RWBY rp...


The Archon of Madness
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)
(In case this gets a bit long, scroll to the bottom for a TL:DR)

Okay, I'm pretty sure this has been done to death here... there... any butt-f***ing everywhere else... cough cough... Pardon my French.

But yeah, after having watched both Volume 1 & 2 back to back it's been on my mind since then... which has been about... 24? no 36 hours... And when things like that, where the worlds are literally open for your entertainment (Teehee Adam Lambert reference...) my mind enters hyper-drive so to speak.

And so after having watch a particular scene in Volume 2, at least I think it was volume 2, I came up with an idea... What if there were human shaped Grimm? What if they lived with the humans? Even taught at the schools.

We know that Grimm that have lived long enough developed intelligence that may even rival our own, in universe of course... From that opening sequence in Volume 1, I seem to recall a couple of human looking Grimm, yet none are seen in the show. Could they have been the Faunus? Maybe... But I'd like to propose a different idea. "Welcome Ladies, to All Hallows Eve."

What if the majority of these human-esque Grimm entered into seclusion in their own little paradise? What about the ones 'living among us' Well, as Phyrra states, all living things have an Aura yet the Grimm do not. Well, if that is true, then those who have the ability to sense such things as Aura would probably pass off a couple of people who seem to not have an Aura, as just having a week one that is hard to detect.

How does this relate to an RP? It's simple, I propose an RP that takes place 'in-universe' where the gang of Team RWBY run into this group of Human Grimm, a little town far away from the other Kingdom called All Hallows Eve by the inhabitants, ruled by a Mayor wearing a Fox mask that calls himself Alexander Grimm. Yes, canon characters will be accepted... same as OCs, in fact I'd much like to at least have Team RWBY in the RP... maybe JNPR as well...

TL:dr I propose a RP where Team RWBY runs into a hamlet outside the kingdoms inhabited by human looking Grimm. Hijinks will of course ensue, mostly epic food fights that end in a teacher yelling at people. Anything else? other then are people interested?

ManBearPig must be stopped!

Sure, I'd be interested in joining.
Omg, a RWBY rp. I have been having a private rp with a friend in the RWBY univers and we both attend Beacon xD I wanna join! I don't mind being human Grimm, that would be cool!!
@HanaHaru As long as at least the members of Team RWBY (mostly Blake... Ms. Neko is my favorite.) make it into the RP come along for the ride. Bring your friend too.
Yesss, Blake is my wifu, anyways xD Sure, Team RWBY can be in it. My friend is currently offline doe ;-; I will tell him about this and make him join ( ☆∀☆)
@HanaHaru 1) It's Waifu. 2) I don't care if you have to drag him here.

Edit: I don't have one yet... will maybe pull one out of my bum if more people show up.

@Lazyhellion Come and join the ride.
xD I'm tired I'm not smart when I'm tired ... ye

I have one question!

1) Does Sun have to be in this rp.... *Flails arms everywhere cause I don't really like Sun*
I'm ready whenever this thing goes up. Lets do this for the children xD

What's wrong with Sun though? Besides him killing the Blake x Yang pairing?
Nothing is wrong with him. I see him and Blake being friends, nothing more... And no one ever said any of the RWBY members are homosexual... (I'm partial to Blake x Weiss myself... shh.)
You have a point. Sun is Kinda a mess. I need him to do better...or low key disappear from the show xD

I also agree that he and Blake are just friends...Makavar I literally have no hetero ships for Ruby's team lol
Yes, I get that Hellion, but until one of the writers outright states that they are lesbian I will officially ship them with no one. Still think Blake and Weiss would make a cute couple, even though she has feelings for what's his name... and may/may not develop some for Jaune.
Pshh. Don't feed my inner fan girl like that Hanna xD

Whelp. That might be a long wait. They are not being very forthcoming with parings...and Monty just...and noooooo. Jaune has to hook up with Pyrrha. Neptune and Sun need to take a nap.
Well, Neptune is that unimportant that I can't be bothered to remember his name. Son Goku may turn out to actually be interesting as a character. And yes, let us now bow our heads in a moment of silence for the great and powerful Oum. He will live forever in our hearts.
My suggestion for the layout.



Year: (Most of the teams are first years.. what ever floats yo boat)

Weapon and weapon name:






Combat level: 1-10

Defence level: 1-10

(Yeah idk xD )
I'd add affiliation in there somewhere, as remember... There's the kingdoms and then there's All Hallows Eve.

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