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Fandom ╰☆╮ S a k u r a s o u ╰☆╮

F o o l i s h n e s s

// v a n i l l a //

Welcome to the Sign-Up.


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Dorm Number: (Ranges from 101-104 downstairs/male dorms and 201-204 upstairs/girl dorms)
Current Relationships:

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Name: Sango Kitaoji

Age: 18

Gender: Female

Year: 3

Orientation: Pansexual

Dorm Number: 202

Occupation: Convenience Store Cashier

Ethnicity: Japanese



Height: 5'4"

Weight: 124 lbs.

Hair Color: Pink (Dyed)

Eye Color: Gold

Piercings: Ears



Personality: Sango is a flirtatious and playful girl. A tease, she likes wearing outfits that show off her body. She definitely has a way with words as well. Her confidence and energy help her find partners easily. At school she conceals these traits a bit more, but her flirty side is always there. She just can't help it.

Determined and very passionate, if Sango wants to do something, she'll do it well. She has a rather carefree attitude towards school, though, barely passing. She's also very daring and is not afraid to try new things. This leads to her impulsively acting at times, which can end up having bad results. She also has a bit of a temper, so it's not advised to get on her bad side.

Sango doesn't like being tied down to one person herself, but she can get very jealous. If a boy or girl she has had her eye on is seen with someone else, she can act rather childishly. She can also sometimes be very self-absorbed without noticing it. So she does have bad traits, but all in all, she's a good friend to keep around.

Talent: Sango is a talented dancer. She can dance all types, even ballet, but she specializes in hip hop.

History: Sango's childhood was rather average. She grew up in a rather traditional Japanese family. Her parents owned a tea shop, and she was often forced to participate in tea ceremonies. She didn't really mind, but she found herself wanting something else in life. She'd gained an interest in dancing after being taught a few dances in fifth grade, and expressed her interest to her parents. They told her to let it go, as she would be taking over the shop when she got older.

This led to Sango's rebellious phase. She dyed her hair pink at the age of 14, pierced her eyes, and wore western clothing instead of traditional kimonos like her parents wanted her to. She managed to enroll in a dance school that taught various types. She was able to attend for free in return for doing jobs such as cleaning the studio when classes were over and manning the front desk.

She learned of Suimei when she was near the end of middle school. Truth be told, she was originally going to attend her neighborhood high school, but decided to try to get in just for the heck of it. After all, her parents couldn't be mad at her for getting into a prestigious school. She got in, and moved to Sakura Dormitory. Her parents were proud of her for getting in, but since they didn't approve of her going for dancing as a career, they refused to pay for high dormitory fees. Since Sakura was cheapest, she picked up a job at a convenience store and pays for it herself.


Friends - Kai Raizen

PM me or tag me in OOC!

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Kazumi "Kazu" Ishikawa




24th August; Virgo


Cisgender Female; She/Her




Year 2


Kazumi's talent is one that requires keen eyesight and good taste. Yes, she's a photography pro. Many might think this is an easy task, but oh ho, it's very difficult and the smallest slip-up with either timing or angle could result in the biggest of photography fails.






Don't worry, I'm just taking your photo! Now say cheese or die.
Kazumi I.


5'8" (172.5 cm)


128 lbs. (58.05 kg)


Kazumi's hair is definitely a bit... Different compared to rest of the student body. It's cut into a bowl cut of sorts, with some ends being a bit more uneven than others so as to seem less nerdy looking. What's even better? It's bright red, bordering on orange really.


Kazumi's eyes are a nice feature to her, and are typically what people notice first other than the red hair. Their bright green and expressive, very large too, and you can almost always tell what she's feeling just by looking into them.

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Sho My?jikarub?do




no slide
no slide
If our love is tragedy

Name: Sho My?jikarub?do

Nickname: Glasses, Four-Eyes, Pervert, Mr. Bad Luck.

Name Meaning: Soaring Bird of Music

Age: 14

Gender: Male

Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual

Hair Color: Black

Eye Color: Navy Blue

Height: 5'6

Weight: 124

Why are you my remedy?


Year: 1st year

Dorm Number: 103

Dorm Description: He has made use with the large area delivered by Sakurasou Dormitories by placing

a grand piano in the corner of the room and scattered symphonies laying across the floor. It is also to note that the male doesn't actually have a bed in his room, rather a sofa and a table in place of it. He may or may not have known about a few boxes stashed away that contain various phone numbers belonging to females by the previous occupant. (Mitaka Jin - Yes I did that)

Occupation: Student, Pianist/Musician, Musical Tutor, and Beginner Composer.

Talent: Sho has been gifted with the Piano, the few things that he is actually serious about. He plays his music exactly how the composer intended it to be to the exact beat, critics calling him the Human Metronome. <Cue Rebirth of Arima: Sakurasou Edition?>

Relationships : TBA
If our love's insanity


Personality: He is unfortunate. There is no two ways behind it, he could have a talent worth studying and learn from. However, day to day in his social life, you can find him actively being screwed over by fate. Whether it be a hole in his jacket to an umbrella mishap that takes him half-way across town in an ambulance. In other words, he is the most unlucky student in the world. Which, more times than others cause him to get hit and bruised by another student - primarily females. However, he has accepted that he won't be able to overcome his bad luck anytime soon and decided to live with it and has trained himself to run as fast as possible - most of the time being a rather effective way to avoid getting bruised. Some of the students even calling him 'cursed'.

This sort of mindset forming him into a defeatist, someone who believes that he would fail if he tries to go after something. The only exception for him being his piano skills, something he takes pride in and believes will be a skill that he would keep for the rest of his life. A slightly arrogant thought in the mindset of a genius musician.

Other than his defeatist nature and his 'Ultimate Bad Luck', Sho is a coward. Whenever something bad goes on in his life, he ends up blaming it on his bad luck and leaving it at that. Thinking that everything that goes wrong in his life can ultimately be traced back to his bad luck. The main reason that he doesn't even try to stop it is that if he does, he no longer has an excuse for all the bad things that happen in life - and he can't function.

Now to see what is good with this defeatist, unlucky coward. He is amazingly creative and when he tries to go after his musical creations and finish them - they rival current 'hot bands' . His musical creativity exceeds his 'human metronome' status of making it exactly how it was originally supposed to be played. Although, his music isn't able to reach most ears except for those in Sakura Dormitories - most of the compositions scattered across his room being his own.

He is extremely modest, whether or not this is the result of low-self esteem is unknown, but you will never see him bragging about his work unless you bring up the topic of how long he thinks he would be playing. Sho usually doesn't send out his work without testing it out with an audience, Sakura Dormitories doing just the trick for him.

(And since I don't want to write any more for this. You will see the rest of his personality traits later on...)


+ Reading

+ Music

+ Biographies

+ Autobiographies

+ Listening to other people working

+ The Piano

+ Sweets

+ Sweetened Chai Tea


- Warheads

- Irony

- Change

- Knowing when he is wrong

- His luck

- Breaking Fourth Walls (Ironic Ain't it)

- Praise (Towards Himself)


- Running away

- Hiding

- Snapping Fingers

- Getting Bruised


- Playing Cards

- Cooking

- Playing his music
Why are you my clarity?


Sho Myujikarubado was the only child in his family of three, his mother and father being self-claimed musicians. Neither of them being much good to go on national and international tours, maybe just a few minor gigs at a birthday party or a small bar mitzvah of one of their extended family members or neighbors.

That way of life changed when he came along, the had to get a 'real job' quote unquote his grandparents to support him. They did the best they could, if not better than the average parents in taking care of him. Although, with his 'bad luck', it was obvious that they had to pay rather extensive medical bills time to time to deal with a broken arm or a black eye. Plus, it was not like he was complaining when they had to stick him in a hospital to miss a couple of months.

When he was around seven, they had started to teach him music. The musicians opening a music store so they could still play their melodies and take care of their child - plus it taught the not-yet musical genius the beauty of music. The first few instruments doing...not so well as the piano would have - far from it. They went down the instruments to see where their 'musical genes' had left their mark. Once they reached the piano, it was obvious that that clicked with him. The music far from what a seven year should be able to play - however not exactly what the level the current prodigy is on.

The parents deciding to focus him on the piano after school and homework that he managed to finish before five o'clock. The parents becoming more like teachers as they had worked on improving his beat which was almost exact at the age of ten - the mastery of the beat reaching when he was thirteen. It was obvious by that age that he was a prodigy in his field with his multiple trophies from local and some minor national competitions. However, his school grades suffered from the act, landing him in a place where his melodies mattered more than his grades while being well known throughout the region. "Suimei High school".

Since his parents wanted to save the majority of the money from the store and their childs compitions prizes - being rather stingy as well due to them not knowing when he would get into 'another' accident with other students. Sakurasou was picked as his new 'home'.




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Vague said:



Name: Sango Kitaoji

Age: 18

Gender: Female

Year: 3

Orientation: Pansexual

Dorm Number: 202

Occupation: Convenience Store Cashier

Ethnicity: Japanese



Height: 5'4"

Weight: 124 lbs.

Hair Color: Pink (Dyed)

Eye Color: Gold

Piercings: Ears



Personality: Sango is a flirtatious and playful girl. A tease, she likes wearing outfits that show off her body. She definitely has a way with words as well. Her confidence and energy help her find partners easily. At school she conceals these traits a bit more, but her flirty side is always there. She just can't help it.

Determined and very passionate, if Sango wants to do something, she'll do it well. She has a rather carefree attitude towards school, though, barely passing. She's also very daring and is not afraid to try new things. This leads to her impulsively acting at times, which can end up having bad results. She also has a bit of a temper, so it's not advised to get on her bad side.

Sango doesn't like being tied down to one person herself, but she can get very jealous. If a boy or girl she has had her eye on is seen with someone else, she can act rather childishly. She can also sometimes be very self-absorbed without noticing it. So she does have bad traits, but all in all, she's a good friend to keep around.

Talent: Sango is a talented dancer. She can dance all types, even ballet, but she specializes in hip hop.

History: Sango's childhood was rather average. She grew up in a rather traditional Japanese family. Her parents owned a tea shop, and she was often forced to participate in tea ceremonies. She didn't really mind, but she found herself wanting something else in life. She'd gained an interest in dancing after being taught a few dances in fifth grade, and expressed her interest to her parents. They told her to let it go, as she would be taking over the shop when she got older.

This led to Sango's rebellious phase. She dyed her hair pink at the age of 14, pierced her eyes, and wore western clothing instead of traditional kimonos like her parents wanted her to. She managed to enroll in a dance school that taught various types. She was able to attend for free in return for doing jobs such as cleaning the studio when classes were over and manning the front desk.

She learned of Suimei when she was near the end of middle school. Truth be told, she was originally going to attend her neighborhood high school, but decided to try to get in just for the heck of it. After all, her parents couldn't be mad at her for getting into a prestigious school. She got in, and moved to Sakura Dormitory. Her parents were proud of her for getting in, but since they didn't approve of her going for dancing as a career, they refused to pay for high dormitory fees. Since Sakura was cheapest, she picked up a job at a convenience store and pays for it herself.

Relationships: N/A ; Tag me in OOC or PM

Accepted :D

Kai Raizen


Name: Kai Raizen (Rye-zen, not raisin)

Age: 17

Gender: Male

Year: 3

Dorm Number: 101

Occupation: Part-time worker of a flower shop

Orientation: Heterosexual

Talent: A talented sculptor that has visionary moments at spontaneous times, so he tends to "borrow" items (really take them and never give it back unless the owner threatens him) for his sculptures.

Ethnicity: Half Japanese-half American

Height: 6'2"

Weight: 173 lbs.

Eye Color: Gray

Hair Color: Black

Extras: No matter the outfit he enjoys wearing his ties. He has a whole section of his closet dedicated to his ties. From plain colors to fashionable designs decorating the ties, he also has significantly nerdy ties like a tie with actual lights on it for Christmas or a glittery tie with colorful Mardi Gras colors.

Personality: Super suave. He enjoys wooing the ladies and expressing his profound respect for the opposite gender. Although at times he can also express his pride in the male gender when he is presented a physical challenge or mental trick. But for the most part he can be said to be a ladies man. The only thing though is that he mostly acts chill and the typical characteristics of a super popular guy outside of the dormitory otherwise in Sakurasou he is a whole other enchilada.

In the dormitory he is a goofball. He acts somewhat childish and can become very nosy. The only thing that stops him in anything is whenever he thinks up of something for his current or upcoming sculpture. He will stop doing whatever he is doing whether it be chopping up some vegetables or watering the plants he will drop any activity and work on his sculpture. Sometimes he is triggered by spotting an object that he believes will look great on his sculpture and once he sets eyes on something he is determined to get it. His usual line with using the object is, "May I borrow this? I'll try to give it back." But in the end he never gives it back.

Despite him goofing around and acting like a child, Kai can be responsible when asked since his respect for women is strong and is not an act. Truly he loves women and has grown to be a gentleman because of that. But he also has a strong love for his sculptures sticking through every project he works on. He cannot start on a new project unless his current one is finished. Since he works at a flower shop and often visits the botanical gardens, most of his sculptures consists of flowers.

History: Born and shortly raised in America, he had to quickly move to Japan at the age of four to his grandparent's home right after the tragic accident of his parents death. No other family members lived in America so Japan was the only place he could go to. From there he was raised by his grandparents who taught him to be the gentleman he is now. Even though he does not remember his parents, he sometimes feels the emptiness of their love that he could've received from them. But he never let this get to him and decided to live a life that would've made his parents proud.

Flowers were always a way of comfort for him. The only memory he has of him with his parents was in a field of flowers of all sorts of colors. The warmth of their smiles and hugs fills him each time with a small bubble of content, so at the age of four and onwards he has sculpted with flowers. With a delicate touch he has built flower crowns, flower bracelets, flower necklaces, and even a flower bird. Over the years his grandparents have watched his talent grow. Although his grandfather would have preferred him to be more of a masculine handy-man he saw the happiness that Kai received from forming shapes with the objects of his comfort. Instead of shunning his grandson he decided to challenge his sculpting skills and began bringing him objects of different characteristics for him to work with.

At first it was difficult for Kai since the different properties of each object was far different from the others and he had to think through how other objects could work with what was given to him, but over time his mind has trained itself to began seeing new patterns and uses for each object. As Kai grew older he began taking on bigger projects, so big that it began requiring power tools. When his grandfather saw the need for power tools he grew ecstatic at his ability of using such masculine objects. Ever since then his grandfather grew to be his biggest advocate for his sculptures.

But the only thing that prevented Kai from building such great and profound pieces was his grandparent's budget. They were a simple low middle-class couple. So as his way to receive material for his sculptures he would visit the local junkyard and sift through the piles for his needed materials. Sometimes when he finished a project he would leave it at the junkyard for decoration and the pleasure of the junkyard owner. That is where he came to find out about the Suimei Academy. An alumni of the academy was passing by the junkyard one day when Kai was placing one of his latest pieces in the lot. The man recommended Kai to check it out. Which then soon afterwards he began attending the academy.

He now lives in the Sakurasou Dormitory due to financial reasons of his grandparents being low, but he does not mind having to pay for his own education, and attends Suimei Academy skipping a year because of his intelligence.

Relationships: PM or chat with me in OOC for relationships

~ Sango Kitaoji: Has had her as a classmate ever since the first year essentially leading them to be great friends.

~ Asuka Inchinomiya: A favorite dormmate of his that he loves to mess around with but watches out for her as well.

~ Takashi Juedo: Dorm brother.





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LifeNovel said:

Kai Raizen


Name: Kai Raizen (Rye-zen, not raisin)

Age: 17

Gender: Male

Year: 3

Dorm Number: 101

Occupation: Part-time worker of a flower shop

Orientation: Heterosexual

Talent: A talented sculptor that has visionary moments at spontaneous times, so he tends to "borrow" items (really take them and never give it back unless the owner threatens him) for his sculptures.

Ethnicity: Half Japanese-half American

Height: 6'2"

Weight: 173 lbs.

Eye Color: Gray

Hair Color: Black

Extras: No matter the outfit he enjoys wearing his ties. He has a whole section of his closet dedicated to his ties. From plain colors to fashionable designs decorating the ties, he also has significantly nerdy ties like a tie with actual lights on it for Christmas or a glittery tie with colorful Mardi Gras colors.

Personality: Super suave. He enjoys wooing the ladies and expressing his profound respect for the opposite gender. Although at times he can also express his pride in the male gender when he is presented a physical challenge or mental trick. But for the most part he can be said to be a ladies man. The only thing though is that he mostly acts chill and the typical characteristics of a super popular guy outside of the dormitory otherwise in Sakurasou he is a whole other enchilada.

In the dormitory he is a goofball. He acts somewhat childish and can become very nosy. The only thing that stops him in anything is whenever he thinks up of something for his current or upcoming sculpture. He will stop doing whatever he is doing whether it be chopping up some vegetables or watering the plants he will drop any activity and work on his sculpture. Sometimes he is triggered by spotting an object that he believes will look great on his sculpture and once he sets eyes on something he is determined to get it. His usual line with using the object is, "May I borrow this? I'll try to give it back." But in the end he never gives it back.

Despite him goofing around and acting like a child, Kai can be responsible when asked since his respect for women is strong and is not an act. Truly he loves women and has grown to be a gentleman because of that. But he also has a strong love for his sculptures sticking through every project he works on. He cannot start on a new project unless his current one is finished. Since he works at a flower shop and often visits the botanical gardens, most of his sculptures consists of flowers.

History: Born and shortly raised in America, he had to quickly move to Japan at the age of four to his grandparent's home right after the tragic accident of his parents death. No other family members lived in America so Japan was the only place he could go to. From there he was raised by his grandparents who taught him to be the gentleman he is now. Even though he does not remember his parents, he sometimes feels the emptiness of their love that he could've received from them. But he never let this get to him and decided to live a life that would've made his parents proud.

Flowers were always a way of comfort for him. The only memory he has of him with his parents was in a field of flowers of all sorts of colors. The warmth of their smiles and hugs fills him each time with a small bubble of content, so at the age of four and onwards he has sculpted with flowers. With a delicate touch he has built flower crowns, flower bracelets, flower necklaces, and even a flower bird. Over the years his grandparents have watched his talent grow. Although his grandfather would have preferred him to be more of a masculine handy-man he saw the happiness that Kai received from forming shapes with the objects of his comfort. Instead of shunning his grandson he decided to challenge his sculpting skills and began bringing him objects of different characteristics for him to work with.

At first it was difficult for Kai since the different properties of each object was far different from the others and he had to think through how other objects could work with what was given to him, but over time his mind has trained itself to began seeing new patterns and uses for each object. As Kai grew older he began taking on bigger projects, so big that it began requiring power tools. When his grandfather saw the need for power tools he grew ecstatic at his ability of using such masculine objects. Ever since then his grandfather grew to be his biggest advocate for his sculptures.

But the only thing that prevented Kai from building such great and profound pieces was his grandparent's budget. They were a simple low middle-class couple. So as his way to receive material for his sculptures he would visit the local junkyard and sift through the piles for his needed materials. Sometimes when he finished a project he would leave it at the junkyard for decoration and the pleasure of the junkyard owner. That is where he came to find out about the Suimei Academy. An alumni of the academy was passing by the junkyard one day when Kai was placing one of his latest pieces in the lot. The man recommended Kai to check it out. Which then soon afterwards he began attending the academy.

He now lives in the Sakurasou Dormitory due to financial reasons of his grandparents being low, but he does not mind having to pay for his own education, and attends Suimei Academy skipping a year because of his intelligence.

Relationships: PM or chat with me in OOC for relationships





Accepted :D

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/untitled.png.e6376df7810706fe1124fe203ae8fe7c.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="130314" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/untitled.png.e6376df7810706fe1124fe203ae8fe7c.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/cooltext185987535580439.png.980f7b0729a455aa43f66350e2529c9c.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="130315" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/cooltext185987535580439.png.980f7b0729a455aa43f66350e2529c9c.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/giphy.gif.f8890ed28e9bb295600a8a4bb53b202b.gif" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="130317" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/giphy.gif.f8890ed28e9bb295600a8a4bb53b202b.gif" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Name: Asuka Inchinomiya

Gender: Female

Year: 2

Dorm Number: 201

Occupation: Part Time Model

Age: 16

DOB: November 12th

Ethnicity: Japanese/French

Height: 5'3"

Weight: 99

Eye Color: Blue

Hair Color: Pink

Sexual Orientation: Straight

Talent: Singer and song writer

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/cooltext185988295347640.png.0aab5c49a476648fe87a6845e8d60073.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="130316" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/cooltext185988295347640.png.0aab5c49a476648fe87a6845e8d60073.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/tumblr_m5uknl3Y1P1rt7057o1_500.gif.439212ee2de495e678648b01d568b8ac.gif" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="130318" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/tumblr_m5uknl3Y1P1rt7057o1_500.gif.439212ee2de495e678648b01d568b8ac.gif" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Personality: Asuka always wants people to see her as a simple, beautiful, sweet girl, one of whom is always kind and generous towards others, although this is just a scam. In fact, she is arrogant and will not hesitate to use abusive language towards others. She even tries to make amends, if someone sees her true personality as she is uncertain about her dual personality. Asuka actually can be very wise even though sometimes she can't even help herself. She won't tell you right away what's wrong if she is trying to help, she usually just leaves tips here and there not wanting to get involved or, if she is close enough to the person, hurt them.

When Asuka is talking to you all sweet and nice there is a very good chance she is cussing you out in her head. She is actually very good at hiding her true personality. The only way you could ever get a glimpse at the real her is if you catch her off guard or you piss her off really badly. Only a close friend of her's knows her real personality mostly because that friend of her's pissed her off so bad she cussed them out. Her real personalty is very confindent and she knows she is good at what she does. She wants everyone to like her andwants to be popular and so far its been working she even has guys all over her. So careful casue tou never know what she might be thinking of you.

Background: Asuka was born to a normal family. Her father was a French man and her mother Japanese. She lived a pretty good life that is until her mother and father got a divorce and he left. After that day her mother told Asuka that they were goingto prove to her father that they didn't need him and that Asuka would reach the top. Her mother became very strick on Asuka telling her to study and to make sure she was top in her class and if she wasn't her mother fuss and yell at her.

When Asuka reached high school her mother noticed Asuka's talent for music and enrolled her in Suimei Academy. She also got Asuka a f]agent to find her mideling jobs, that way when she was done with school and started putting out music people would already now who she is. Asuka hardly ever got to hang out with friends and growing under up under her mother she develop certain traits. So to hide them she develop a outer personalty to use so people would like her and accept her. Because of her mother she see's everyone else as worthless compare to her. She does everything she can to make her mother happy and approve of her.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/cooltext186188841136917.png.330c3b52e5dfde21b7d6e01c023a2387.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="130319" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/cooltext186188841136917.png.330c3b52e5dfde21b7d6e01c023a2387.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/tumblr_najx7r5QEF1s5zaedo1_500.gif.f364f52066f465b65d9aa7d13d8d8ae6.gif" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="130324" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/tumblr_najx7r5QEF1s5zaedo1_500.gif.f364f52066f465b65d9aa7d13d8d8ae6.gif" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


Pm or send me a message on the ooc

@LifeNovel Kai Raizen - her annoying older senpai and the only person who knows her real personality




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animegirl20 said:

View attachment 290088

Name: Asuka Inchinomiya

Gender: Female

Year: 3

Dorm Number: 201

Occupation: Part Time Model

Age: 16

DOB: November 12th

Ethnicity: Japanese/French

Height: 5'3"

Weight: 99

Eye Color: Blue

Hair Color: Pink

Sexual Orientation: Straight

Talent: Singer and song writer

View attachment 290090

Personality: Asuka always wants people to see her as a simple, beautiful, sweet girl, one of whom is always kind and generous towards others, although this is just a scam. In fact, she is arrogant and will not hesitate to use abusive language towards others. She even tries to make amends, if someone sees her true personality as she is uncertain about her dual personality. Asuka actually can be very wise even though sometimes she can't even help herself. She won't tell you right away what's wrong if she is trying to help, she usually just leaves tips here and there not wanting to get involved or, if she is close enough to the person, hurt them.

When Asuka is talking to you all sweet and nice there is a very good chance she is cussing you out in her head. She is actually very good at hiding her true personality. The only way you could ever get a glimpse at the real her is if you catch her off guard or you piss her off really badly. Only a close friend of her's knows her real personality mostly because that friend of her's pissed her off so bad she cussed them out. Her real personalty is very confindent and she knows she is good at what she does. She wants everyone to like her andwants to be popular and so far its been working she even has guys all over her. So careful casue tou never know what she might be thinking of you.

Background: Asuka was born to a normal family. Her father was a French man and her mother Japanese. She lived a pretty good life that is until her mother and father got a divorce and he left. After that day her mother told Asuka that they were goingto prove to her father that they didn't need him and that Asuka would reach the top. Her mother became very strick on Asuka telling her to study and to make sure she was top in her class and if she wasn't her mother fuss and yell at her.

When Asuka reached high school her mother noticed Asuka's talent for music and enrolled her in Suimei Academy. She also got Asuka a f]agent to find her mideling jobs, that way when she was done with school and started putting out music people would already now who she is. Asuka hardly ever got to hang out with friends and growing under up under her mother she develop certain traits. So to hide them she develop a outer personalty to use so people would like her and accept her. Because of her mother she see's everyone else as worthless compare to her. She does everything she can to make her mother happy and approve of her.

View attachment 290100


Pm or send me a message on the ooc

Accepted :D .

"I am who I am not"

Name: Takashi Juedo

Age: 17

Gender: male

Year: 2 (cause we need someone there xD )

Dorm Number: 102

Occupation: part-time actor for beverages comercials

Talent: Acting- he has an extreme talent for acting, if he pretends that 2+2=5, you´ll believe it in no time.

"Isn´t it strange that it´s always the truth that´s more suspicious?"

Personality: Takashi is a mask of a person. He is a compulsive liar, even when lying is ridiculous, but don´t be fooled: He is a genius. He has amazing skills at improvising and quick-thinking and can usually read through what people are feeling, and with a bit of luck, what they´re thinking, in the blink of an eye. However, long-term isn´t exactly his forte and while he can quickly escape a situation, he often forgets about the rest of the situations ahead unless someone gives him a hand with that.

He is a kind, attentive and generous person who´s always there to help, but he won´t always bear good intentions. It´s not easy to break his temper, but if you do, it will rain blood. And for centuries, at that, since Takashi bears grudges with ease. Though a prankster himself, he hates it to be pranked back or surprised.

However, he is someone you can always count on to have your back, even if you have a huge secret or if you have done something really bad. Takashi doesn´t get along with authorities anyway.

Takashi is an excellent ventriloquist, though that is not something he is particularly talented at. Between his love for puppets, keeping many in his room (a fact that weirds out many people considering how some are actually pretty creepy), and his acting skills, that mastery arises by consequence, and he sometimes uses it as a semi-cover on a childish level if he feels too nervous to act properly or during states of depression or self-doubt. He is also proficient at pick-pocketing and hiding.

He is a rather energetic and humorous person, usually keeping jokes on the tip of his tong all the time, nomatter the kind or quality. He enjoys picking things apart and specially making people realize their own mistakes, especially during games. He has, however, a tendency to think of most of life as a mere "game" of sorts.

[more to be added over time, I guess...I had more in mind, but I can´t recall what it was, so I´ll just add it and tell you if I do, @T h e F o o l ]

"We are only guilty as we are charged"

History: Takashi was born and raised to two loving parents, living off what they could muster. None of them was exactly rich or exactly poor, however his mother´s family never accepted her teenage pregnancy and his father had always been a rebellious brat, being in odd terms with his own family.

Nevertheless, they did have their means of income, with his father having a job in pizza delivery and his mother pawning her old collections. He attended preschool like this, until the day they told him his father had broken his leg in an accident and that he had been fired. Takashi was too young to understand the idea of his father losing his job and was in fact delighted to spend more time with his old man, though he did notice the man had changed. It began with finding coins from the ground and passing with the same ticket in the subway, and escalated to actively pickpocketing and scamming, where Takashi´s talent began to shine. His mother was weary of this when she begun realizing where the extra money came from, but it was too late: One night, after a big fight between Takashi´s parents, his father scared his mother away by beating her. The woman still returned for her child later, but she´d met with a coworker who unkownst to her, was infactuated with her.

The coworker came to give a piece of his mind to Takashi´s father, and to perhaps get him to divorce his wife. Instead, he was caught right in the midst of the man´s scams and tipped the police who arrested him. The trial wasn´t long, Takashi´s father was held guilty as charged and Takashi himself was considered to have been tricked as well and was free to go. The coworker still convinced his mother that she needed some room and Takashi was sent to his grandfather´s house, where he has lived until he came to Sakurasou. His grandfather tried preventing him from exercising his skills in acting, though he would do it in secret, even to fool his own grandfather.

Current Relationships: [Open for discussion]

Last edited by a moderator:
Hmm? I wonder what you taste like? I hope you're sweet.
  • Name: Kiryuu, Toki

    Age: 15

    Gender: Female

    Year: 1

    Dorm Number: 203

    Occupation: Online Blogger / Matchmaker (Did you expect a real job?)

    Talent: N/A
Last edited by a moderator:
Yunn said:
Hmm? I wonder what you taste like? I hope you're sweet.
  • Name: Kiryuu, Toki
    Age: 15

    Gender: Female

    Year: 1

    Dorm Number: 203

    Occupation: Online Blogger / Matchmaker (Did you expect a real job?)

    Talent: N/A
Accepted :D (Are you currently in love with Matchmaker characters). Also, no. What is going to be the Note Tab is shameless.
Idea said:

"I am who I am not"

Name: Takashi Juedo

Age: 17

Gender: male

Year: 2 (cause we need someone there xD )

Dorm Number: 102

Occupation: part-time actor for beverages comercials

Talent: Acting- he has an extreme talent for acting, if he pretends that 2+2=5, you´ll believe it in no time.

"Isn´t it strange that it´s always the truth that´s more suspicious?"

Personality: Takashi is a mask of a person. He is a compulsive liar, even when lying is ridiculous, but don´t be fooled: He is a genius. He has amazing skills at improvising and quick-thinking and can usually read through what people are feeling, and with a bit of luck, what they´re thinking, in the blink of an eye. However, long-term isn´t exactly his forte and while he can quickly escape a situation, he often forgets about the rest of the situations ahead unless someone gives him a hand with that.

He is a kind, attentive and generous person who´s always there to help, but he won´t always bear good intentions. It´s not easy to break his temper, but if you do, it will rain blood. And for centuries, at that, since Takashi bears grudges with ease. Though a prankster himself, he hates it to be pranked back or surprised.

However, he is someone you can always count on to have your back, even if you have a huge secret or if you have done something really bad. Takashi doesn´t get along with authorities anyway.

[more to be added over time, I guess...I had more in mind, but I can´t recall what it was, so I´ll just add it and tell you if I do, @T h e F o o l ]

"We are only guilty as we are charged"

History: Takashi was born and raised to two loving parents, living off what they could muster. None of them was exactly rich or exactly poor, however his mother´s family never accepted her teenage pregnancy and his father had always been a rebellious brat, being in odd terms with his own family.

Nevertheless, they did have their means of income, with his father having a job in pizza delivery and his mother pawning her old collections. He attended preschool like this, until the day they told him his father had broken his leg in an accident and that he had been fired. Takashi was too young to understand the idea of his father losing his job and was in fact delighted to spend more time with his old man, though he did notice the man had changed. It began with finding coins from the ground and passing with the same ticket in the subway, and escalated to actively pickpocketing and scamming, where Takashi´s talent began to shine. His mother was weary of this when she begun realizing where the extra money came from, but it was too late: One night, after a big fight between Takashi´s parents, his father scared his mother away by beating her. The woman still returned for her child later, but she´d met with a coworker who unkownst to her, was infactuated with her.

The coworker came to give a piece of his mind to Takashi´s father, and to perhaps get him to divorce his wife. Instead, he was caught right in the midst of the man´s scams and tipped the police who arrested him. The trial wasn´t long, Takashi´s father was held guilty as charged and Takashi himself was considered to have been tricked as well and was free to go. The coworker still convinced his mother that she needed some room and Takashi was sent to his grandfather´s house, where he has lived until he came to Sakurasou. His grandfather tried preventing him from exercising his skills in acting, though he would do it in secret, even to fool his own grandfather.

Current Relationships: [Open for discussion]

Accepted :D (As long as you don't change everything I think that is fine to add stuff)


? H I R O M A S A ?


Age || 16

Gender || Male

Sexuality || Demisexual Panromantic

Year ||

Dorm # || ???

Talent || N/A

Occupation || Dessert Chef at a Local Cafe





no slide
Idea said:

"I am who I am not"

Name: Takashi Juedo

Age: 17

Gender: male

Year: 2 (cause we need someone there xD )

Dorm Number: 102

Occupation: part-time actor for beverages comercials

Talent: Acting- he has an extreme talent for acting, if he pretends that 2+2=5, you´ll believe it in no time.

"Isn´t it strange that it´s always the truth that´s more suspicious?"

Personality: Takashi is a mask of a person. He is a compulsive liar, even when lying is ridiculous, but don´t be fooled: He is a genius. He has amazing skills at improvising and quick-thinking and can usually read through what people are feeling, and with a bit of luck, what they´re thinking, in the blink of an eye. However, long-term isn´t exactly his forte and while he can quickly escape a situation, he often forgets about the rest of the situations ahead unless someone gives him a hand with that.

He is a kind, attentive and generous person who´s always there to help, but he won´t always bear good intentions. It´s not easy to break his temper, but if you do, it will rain blood. And for centuries, at that, since Takashi bears grudges with ease. Though a prankster himself, he hates it to be pranked back or surprised.

However, he is someone you can always count on to have your back, even if you have a huge secret or if you have done something really bad. Takashi doesn´t get along with authorities anyway.

Takashi is an excellent ventriloquist, though that is not something he is particularly talented at. Between his love for puppets, keeping many in his room (a fact that weirds out many people considering how some are actually pretty creepy), and his acting skills, that mastery arises by consequence, and he sometimes uses it as a semi-cover on a childish level if he feels too nervous to act properly or during states of depression or self-doubt. He is also proficient at pick-pocketing and hiding.

He is a rather energetic and humorous person, usually keeping jokes on the tip of his tong all the time, nomatter the kind or quality. He enjoys picking things apart and specially making people realize their own mistakes, especially during games. He has, however, a tendency to think of most of life as a mere "game" of sorts.

[more to be added over time, I guess...I had more in mind, but I can´t recall what it was, so I´ll just add it and tell you if I do, @T h e F o o l ]

"We are only guilty as we are charged"

History: Takashi was born and raised to two loving parents, living off what they could muster. None of them was exactly rich or exactly poor, however his mother´s family never accepted her teenage pregnancy and his father had always been a rebellious brat, being in odd terms with his own family.

Nevertheless, they did have their means of income, with his father having a job in pizza delivery and his mother pawning her old collections. He attended preschool like this, until the day they told him his father had broken his leg in an accident and that he had been fired. Takashi was too young to understand the idea of his father losing his job and was in fact delighted to spend more time with his old man, though he did notice the man had changed. It began with finding coins from the ground and passing with the same ticket in the subway, and escalated to actively pickpocketing and scamming, where Takashi´s talent began to shine. His mother was weary of this when she begun realizing where the extra money came from, but it was too late: One night, after a big fight between Takashi´s parents, his father scared his mother away by beating her. The woman still returned for her child later, but she´d met with a coworker who unkownst to her, was infactuated with her.

The coworker came to give a piece of his mind to Takashi´s father, and to perhaps get him to divorce his wife. Instead, he was caught right in the midst of the man´s scams and tipped the police who arrested him. The trial wasn´t long, Takashi´s father was held guilty as charged and Takashi himself was considered to have been tricked as well and was free to go. The coworker still convinced his mother that she needed some room and Takashi was sent to his grandfather´s house, where he has lived until he came to Sakurasou. His grandfather tried preventing him from exercising his skills in acting, though he would do it in secret, even to fool his own grandfather.

Current Relationships: [Open for discussion]

Reaccepted. He scares me. .-.
Name: Fujimoto masato

Age: 16

Gender: male


Dorm Number: (Ranges from 101-103 downstairs/male dorms and 201-203 upstairs/girl dorms) Anywhere (102 preferred)

Occupation: Current pro gamer for an team

Talent: (if you don't have one/normal student put N/A) Gaming god. And I do mean gaming god.

Personality: (At least two paragraphs anything not mentioned here can be shown during the RP) Ryuunosuke is back:D The shut in is revived by yours truly with some minor(?) changes. Still Cold and blunt as ever, but not as much of an shut in like Ryuunosuke.Also has 2 personalities; one for stuff like fan meetings or interviews etc, and the other one is his normal everyday one. His interview one his always bright and cheerful, someone that always seems to get you to smile. His other personality though is his cold and blunt one. The Anti social shut in that might(?) get forced out of his room by an special girl. Or stay solo for the rest of his life:P

His attitude to family members are s**t though. Like seriously. He hates his family and his family hates him. So he rarely goes to see his family. In fact, one of the reasons he decided to come to Sakurasou is to get away from his mother.

History: (At Least Two Paragraphs) His cheerful personality isn't 100% made up. It was based of his younger year personality. Up to the age of ten, he always was an bright and sunshiny guy. He was loved by friends and family alike. In fact, he was extremely close to his mother, being an only child and never got to know his dad, as he died when he was younger.

But after reaching the age of 13, he got into games and got further and further from his mother. What game? League of legends. One day, his mother asked what his dream was. He replied with pro gamer. That resultedin an argument that drove the two away, along with his family. So he relieved his stress with games, eventually hitting number one. He's currently n an team and the only people he can rely on so far is the 4 other people on his team.

Current Relationships: Free~

(sup dud remember me from that Danganronpa rp? Hope this one doesn't die:)

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