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He noticed the girl turning around "Mh? Oh well my sister is a huntress she's still alive she's rabbit faunus like me.She currently works around vale mainly killing Grimm and stopping white fang members from commuting violence. She's really nice and friendly.He said looking at the girl."She is going to visit me soon enough just to see how I'm doing."

Oh, shit. She looked at me. Did I mess up? Does she know it was me? How could she? She didn't say anything, but people don't usually like me messing with their heads.

Dun watched the girl turn and look in other directions. He began to feel a bit more comfortable once he realized she didn't know what he had done.

Maybe it wasn't strong enough. Eh, whatever. It's not like I was purposely trying to make her crazy.

((Hey! @LadyClara Your CS is gone. Like, not there in the sign up section. Is gone.))
What was that...? Gah, Clara, focus. Don't let it get to you, probably someone's Semblance.. Wait, the ability to screw with minds? That can't be right.. Stop, face front. Focus.

*Clara took deep breaths, closing her eyes and concentrated. After taking a few to relax, she reopened her eyes, adjusting to the light and looked around again, seeing the same students in the place. One in the shadows and one playing with a dagger. After slowly facing front again, she relaxed, her shoulders dropping.*

See? There's nothing to worry about..

//Thanks, re added the CS.\\
Shroud remained where he sat, eyes acclimated well to the darkness --or maybe, being of a shadow Semblance, he could see well in the dark naturally? One would expect that if shadows were to be their gift, so should be the tools to use them. The harsh reflection of glinting eyes catching the light just right met his notice, if he didn't know any better he might have said the eyes were feline. No, wait, they certainly were of a feline structure. That explained the glinting, the looker must have been Faunus. Hard to tell through the crowd and with the harsh backdrop of light on the opposite side of the assembly. The contrast made it tough to tell, were they looking at him, or just in his direction?

The shadowmancer squirmed uncomfortably in his own skin, the crawling sensation of eyes burrowing into his skull tingled at the base of his brain stem. He looked away, hoping that when he turned his eyes back that the person would not longer be staring him down. The fringes of the shadow in which he hid writhed like an eldritch creature, wraith-like and ethereal. He shifted in his seat again, clearly experiencing some level of discomfort. Scooting further into the corner, he looked for something to distract himself. Slowly but surely however, his eyes drifted back toward the glinting feline occuli, checking to see if they still looked his way.

She appeared to have looked away. Shroud released a breath he didn't know he'd been holding.

As Clara stood there amidst the crowd, the feeling came back again, this time behind her towards the left, where the shadow was. She studied it, her eyes squinting, trying to see through the dark but to her astonishment, she couldn't.

That's not right, I should be able to see in the dark..

She was tempted to go over and investigate, to find out what was going on and to see if this was the cause of the sensation she was feeling.

@Plague Doctor
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Keira was one of the people lagging behind the group of students headed towards the assembly, just liking the position of have few behind her back and most in front of her. She didn't like feeling vulnerable- even even these were all most kids her age. You just, didn't know who you could trust. Her vulpine eyes shifted to and fro, sizing up the fellow stragglers. These people at least seemed a lot more friendly than those of Atlas, and there were certainly a lot more faunus' here than she expected. But, it was a pleasant surprise.
His ears went straight up into the air and saw someone that looked like a fox faunus."Hmh a fox well then I'll go greet him or her.I'll go look for him or her"He said and went to look for him or her.He then spotted her and waved to her"Hello their fellow faunus"He said

Keira slowed and tilted her head upwards so her eyes were looking down on the other faunus as he approached her. A rabbit faunus. 'Hah.' Keira found it rather amusing, as she was a fox faunus and he a rabbit faunus- had they not been mostly human they'd be mortal enemies. But luckily, they both were instead mostly human so she could look past her predator drive with ease. "Hello." She greeted coolly, but offered him a smile nonetheless. 'I didn't realize the people of Vale were so friendly.'

"Helloo there fox faunus this is quite strange because I'm a rabbit and your a fox hehe welcome to beacon"He said greeting her and holding his hands together.He then had a warm smile and put his hand out so she can shake it.

"This is pretty weird," Keira agreed with a small smirk tugging at the edge of her lips as she took his hand and shook it briefly. "My name's Keira." She introduced, her tail swishing to her other side as she stood there.

"My name is Onyx.I Like your tail it looks quite nice is your whole family faunus or just your mother or father?"He asked her.He stopped shaking her hand and put his own hands together.

"Both my parents were faunus'." Keira said dismissively, digging her hands into the pockets of her jacket as she looked away, instead opting the peer around the room so she wasn't staring at just one thing.

"Oh really that's nice to hear my mother is a faunus and my father is human and my sister is faunus too"He said with a smirk.He put his hands behind his back in a military like pose.

Clara decided to not investigate the cold, dark feeling and instead looked around. She eyed all of the other students gathered around her, humans and Faunus alike. Her eyes fell on a group of three late comers. It looked like two were Faunus and one one human.

Clara eyes lit up slightly when she recognised the Rabbit eared Faunus from the ship. The girl with the red hair didn't seem to be talking much.

Its so easy for them to be friendly and talk to others.. Why can't I be like that...?

Deciding to let it go, Clara sighed once more and turned back around, peering over at the stage, glimpsing two people one male and one female, talking at the side in hushed voices.
"That's cool. I bet you've learn a lot of things from her." As Soraya and all of the other new students were getting off of the ship and heading towards the school, a few older year students were milling around watching them pass by. It wasn't until then that she realized that her and the rest of the people here would be at this school for the next four years or so. A commitment Soraya never really took thought too.

Soraya put the thought aside and snapped back to the nice rabbit Faunus she was talking to. "Oh I'm sorry. I never introduced myself. My name is Soraya." She gave a smile towards him.

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Following his relief, the shadows --which had instinctively curled around him defensively-- receded, melting to the floor like heated wax and taking their normal positions as the casting of light intended them to be. One might argue that having a semblance so in tune with the user's instincts made for a potent and useful too. Shroud did not quite agree, as his semblance invaded just about every feeling that passed through his heart. Having something so deeply interwoven with everything made it difficult to actually feel without repercussion.

So many students, and so many of them social. It reminded him a great deal of his time at battle school, watching from the outside with moderate interest towards the goings on in others' lives. Often he caught himself wondering after them; they had hopes, dreams, fears, likes, and dislikes like every other human being. What were they thinking at that moment? What would become of them? Of course he could actually go find out for himself, but he contented himself with speculation. After all, it was safer for everyone involved if he remained distant --both physically and emotionally.

As the silence in the crowd grew longer and longer, hearing hushed voices from confused students, time slowly passed. Everyone seemed confused as to why no one was speaking up on the stage. Clara heard a few students in front of here talking about it.

"This didn't happen last year", the girl on the right muttered.

"I think something has happened and Ozpin is assessing it", her friend replied.

Tilting her head in confusion, Clara listened in to the conversation.

Who's Ozpin? And what's going on?

She stepped back and leaned against the wall behind her, slowly sliding down until she sat on the ground. It was surprisingly clean compared to the other places she'd been. There was barely a speck of dirt anywhere.

She relaxed a little and begun to groom with her tail out of boredom. Obviously nothing was happening any time soon and she didn't want her feet growing tiresome from standing too long.
"Sounds cool." She said passively, trying to remain as reserved- sure Onyx seemed like a good enough guy, but she still was unsure of these people yet. She'd wait until she was assigned a team to start making friendships.

"Nice to meet you soraya meet another fellow faunus here.I have learned alot of things from my sister you taught me very well. "He said pointing at her.He liked the people met and the idea of here sister coming to visit him was interesting to him.

When Midnight heard this she ran straight there as she didn't want to be as late as she usually was to these things.
"Nice to meet both of you." Soraya heard the announcement over the school's intercom. She looked back at her at the people she had just got to meet. "I guess I'll see both of you around." She started to run ahead, waving to them as she left.
Upon hearing the announcements Joseph opens his eyes looking at the beautiful cloudy sky. He was laying outside under a shady tree enjoy the nice cool breeze. He sat up grabbing his red and white jacket, and his black carrying case for March Heir. He got up and put his jacket on, following up by putting his case over his shoulders have the strap go across his body. He started walking putting a peach mango flavored stick of gum in his mouth that he got from his pocket.

Luckily he wasn't that late because he was able to catch up with a large crowd of first year students. He would've spoken to someone but he's not in the introducing mood.
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Midnight rushed into the area a bit late but not too late *luckily* She looked around and saw a huge number of students I don't remember this many people being on the airship She thought to herself.

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