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Realistic or Modern Rythe Psychological Research Center

" Thru the darkness and down the path; there existed an ocean, filled with wrath. This ocean forms like that of a lake; vast and black along the slate. Some come to it, in times of woe, times of joy, times which flow. But they all have a choice, when arriving there: Shall they stay, or shall. It. Tear. . ."

Dr. Wiler had followed the 5'2, 109-pound female with dreaded , wild hair. He was standing just a step out of a bright light in the hall way, halfway inside a room that looked to be under construction. A book of poetry in his one hand, as the other was in the pocket of his white long coat. The light within this currently pieced together room flickered on and off at rare intervals, removing the glare from the doctors glasses and revealing his gaze. Those eyes... they looked at this patient, as they looked at every other thing, with an intense.....interest. Closing the book and moving into the light, the reflection off his spectacles became secured, hiding those eyes behind the glowing rectangles.

" Aja ... Correct?"

@aja maji
Keao sighed, "Well then, thank you."

With her weak arms she attempted to hug the boy back. Sure, he was kind of strange, but so was everyone here, including herself. She was embarrassed that she had cried in front of him, but seeing him cry made it a tad bit better, bad as that may seem. She rested her head on his shoulder. "I feel much better."
aja turned around, beholding the man before her. "yes...that's me" the words came softly out her mouth,dangerous they said. yet aja didn't feel the need to run,or to be scared or to get away. she wanted to be closer,to learn more,to take him in. it was as if she was a vampire and he was the darkness. focus,they warned her,don't lose yourself. she looked up, to meet his gaze,yet she couldn't see past the glare. something in tense came over her,she wanted to see his eyes,its as if they would hold the answers to all her questions. she blinked,snapping out of it, and took a step back from the man.
" Ah, finally we meet"

The doctor smiled, kind and inviting, though he knew that even if he was holding chocolate and a infant feline, that his expression would not calm this girl. His arms casually moved around his waist to his back, as he held the poetry book in his hands, shifting his head to one side. " I am informed that you had an......incident early today. I would like to speak with you." That head of light blond hair casually straightened out then tilted the opposite direction. " On that matter. . ."

Seeing her reactions, looking at every detail, he let out a sigh, turning so that his right profile was all that could be seen. His face was turned away, as his free hand moved up and removed the glasses. Nathaniel cleaned them slowly, before reapplying the lenses and facing the patient directly once again.

Fenrir pats the back of her head softly, he hasn't felt so nice in quite a while, he actually felt like he had purpose,

"You're welcome." Fenrir simply states, he feels glad that he actually helped someone, but something tugged at his mind,

"She hates you." Stew said finally, the voice was coarse and hateful which begged Fen to ask her a question,

"Y-You don't hate me, do you?" Fenrir asks, he practically ignored Stew, but Stew's harshness did get to Fen a little bit. Fenrir adjusts as he continues hugging the girl.​
aja's fist clinched,'he would want to talk to me about that'. her instincts told her to take another step back but she couldn't. she was to in awe of the male to bear any farther from him,something about him was off putting,and she wanted to know why. "i assumed so,so i take it you're a doctor ,strange that i didn't know about you,they tell me everything." aja slowly opened her fist,they promised her he was no threat,for now. yet her eyes did wander for an escape route. but more importantly,she needed him to take those stupid glasses off so she could see his eyes.
"No," she replied. "Why?" She wanted to ask him where exactly he got that idea, but she didn't have enough words in her vocabulary to be so specific. Keao lifted her head when he shifted, then lowered it again, this time facing him. He was much easier to see now that she'd regained a bit of her energy, and him taking off his mask was helpful too.

Fenrir shook his head, he hated Stew as much as he wanted his voice to stay with him and guide him despite the fact that Stew really didn't want to guide him but instead just wanted to make Fen hate himself,

"It's my stupid friend, Stew, he told me that you hate me. You have to believe me, he's the smartest person I know, he sounds just like me!" Fenrir tries to explain. The girl felt nice in his arms, she felt warm and soft, like a pillow that had been sitting in the warm sun for a few minutes,

"W-What's your name?" Fenrir was blushing but he hoped that she didn't see it upon his cheeks,

"You feel very nice." Fenrir tries to compliment her, but he probably just sounds creepy when he says it.

Arching a brow, Dr. Wiler pocketed the book of poetry, revealing his small journal. His movements where so incredibly steady, as if he was more a surgeon then anything else. He opened the book and swiveled his head ever so slight to look upon the pages. He then closed the small piece of literature, pocketing it again. " Yes, I'm afraid that there is a reason....for that" His tongue moved along his teeth as he let out a heavy exhale. It appeared for a moment that his form readied to perform an action; one that was hard to diagnose. Though he did not move from his position under the light. Instead he brought a fist up and coughed lightly into it. " For now, we shall escort you back to your dwelling."

Two orderlies appeared from around the corner, approaching the patient in a easy calm way.

This also made it so the hallway did not only contain the doctor and the patient completely alone, which he knew could be overwhelming for some. Still, he enjoyed the results.
The brunette didn't know exactly how to react about this Stew person, so she didn't say anything. When he blushed, the girl couldn't help thinking he was cute, like a coy young sapling spirit.

Keao laughed, but it quickly turned into a cough. She pulled away for a moment, her body racking as she coughed into her arm. When it finally died away, she somewhat shyly slid back into his comforting embrace. "Sorry... My name..."

She hesitated. Was she supposed to tell him her real name? Or what everyone in this place called her? He seemed like a good person, unlike that one evil man in this place, but she still didn't want the orderlies to get mad... "Keam. You?"
"i don't,i don't wanna go back...." aja backed away against the wall,looking at the two orderlies making her way to her. she looked at the man with a pleading look,then back at them,she got ready to run,not caring what would happened if she got caught. she hated being alone,she hated it more than anything.fear and took over as she calculated how for she could get before having to hurt somebody. 'what am i thinking i don't want to hurt anybody.' she looked back at the doctor as if he was a traitor. her friends were silent,not coming to her aid,they couldn't help her till she decided what to do, she looked at the doctor ready to attack him then run.at this right she's going to be considered a problem patient.

The two orderlies stiffened at the sudden exclamation from Nathanial. Slowly turning back to look at the man, they each swallowed hard, not knowing which person was worse.

The Doctor let out a low chuckle, shaking his head from side to side. He moved foreword, swift and animated, not the usual slow calculated motions. He moved between the guardsmen and Aja, looking upon her with a strange energy about him. He smiled to her with an authentic expression of....glee. " This wasn't performed correctly. Run along to the common room; I shall meet you at a later time for an.... evaluation"

Fenrir glances at her, the redness in his eyes was starting to disappear but there was still a slight hint of it,

"I'm Fenrir, call me Fen, the doctors call me Number twenty-three. I don't really like that name, I don't know why they call me that. I'm sorry if I cry alot, I have something called "Depression". Apparently I'm sad alot of the time." Fenrir says, he doesn't fully understand depression. Stew was upset that his plan to turn Fen against the girl has failed,

"I-I hope I'm not too "clingy", people always say that about me, I just want to hug people, it's the only peace I ever feel anymore." Fenrir liked this girl, she was his new friend, there was no doubt in that.

aja stared at the man,she was shivering. she ran off,stopping a few meters away to look back at him. she looked confused but ran off any how. she made her way to the common room and sighed in relief"who was that?"he made her uneasy,something about him made her uncomfortable,and some part of her found comfort in him,felt easy going around him."its like i'm being split in two.....multiple personality disorder? well whats my other personality,you know what forget it."
[[Posted.... something. Lol, hope it helps a little. It's not too detailed, I may go back and put extensive furniture and stuff in later, right now it's just layout help.]]

[[it's under Overview. Probably should have said that.]]
She shook her head. Clingy? Keao didn't now this word. In fact, she didn't really understand fully what he meant by hug or hugging either, but she could guess he meant to embrace. They did it often back home, just like they were always playing, singing, or dancing. A warm embrace was mother nature's greeting, of course. Snuggling closer, she couldn't help but miss this comfort, which was one she hadn't ever had since coming here.

"Fen..." The spirit said softly, testing it out on her tongue. It sounded louder to her own ears, but she didn't think much of that. A crease appeared between her eyebrows as she thought about what he said. "Depression makes you sad? No good... Depression is no good. Don't be sad, Fen."

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--That map layout is amazing O.o . I never realized Sims could be such a good tool for that stuff!--

" Sorry, sir. We were just following proc-" The man blinked, glancing up as the camera's in the hall section seemed to power off all at once. He glanced at his partner, then the Doctor then immediately leaned back and away, as did his partner upon looking at the doctor.

Wiler slowly turned to face the orderlies, a ripple shifting across his back and down his abdomen. It was as if there was something under his shirt, crawling about. His expression was...... nothing. His head tilted down while one of his hands moved up and removed his glasses. He applied his wrist to the bridge of his nose, hiding his eyes as he spoke. "These patients are fragile...... and dangerous..." Another ripple, a twitching, frantic looking line traveled up his leg and across his chest sporadically. This time, a crack and some snaps were audible from the figure, as his arm came down revealing his eyes.

The Doctor's eyes, where they were once a normal set of eyes; discolored as they may be - now festered into black shivering flesh. The pupils became orange slits, that slowly started to bleed an off white film over top his lenses. The 'man' twisted in place, more cracking came from him as his mouth shifted into a truly disturbing grin. " Keeping them on the path is manDaTOrY" His speech dropped down an octave, becoming more guttural and less like that of a voice. Taking an erratic step foreword, his form shivered unstably.

" Wha....wha-what are y-y-y-you?"

"M3? JusT thE DOCtooooooOOooorrrrrrr..."

The lights flickered and began to fade as the last thing the two witnessed was Nathaniel's chin begin to split apart.
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Fen makes a soft groan at Keam's comment, he's already tried to be not sad, it doesn't work,

"I-I would not be sad if it actually worked, I tried but I failed to be happy." Fenrir says, Keam was a nice person and Fenrir hasn't had any kindness directed towards himself in the longest time,

"You're so nice, I like it when people are nice to me, but that doesn't happen at all." Fen shakes his head in a child-like manner.

Keao didn't know how to respond, and it wasn't just because she didn't have enough words to form the things she wanted to say. For most of her life, there had only been kind people around her, so the cruelty she'd encountered in recent years came as quite the shock. She didn't know that there were these types of people existing in such abundance - not just sad, like they missed out on a fun game, but sad like they couldn't go on living. And it terrified her (another emotion she'd never really encountered before).

So instead of talking (what would words do for either of them?), the spirit nudged Fen's shoulder with her head, gesturing for him to lie back beside her on the bed. "Sleep," she whispered. It was her fail safe in most situations. "Have happy dreams with me."

Cassandra wanted to laugh, give him a warm smile when he felt his splayed fingers against the small of her back. A frown appeared on her lips and a furrow in between her brows, but she made no move to brush him off. He was her superior after all. Clearing her throat, she began to fiddle with her sleeves, a nervous edge creeping into her voice. "Not quite as innocent as you think, sir." She began and smirked up at him, a humorless smile on her lips. Shaking her head, she laughed; a small, breathless chuckle that made her eyes scrunch up and the slightest dab of pink taint her cheeks. "Well, I just sort of . . . ended up here. It was more of a last resort than anything else." She muttered and she brushed passed him, heading down the hall as they continued to talk. "What about you? You're a pretty strange bloke; with that pup you got and what not." She said, glancing at said dog who was currently liking some mustard off his paw from when Aja had thrown her food.

[ Sorry about the late reply, @DivineParadox ]
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[[Oh my god, I thought you died. Haha. ;~;]]

Trent chuckled softly to himself. "I got Jack as a present. He's the only one I trust here, as cliche as that sounds." As they passed each camera, Trent nodded in it's direction. 'I know you're watching me right now.' He thought, throwing a small smirk at the latest lens. "I have been here... too long. A whole lifespan." He turned his attention back to Cassandra. "Now, now, strange? How am I strange?" He asked, feigning insult, giving her the most hurt look he could muster, his hand over his heart as he swiped his card and opened the door to the lounge.
Cassandra raised her eyebrows at him, the corners of her mouth turning down for a moment. "A life time? Can't be that bad." She halfheartedly said, glancing up at his face for a moment. She didn't know how to say it, but she had understood what he meant. All this pain, the suffering, the sadness that was here was so hard to bear and it was like a fire; consuming you and choking you until you could barely breathe. Running a hand across her slick hair, she glanced up at his profile, briefly admiring him. She had to admit he was attractive; he was caring and charismatic, but an in-office relationship wasn't what she had wanted - or needed - right now.

Hearing him question her brought a smile and a bubbly laugh to her lips.
"Oh, I don't know. Just got that sort of creeper thing going on; maybe you should grow a mustache. Nothing screams 'I like to watch you sleep at night' like a mustache does. Especially those ones you can twirl on your finger." She laughed at that, bringing her hand up to cover her mouth. "Gosh, I'm one of those people that laugh at their own jokes." She mused out loud as she stepped into the lounge, turning back to face him. "I hate those kinds of people." She admitted quietly, shaking her head at herself. She quickly glanced up at him, a startled look in her eye. "Right, where were we? Coffee. Yeah, coffee. Mind getting it for me? I could pay you back, if you wanted." She said, accidentally moving closer towards him. She felt his arm brush her side and she jumped back, an embarrassed snort leaving her lips. "Sorry." She apologized, wincing as she looked away, a blush open her cheeks before she could even try to stop it.
Trent gasped in mock amazement. "Me? Watch you in your sleep? Now dear, I would only violate your privacy if you wish it." He said boldly, laughing deeply and ignoring her apology. "Yes, coffee. I will treat you. Come." Trent said, waving his previous comment away. He lead her towards the small raised bar and patted a seat. "Here, sit, take a load off." He commanded, rounding the counter to the machine. Acquiring two white foam cups and proceeded to fill them with the vending machine coffee. As they filled, he talked. "You may think I am the boss around here. I am not, I answer to yet a higher power, although she does not like to get involved with our problems. Only to point them out." He explained, peering at the camera above them, waving with his free hand and giving it a sly smile. Returning to her; "She's the voice you hear on the intercom. She likes to hear herself talk." He scoffed.

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