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Fandom RWBY: Sovereignty of Ages OOC and CS

I mean, people can still talk on the way in? Plus I don't want this to drag on for too long because long opening sequences are one of the things that kills an rp.
On that note, I could handle the landing post if you send in the notes for specific things you want to make sure are included in it. I'm home now and have the benefit of a full keyboard at my disposal once again. :)
Yeah lol but now there is talk of landing strategies. I figured once conversation wound down poof we've landed and are shown to the main hall for our huge slumber party.
Ooooooo!!! A slumber party in the hall!! Will we be skipping right to it, or will our characters get to hangout and stuff?
I mean...one could probably lead into the other? I know there's the Headmaster's speech to all prospective new students, but I don't remember the amount of time before that or between that and the 'slumber party' being covered in canon. I'm guessing everyone is being flown over in the morning though?
I mean...one could probably lead into the other? I know there's the Headmaster's speech to all prospective new students, but I don't remember the amount of time before that or between that and the 'slumber party' being covered in canon. I'm guessing everyone is being flown over in the morning though?
In other words, we kill father time.
Oi. What did he do to you? xD

CorgiDream CorgiDream "Those responsible for handling the cargo would inform any who asked that their belongings would be sent up to the school separately, including their weapons. "
I think that people will have the option to participate in the slumber party, but only one or two posts per person before morning comes and we're in the locker room. Two posts by someone else AND then Ozpin will give a speech as I want to move on quickly
Seriously though, where is everyone, and why did the posting suddenly stop? I want to keep things rolling darn it.

Also I want to see how Yuuki responds to being called out on not following proper boarding procedures. Looking at you AnnaVale AnnaVale .

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