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Fandom RWBY Rp(Accepting)

Soraya hesitated. She didn't know why but she felt weird about showing others her weapon. She thought it wasn't impressive by any means and that other people probably had better setups. Even though she felt that way, she couldnt just NOT show him. Guess she might as well reveal it.

Soraya slide the red metal band down her forearm to her wrist. It then unpacked itself and transformed into a gauntlet. It had sharp edges and a lot of explaining to do. "This is a Tactical Combat Gauntlet." Soraya point the end near her hand. "On this side, when turned on, an energy blade comes out for... Cutting things." Smooth, she thought to herself. "It also has a gun underneath it for shooting Grim... And things. That's about it really. It's not very intricate and there's a few flaws here and there." Soraya looked at her weapon, hope that he would think it was at least sort of cool.

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(Yeah Please speak how everyone else speaks this is an example: He was on edge from the murders that have killed his friends. He didn't know who was killing his friends and for what reasons.He then heard some laughing outside it was a girl her clothes were stained with blood she was looking at me.He then went to hide. <---- please rp like this write on complete sentences don't just write two words how does your character feel how does he/She feel nervous ect) @Sir Devon III @animefan374
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"Well he is a brave man he fought very well with the Grimm.He saved someone who later turned out to be my mother he was the same age as her he was 21 she was a faunus like me.He said that meeting near death was blurry and he lost a lot of blood nearly getting uncouncious."He said with a very excited tone he then put his sword into his sheath.This girl was interesting but nothing like his sister or any girls he has talked to.

Midnight listened to this and thought of her own parents " you seem to have great parents... And family " she said in a cheery tone, trying to forget her parents deaths

//I hope it's fine to jump in! I've been eyeing this thread since Friday so hoping I can join :D Don't worry, I'm detailed and descriptive.\\

*Slowly winding back the rope on her swords sheaths mechanism, Clara stood alone on the balcony of the airships deck and sighed, the wind gently blowing her hair across her face. She didn't bother to fix it as it wouldn't do any good and would only tickle her ears even more.

Clara stared over the railing at the growing site of a huge castle like structure in the distance. She wanted to believe she had found the place she heard so much about on her travels. The place where they trained the best warriors there were, except they kept referring them as Hunters and such, although she'd never heard of the term.

She closed her eyes and listened calmly to the sound of the gentle hum that the airship produced, a slight smile protruding on her face.*

It's so peaceful.. *She mumbled to herself, gently twirling her fingers around her tail.*
LadyClara said:
//I hope it's fine to jump in! I've been eyeing this thread since Friday so hoping I can join :D Don't worry, I'm detailed and descriptive.\\
*Slowly winding back the rope on her swords sheaths mechanism, Clara stood alone on the balcony of the airships deck and sighed, the wind gently blowing her hair across her face. She didn't bother to fix it as it wouldn't do any good and would only tickle her ears even more.

Clara stared over the railing at the growing site of a huge castle like structure in the distance. She wanted to believe she had found the place she heard so much about on her travels. The place where they trained the best warriors there were, except they kept referring them as Hunters and such, although she'd never heard of the term.

She closed her eyes and listened calmly to the sound of the gentle hum that the airship produced, a slight smile protruding on her face.*

It's so peaceful.. *She mumbled to herself, gently twirling her fingers around her tail.*
(You are welcomed to join also Knight chocola I have her with a wizard vanilla as my steam background)
MrNeko said:
(You are welcomed to join also Knight chocola I have her with a wizard vanilla as my steam background)
//Awesome thank you! That's awesome. Unfortunately my character doesn't have an image yet so I'm creating her but I need to finish it..\\
LadyClara said:
//Awesome thank you! That's awesome. Unfortunately my character doesn't have an image yet so I'm creating her but I need to finish it..\\
"Well its not all great I'm faunus you know. Theirs alot of bad things with faunus happening around vale which is bad mainly the white fangs doing."He said with a sort of sad look.He then put his hands together a bit nervous.

Midnight then remembered her uncle talking about something that had to do with the white fang. She never really saw Faunus as bad at all, only when they full on attack like the white fang does, she dislikes the individuals.

"I have been screamed at by people for me being a faunus which is terrible. The white fang is the one who begin using terror to get what they want.I despise them my sister is huntress she mainly goes around vale to kill Grimm and sometimes to deal with white fang."He said with a worried look but then turning into a happy look.

*Feeling the ship beginning its descent, Clara reopened her eyes and sighed. She turned to open the door pausing for a second, thinking about all the others inside and proceeded to walk through. Her ears immediately picked up on the excitement lingering in the air, the loud conversations the new students were having. Her eyes scanned the room, noticing small groups together, making friends.

Clara turned and made her way to stand by the exit for when it opened, eager to leave the airship and for steady ground*
He noticed that the ships was starting to descend down to beacon"Were all going to land together me and you don't leave alright."He said holding his hand together and looking at her smiling "Well you will meet new people in this school that's what my sister said" He then noticed someone at the exit of the ship and waved at her

@InvaderTennTallest @LadyClara
"Oh... You think it's cool? Well... Thanks." Soraya blushed a little bit and smiled. She was glad that he thought that way about her weapon. "I think yours is pretty nice too." As she was finishing her sentence, the ship began to dock at the edge of the cliff to beacon. Soraya stood up, compacted her gauntlet and hid it away. "Well Joey... It was nice meeting you. Maybe we will see each other around in the future." She politely waved to him and slowly jogged over to the bay doors to start off her official school year at Beacon. She couldn't wait.

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"Oh she left I guess were docking now well I should get going"He said walk in over to the door. although he did see a girl with red hair he was standing by her all he did was sigh when he was next to her and being nervous at the same time. "Well time to Starr here at beacon right?"He said to her

*Just as the airship landed with a soft thud, Clara sighed. She heard people gathering behind her but she paid no attention to them. She didn't know any of them.

The doors opened and the sun shone in, causing her eyes to squint in discomfort. She heard someone talking behind her and turned her head slightly to catch someone waving in her general direction. Clara let it pass and turned back forward once again.*

Probably a friend or something..

Midnight continued to look around before landing. She didn't notice anything really so she continued walking
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Dun had noticed people swarming the exit. He had noticed their gradual descent. He had also noticed a few individuals in similar positions to his. He wasn't going to go out and make friends, he'd do that once he had a team to trust, but taking note of interesting people was never a bad idea.


Dun stood stood and sheathed his knife, allowing his coat to hang almost to the floor of the ship and cover his other weapon, and picked up his military style pack. He slung it over his shoulder and began at a slow pace toward the exit.
*As the doors opened fully, Clara began to walk off the walkway, down to the landing pad. She immediately picked up the scent of spring through the year and smiled. It reminded her of her previous home.. One she could never return to.

As her feet touched the solid concrete ground, Clara stopped walking to take in the view, noticing several people pass her, one with black hair and..long ears. "Another type of half-breed?" Clara tilted her head slightly in confusion before another person walked off, one who reminded her of the military force back in other kingdoms.

She proceeded to walk forward down the path towards the building, her swords gently tapping the sides of her legs.*

@MrNeko @Achilles676 @2tall2lose187

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