man had to open his mouth. " You better be sorry kiddo. " The man said causing Sage to glare. " Kiddo , oh please you are the same age as me loser and what you going to about it if I'm not sorry. " Sage said while the man glared down at him. " I'll beat your ass if you don't shut up. " Sage rolled his eyes and kissed his teeth from being extremely annoyed.
(kissed his teeth? what?) While watching anime, Kumiko decided to eat ramen as well. (I don't know what to do)
(sure) After finishing her ramen, Kumiko decided she wanted more and decided to go to the pantry. There, she witnessed a tragedy: She was out of ramen! After panicking for a second, Kumiko remembered that she was allowed to go to the store if she wanted to. Grabbing her wallet and pulling on her coat, Kumiko rushed out the door and headed to the store.

timeskip to a few minutes later

Kumiko exited the store happily, having bought enough ramen to sustain her for a few weeks (about 30 cups). As she walked down the street to her home, she heard shouting. She turned and saw Sage and a man arguing. Frowning, she decided to go over there and see what was going on.

"Sage?" She asked. "What are you doing?" (there ya go, right place this time)
Sage looked just about ready to start beating up people when Kumiko came over. " Getting ready to tech someone THIER place. " Sage growled as the man tried to punch but Sage was quicker and kicked the man in the crotch. " He is down and out for the count. " He said
"Sage! What are you doing? You can't just randomly hurt people!" Kumiko groaned, slapping Sage on the arm. "Honestly! Now, explain. FULLY."
GirlyTurtle said:
"Sage! What are you doing? You can't just randomly hurt people!" Kumiko groaned, slapping Sage on the arm. "Honestly! Now, explain. FULLY."
" Ok , I was walking and I bumped into the guy so I apologized only for him to be rude to me so I was rude back until it evolved into me having to kick his ass. " He said
The man on the floor nodded trying to seem tough before looking at Kumiko and blushed slightly. In an instant he was bowing in front of her. " Its a pleasure to meet you beautiful lady. " He said
Kumiko smiled, blushing a little. "Thanks, it was nice to meet you too." She turned to Sage. "Have you even done your homework?"
Sage looked ready to barf before turing to Kumiko. " Yeah. " He said before the man slid in front of him. " Tell me about your self beautiful. " The man said.
Kumiko backed up nervously. "Uh, I like the color pink. And uh, actually, I need to get home now. Bye! See ya tomorrow Sage!" Kumiko said before turning to leave hurriedly.
" Nice job smoothed guy , you scared her away. " Sage said with a smirk as the man glared at him. " I am very smooth . " The man said
"What the heck was that..." Kumiko muttered under her breath, as she headed home. (Sorry, I had voice lessons)
Time skip

Kumiko ran into class, early as usual. She had decided to go into the habit of coming in early to avoid humiliation. As she sat down, she greeted some of her classmates before grabbing a manga from her bag and started reading.

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