RWBY rp...

Name: Lie Ren

Age: 20

Affiliation: Beacon

Year: 4th

Team: JNPR

Race: Human

Semblance: Enhanced Aura Control (it's not actually discussed in the show, best guess)

Occupation: Student



Bio: Slayer of giant snakes, perfect student, cooker of pancakes.

Combat Readiness: 4

Romantic Interests: Nora Valkyrie

Other: I'm going to play this character as mute. Also, here's your mention of Blake.
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Here's Alexander... for now.

Name: Alexander DuBois

Age: 34?

Affiliation: Beacon?

Year: Teacher

Team: PLDN (Paladin... other member's unknown)

Race: Faunus?

Semblance: Time Immamortis

Using the Fox Mask he carries around, it seems that he can reach speeds that almost equate to reaching light speed, in reality he's only creating a bubble of increased time around himself making it appear as if he moves faster.

Occupation: Hunter, Teacher

Appearance: Look below.

Bio: He is the teacher of the Battle Mechanics and Tactics classes, beginner through advanced. He's a fox Faunus that caries around a Fox Mask...

Combat Readiness: 1

Romantic Interests: Women

Other: He is secretly a Grimm, the Grimm that is in charge of All Hallows Eve to be exact.

Oh right... I forgot Blake...
@HanaHaru Who gave you permission to accept things on my behalf? I did? Oh... In that case carry on.
I wanna say something, if Blake is gonna be almighty... can she be like a 3? Like legit she needs to be better than God and Jesus

(She needs to be better than my mom and dad and my parents *Vine reference*)

Name: Blake Belladonna

Age: 20

Affiliation(s): Former White Fang member, Beacon

Year: Fourth

Team: RWBY


Semblance: Shadows

Occupation: Graduating Student


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_03/images-2.jpeg.c9a3124828d6b3597acfbc2f086b5e6a.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="44015" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_03/images-2.jpeg.c9a3124828d6b3597acfbc2f086b5e6a.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Bio: Had believed what she did with the White Fang was right when she was younger. Had abandoned them during a mission. Became a Beacon student. Umm became almighty.

Combat Readiness: 3

Romatic Interest: Lazer pointers (Get le reference?)




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Eat people, naw joking. Be majestic, be.. be


N-no? Ok... *This rp is going so well, we haven't made any progress! xD *
Ok. *Puts up signs with* "Get a job, become a woman and play the roles of Butt kicking Yang or I'm that one snooby character Weiss!"*
I'm excited enough to join that I just spent the last ten minutes reading the entirety of this conversation! Aaaaand just to find out its full of random tidbits, Blake is life, and the occasional pairing commentary :P

I would loooove to be Weiss (She's amazing!), and if need be I can take on Yang, and two or three other characters, including my OC? Perhaps Professor Ozpin, or a member or two from JNPR.

Let me know? I absolutely adore RWBY. Badass series. :) Oh and if anyone would like to do another RWBY RP on the side with me, let me know!


Gren Olive

Age: 29

Affiliation: Mistral

Race: Humani

Semblance: Shoort-Range Teleportation (5-7 Ft.)

Occupation: Travel Writer/Substitute Teacher at Sanctum

Bio: Gren was born in a lonely village outside of Mistral and raised to fight from an early age. upon his sixteenth birthday, Gren applied to Beacon only to be rejected. Without a place to go, Gren continued to hone his skill, hunting Grimm and selling their pelts to make a living. Eventually when he was financially stable, Gren opened a travel agency with a thirst for adventure still in his heart.

Combat Readiness: 7

Romantic Interests: Hetero

Other: (Anything I miss?)

Ooh I literally finished watching RWBY two days ago!

I think my ultimate ship right now is Blake X Yang

It's meant to be!
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Is someone going to make a CS for Penny? And also who do you think Penny's dad is?
Oh, that's fine, I just wanted to help. I totally don't have to be him. I guess I'll post sheets soon...?

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