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SAOF Sailor Moon RP

"Sailor Orion?" Kumiko cocked her head to the side. "Did you eat breakfast today? Did you sleep at all?"
Sage growled and glared at the girl. " Drop the Fing act , its getting annoying seriously- " Sage was cut off by a loud bang and a chair flying out of his and the girl's classroom. Sage ran inside and saw a monster
Kumiko ran away from the classroom before pulling out her communication pen. "Musetta, there's a monster here at school. I'm transforming. Also, find out more info on this Diana figure. She seems to have figured out my identity. She's told Orion. I'm trying to deny it but it's annoying him." A small voice replied. "Affirmative. Good luck." Kumiko ran into a bathroom stall and raised her right hand. "Apollo Charm Power! Make-up!" As she yelled “Make-up”, her bracelet floated into her hand. She used her bracelet to twirl around from the bottom and created a tornado of music notes around her body (the notes are arranged in staff formation). After the tornado covered her entire body, she throws the bracelet into the air where it enlarges to a size big enough to go around her body. The bracelet then descends around her body and as it passes each part of the body, her fuku is revealed bit by bit. After that, the tiara materializes on her forehead. She raises her right hand into the air and her Harmonic Triumvirate materializes in it. She spins around the the whip twirls around her body until it is like a belt. She then goes into her transformation pose with both of her hands in a gun shape with her left hand resting on her shoulder, her right arm positioned in front of her torso, and her right leg bent in front of her left as she smiles at the front.
Sage ran to the men's bathroom and used his communication watch to contact Diana. " A monster is attacking the school and I told Kumiko I know who she but she is playing dumb. I'll you more later. " He said before touching his hair clip. " Orion Charm Power. " Sage called. Sage's hair pin appeared in front of the camera before the camera pans out revealing the side of Sage's head. Sage's hand ran through his hair causing them to lengthen before the camera pans out more. Sage's full body that was silhouette in light purple. Sage ran forward as a large white circle which ran through , which made his sailor jacket , long pants and ankle boots appear. Sage cartwheeled right after landing and jumped in front of the camera while winking. He then did several back handsprings before landing in a hand stand as his hat appeared. Sage ran back to the class room and jumped in front of monster . " I am the Sailor of Purifity and Justice , Sailor Orion " Sage said , he glared at the monster as it swung giant fists at him.
(Djinn, 'purifity' isn't a word. Do you mean 'purity'?) "Bullet Symphony!" Several music note shaped bullets cut through the air and damaged the monster. "Rising from the songs of people's hearts, I am the Guardian of Music, Sailor Apollo! Time for my next performance! Your defeat!" Apollo ended by pointing at the monster. She ran at it and kicked the monster in the face. "It appears that we meet again, Sailor Orion."
Orion gave the girl a glare before high kicking the monster into the roof. " Orion Star Bow and Arrow. " Orion called and shoot a arrow at the falling monster who was sent through the wall.
"Gigaphone!" The prong of her whip that appeared to be a musical staff entwined itself around the other two prongs as she aimed it at the enemy. As she yelled, it shot itself at the monster, enlarging as it did, before releasing a huge amount of musical energy at the monster.
Orion put his hands to together. " Innocent Purification . " Orion called and a rainbow of colours hit the monster at the same as Apollo 's gigaphone but the monster didn't but instead disappeared. Orion heard people coming and grabbed Apollo's hand. " Let's go. " Je said before he jumped out of the window , pulling Apollo with him before running to a nearby alley.
"What are you doing?! You're letting innocents get attacked!" Apollo pulled her arm away before turning around and running back.
Sage grabbed the girl by the hand. " Are you a new kind of idiotic , the monster is gone. " He growled at the girl.
"Did you not realize?! More will likely come! And just because the first monster left, that doesn't mean we run! I'm going back to check if any more have arrived. It's our duty as soldiers to ensure the safety of the people!" At that, she turned and went back.
GirlyTurtle said:
"Did you not realize?! More will likely come! And just because the first monster left, that doesn't mean we run! I'm going back to check if any more have arrived. It's our duty as soldiers to ensure the safety of the people!" At that, she turned and went back.
" If more came we would know , tell me how many times has more than one monster attacked. If the first monster left then we leave to , its our job as soldiers to protect and if there is no monster we have no business there. " Orion said as he stood in front of Apollo.
"Is there something wrong with wanting to check back on the people?! I'm sorry if we have different idea on our duties as soldiers, but what can you do! If this keeps happening, then I'm afraid that we won't be able to work with each other, Sailor Orion." Apollo retorted coldly at Orion before pushing past him and disappearing out of sight.
Orion de transformed and growled. " Idiot , what are you going to do. Let the police see and then have half the city and more trying to find out who you are. " He muttered before going to the practice hall
Time skip

Kumiko sat in the classroom, taking notes as the teacher explained how to do a problem. Let's see, she thought. (3xy^2)^4(xy)^3. So that would equal: (3xy^2)(3xy^2)(3xy^2)(3xy^2)(xy)(xy)(xy). That would be: (3^4 x^4 y^8)(x^3 y^3). That eventually equals...

"So, what is the answer to this problem?" The teacher asked. Kumiko raised her hand. "Otono-san. Do you know what the answer is?"

"Is it 3^4 x^7 y^11?" Kumiko answered. "Although, since 3^4 isn't that big, it could also just be 81 x^7 y^11."
Sage sat in class and wrote down the notes. He suddenly felt his hair get pulled and he tries to ignore it.
"That is correct, Otono-san. Good job." The teacher said. Kumiko smiled proudly. She continued to take notes on the lesson.
Sage growled when the boy behind him smacked him. Sage squeezed the side of his table and bits his lip , holding back tears. " Oh look at that the gay boy is trying not to cry. " The boy taunt making lots of kids in the class laugh but the teacher ignored it.
Time skip:

The bell rang for lunch and Sage stood up. Sage walked over to Kumiko and smiled at her. " Let's go eat. " He said

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