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Fandom RWBY Rp(Accepting)

"Well aren't you going to say something? Well it was nice meeting you ask away any question"He said
"The reason would be that you seemed looking a bit sad so I thought you needed company"He said with a smile and putted his hand out so she can shake it.

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His knife twirling and flipping between his fingers, Dun sat against a wall somewhere near the front of the ship. The carpeted floors were rather comfortable but the looks he was getting were definitely not. He'd pulled his hat down low over his eyes and, if he weren't playing with his knife, he would have looked asleep. There was too much conversation to hear much in particular other than the expected excitement, so Dun just sat, sighed, and waited. He nearly dozed off for a second but before he could, a flash of a memory replayed in his head and he jolted himself awake, knife gripped tight.

No sleep then. Eh, maybe later.
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" Friends? I've never had a friend..." she said " Why did you choose to come to this school" She asked

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"Well now you have a friend which is me.Oh the reason i came to this academy was to follow my fathers footsteps he trained me in using swords."He said taking out his sword from its sheath."Here look at my fathers sword he let me have it he was a huntsman"

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Soraya looked around the airships lobby. A lot of students were being social, talking to one another, discussing things about the school and other trivial topics. Soraya wasn't really the one to start a conversation and she had difficulties talking to people at times. She thought she could join in and maybe meet some fellow classmates but her shyness took over that thought and diminished it. Soraya stopped looking dramatic in front of the window and took a seat no to far away. She lowered her head and waited for the airship to dock at Beacon.
Kuro's head turned sharply as he heard the familiar metallic slide of a blade leaving it's sheath. Someone on this ship was drawing their blade. Kuro instinctively tightened his grip on the handle of his cane. Under normal circumstances, people wouldn't expect his blade to be hidden inside. However, on a ship full of students with their own transforming wepaons, it wouldn't seem so odd.

The grip he now held served two purposes. The first was to ready his sword hand for a quick draw in case if calamity. The second was to better observe the situation. With the tip of his sheath presses to the ground, he could feel the movements of the ship and it's occupants. After a few long seconds of assessing the sound of the blade, he loosened his grip. There was no evil intent, just someone showing off their toy. Unfortunately, not everyone had his conviction about when to unsheath their weapon.

He gave off a slightly annoyed sigh and relaxed his posture again. Although he had been told on multiple accounts that the students here would be good souls, he still had to remind himself occasionally. Mistakes and tempers could still flare easily. Even though some students were technically adults, not everyone had achieved maturity. They would be unpredictable. Patience would be a large key to surviving this school.
Abo'r sighed as he closed his book, his consciousness began to drift as he closed his eyes. Now asleep, he waited for the ship to land at beacon.
Soraya was resting a little bit peaceful until a guy came up and greeted her. Soraya opened her eyes and turned to look at the guy. He seemed like a clean-cut guy, smart and sophisticated. "Hey." Soraya smiled and tried to be polite towards him. He obviously was trying to start a conversation and make a few friends possibly.

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She has a close inspection of the sword. It was quite a sword as it seemed to be very powerful. She then hand's it back to him " Its a good sword " She said

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"My father said that he managed to slay a old grimm with this sword he said that the Grimm nearly killed him in combat but he managed to kill it."He said excitedly and beginning to clap

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"Nice to meet you Joey. Names Soraya." Soraya could tell that he was nervous, but he was giving an effort to try and talk with her. She thought it was kind of sweet. If only she had the confidence he had to go and talk to others. "You can take a seat next to me if you want."

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Joey: sure- I sat next to her and I removed my sword from my side Joey: so I have this- I show her my sword
Soraya watched as her took out his sword. It seemed like it was a medium-sized sword of acceptional lengths, made with a silver blade and cool and stylish hilt. She was guessing that the sword changed into another weapon, considering that 98% of the students that come here have multiple forms made into their weapons. Most of them were probably guns. "It's seems like a very balance blade. Did you make it yourself?"

Joey: yes I did along with it's other mode- I pressed a button on a side and my sword transforms into two pistols Joey: sorry I am kinda a nerd when it comes to weapons
Soraya smiled. "No no you're fine. I totally get why people like their own weapons see other people's. Here, it represents more than just a weapon. It represents in in a way you know?" Soraya was getting metaphorical on talking about weapons. She didn't want to admit it to him but she was also a big weapons gal herself. She had put in a lot of hours, customizing "Cryome" and making sure it was the way she wanted it. Soraya wondered if he was going to ask about her weapon.

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