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Fandom RWBY Rp(Accepting)


Little witch
Welcome to beacon Academy

Beacon Academy the school known for training the best Huntsmen and Huntresses in vale. Now you are the new generation of huntsmen and huntresses in this school now you must train to defend humanity from the Grimm and other evils that want to eradicate humanity may you be a guardian to the innocent humans and faunus alike.Goodluck to you all of the new huntsmen and huntresses enjoy your stay at beacon.
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I can't post as often since I am relatively busy with uni work, but I'd be happy to join if that is alright with you.
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Kuro leaned against one of the walls opposite the observatory windows. Most other students were crowded around them, so he kept his distance. Being in a crowd always seemed to end up with someone accidentally kicking or tripping on his cane. It usually was truly an accident but it was still annoying and easily avoidable. He didn't have any use for a window anyway.

Soon enough, the ship would land and he could be on solid ground again. It wasn't that Kuro hated the ship, but he preferred being on the ground. The ship vibrated and rocked slightly as it moved which made the use of his cane more difficult. He could still 'see' well enough, but just barely. The constant movement in all directions was off-putting to say the least.

Kuro sighed and pushed his sunglasses up slightly. The airship ride definitely annoyed him as well as the mass of students. He hoped silently that the academy would be slightly more spacious and the students would be less inclined to giggle excitedly at clouds.
Abo'r sat quietly near the window as he recalled the events that happened beforehand. He remembered that they were training, he and Incarat as usual when her father broke out the news. Excited, Abo'r's sister gave him a hug. he didn't recall when he was supposed to go, but his father sent him out immediately. Abo'r recalled asking Incarat to join him, but she didn't get admitted to the academy.

"Make sure you befriend other people other than us, okay?" Incarat said before he left.

Abo'r pulled his old scarf on, as he watched the clouds silently. The massive airship seemed to move in all directions. Not to mention, all of the students aboard the ship are from different kingdoms. It made him nervous, knowing that his sister is not beside him. He pulled out a book from his pocket, and read it whilst in silence.
Soraya stood in front of one of the airships massive windows, watching the city slowly move below her. She had a bit of excitement swelling up in her along with nervousness, but that was natural. A few people had passed by and had stared at her blood-red hair, but there were quite a few odd balls here already so she couldn't really complain. Soraya felt "Cryome" under her shirt sleeve, with a bit of an itching to be used. She put that thought away quickly, there would be some opportunities soon enough. Looks of kids were onboard with the same kind of feeling that she had, the desire to test themselves and show the talent they possess. Soraya continued to stand idle and observe the world around her.
He looked around in the airship seeing different students from different places of remnant.He didn't have anyone to talk to he decided to approach a girl with blue hair

He tapped the girl on her shouldet"Um.... hello my name is Onyx I am rabbit faunus as you can see from my ears"He said in a calm tone putting his arms behind his back.

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"Aren't you going to say anything else?"He said wondering why she didn't say much."So what is your name?"He said still holding his hands behind his back

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"Ooh that's a interesting name midnight I like it already"He said."Where are you from and what made you be a huntress?"He asked excitedly.

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