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SAOF Sailor Moon RP

Hikaru walked away from the school , running his hand through his waist length platinum hair. " Hat was fun practice. " He muttere
As Kumiko ran out the door, she reached into her bag and brought out a pen before speaking into the gem on top of it. "Musetta, I sensed something. I may have found one." A small voice replied, "Alright, I will keep an eye on them. Resume your duties." Kumiko placed the pen back into her bag and continued her walk home from school.
Hikaru walked into a alley and he noticed a shadowy figure with piercing red eyes looking right him. Hikaru backed up slowly before attempting to run away only to be grabbed by a shadow tendril. " Let's go! " Hikaru yelled at the top of his lungs , his lilac eyes glaring at the monster.
"Sunlight Divider!" someone yelled. A beam of gold and pink light cut through the air before splitting the tendril, releasing Hikaru. A silhouetted figure appeared nearby.
The monster looked up. "Who's there?"

A female voice answered, "Rising from the songs of people's hearts, I am the Guardian of Music, Sailor Apollo! Time for my next performance! Your defeat!" The figure turns, revealing a girl, pointing to her enemy.
" Sailor ......Apollo ' Hikaru said in shock before a cat with snowy white fur appeared next to him , its eyes the same shade of lilac as Hikaru's. " Hello master . " The cat said causing Hikatu to jumps back.
"Run!" The girl yelled at Hikaru. "I'll handle this!" She ran up to the monster before yelling, "Bullet Symphony!" She put her hands in gun formations and fired off bullets in the shape of music notes, which damaged the enemy.
She raised her right hand in the air. "My guardian Apollo! Grant me your power! I call down the Harmonic Triumvirate!" A three pronged whip materialized in her hand. She charged towards the enemy, her whip thrashing about.
The shadow sneaked a tendril behind the girl and grabbed the girl by the leg before slamming her around the alley. " Apollo " Hikaru yelled as the kitten got his attention and a star shaped hair clip appeared. " Yell Orion Charm Power. " The cat said and Hilary nodded , not hesitating at all. " Orion Charm Power " Hikaru yelled , light engulfed him
The monster stared at the boy, unintentionally releasing his victim.

The girl gasped. "I was right..." She muttered. "He really is one." She struggled to get up.

"Sailor Apollo!" A small voice cried. Apollo whipped her head around, finding the source from a small white cat with golden eyes; a pink heart glittered on her forehead.

"Musetta!" She muttered. She glanced at her wrist and gasped. "My bracelet! Where'd it go?" she looked around before spotting it and sighing in relief. She quickly grabbed it and put it on again, before turning again to her companion. "We were right, he is one."
Hikaru's hair pin appeared in front of the camera before the camera pans out revealing the side of Hikaru's head. Hikaru's hand ran through his hair causing them to lengthen before the camera pans out more. Hikaru's full body that was silhouette in light purple. Hikaru ran forward as a large white circle which ran through , which made his sailor jacket , long pants and ankle boots appear. Hikaru cartwheeled right after landing and jumped in front of the camera while winking. He then did several back handspring before landing in a hand stand as this hat appeared. Hikaru then stood and glared at the monster. " I am the Sailor of Purifity and Justice , Sailor Orion " Sage said.
"On my count!" She yelled. "One! Two! Three!" Kumiko raised her whip before yelling, "Gigaphone!" The prong of her whip that appeared to be a musical staff entwined itself around the other two prongs as she aimed it at the enemy. As she yelled, it shot itself at the monster, enlarging as it did, before releasing a huge amount of musical energy at the monster.
Sage nodded. " Arrow of Orion. " Hikaru called as purple , sparkling bow and arrow of light appeared. Hikaru pulled the arrow back and shoot it at the monster. The monster was by both attacks and was destroyed. Hikaru dropped to his knees
GirlyTurtle said:
"Sailor Orion! Are you okay? " Sailor Apollo ran towards Hikaru worriedly. "What's wrong? "
" Tired , I tried to fight that thing before with this " He said fering to his custume.
"Well, alright then. Be careful, Sailor Orion. There will be many more monsters like this one from now on. You must learn to harness your powers soon if you want to defeat them." The girl replied before running off, her charm bracelet glinting in the moonlight (random I know, but it is an important item).
Sage watched the girl leave in awe. He turned to the cat. " I'll explain everything. " it said and Sage nodded.


Sage sat in his desk waiting for Kimiko
(question: is your name Hikaru or Sage?) Kumiko ran into the classroom, 10 minutes before class, having woken up earlier in the morning. "Ohayo!" She greeted Hikaru/Sage. "Is there practice after school today?"
( Sage ) Sage stood up and grabbed by the hand and dragged her out of the class. He stopped when no one was around. " I know your a sailor scout. " He said
Kumiko looked confused. "What are you talking about?" Secretly, she was panicking a little on the inside. 'Am I really that easy to figure out?' she thought. She hid her panic under layers of confusion.
" Diana told me everything, Sailor Apollo. " He said as he folded his arms and glared. " Don't you dare lie to me. " He said
" The white cat who gave me my transformation hair chip. " He said as he gestured to the item keep his bangs out of his eyes. " Also only Sailor Orion has that bracelet. " He said

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