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Fandom RWBY Rp(Accepting)

He heard the announcement he turned around and sprinted to the assembly.He soon managed to arrive and began to push to the middle."So this how many people are first year students huh i'm amazed probably from different parts of the world quite nice."
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"Welcome new students to Beacon Academy I welcome you to this academy after this assembly you may go to lunch.After lunch go around look around this school meet new people if you haven't done that already. I'd like you to meet my faithful assistant Glynda goodwitch"He said then taking along sip of his coffee.He then stepped back to let her speak. "Welcome students I am Glynda goodwitch i welcome you to this school you all will be taking a exam more later that will decide who you will be paired with and will decide who will be in your team.Now then may you all have a great time here at beacon enjoy your time here and begin your self as huntsmen and huntress."
Upon hearing someone take the stage and begin the assembly, Clara stood up and glanced down the front.

Oooh, something's happening.

Upon the end of both people speaking, the crowd of students started talking again, the noise level increased. Not knowing what to do, Clara picked her way through the crowd, accidentally bumping into people along the way.
Keira's tail twitched whenever Onyx introduced her to the other faunus, but nonetheless listened as the headmaster of Beacon spoke and then asked someone else to speak. 'Ah, great. Partners.' She couldn't really complain, this is what huntsmen and huntresses did before making it big. Nonetheless, she remained reserved.
"Now then everyone please go to lunch then after that go to the cliff near the emerald forest."Glynda said with a loud voice so everyone in the room could hear.
Midnight wondered why meeting people was so important. She was just fine on her own, now I've got to find out where the lunch area is she thought to herself
At the word lunch, Clara's stomach rumbled as if on cue. Holding her lower torso, she began to make her way through the crowd towards to dining hall.

Upon opening the doors, she gasped in shock at the size of the hall, the roof being so high, Clara guess at least another 4 floors could fit inside. The faunus looked around and spotted the table with plates and food and almost dashed over.

To her delight, they served her favourite meal, for which she scooped a plate full, her mouth watering and her eyes glinting with excitement. Clara then sat down at the table near the serving area and began to eat, wondering who else would join her.
Midnight finally found the lunch area and the food. She only grabbed a small bit and sat down on one table in the far Corner of the building.
He listened very carefully at what Glynda said he then went to the lunchroom seeing all the students starting to sit down and enjoy there meals.He went grabbed a plate filled it with food and looked around to see where he could sit down he then decided to sit down the serving area as Clara did. "Hello there"He said happily.He then saw someone sitting by the corner he wondered why she sat by her self

@LadyClara @InvaderTennTallest
The faunus looked up from her bowl of Tuna and smiled in return. She couldn't speak as her mouth was full but didn't want to seem rude and not reply. Her ears twitched like crazy as she picked up from so much noise in the hall but she ignored them all. Clara was happily content with her food before her.
"How do you like the school so far?.My sister has told me a lot about this school she says its the best and she loves the headmaster of the school he is quite the interesting person.you sure are enjoying the food here"He said with a grin the returning to a smile.He began to eat his food putting a large piece of food into his mouth.

In between mouthfuls, she managed to form an understandable sentence, "Uh-huh, t'is good so far.. It's my first year though so, only time will tell."

She finished her bowl and sat back, sighing.
He then swallowedthe food he had into his mouth"That sounds great to hear"He then looked at her plate.His eyes then widened a bit then looking back at her."wow you sure finished that plate you must enjoy the food here."He said

"Oh yeah. It's my favourite.. Personally, I don't think anything can beat fish.."

She stared at his ears, her head tilted slightly.
"Oh I see your into fish a lot right? like a cat faunus. Your looking at my ears is that correct?"He said with grin but soon fading. "My ears are soft hehe and nice their the same as my sisters"

Midnight walked outside realising that not many people were out there. She walked over to a small tide pool looking area and practiced using her semblance, At first she tried with her usual sword then a bow and some arrows.
Midnight turned around to see someone talking to her. someone has approached me....what do i say?... Do i care? ... i should stop arguing with myself She thought to herself. " It is... I guess" she said bluntly. Nice one Midnight... its like you don't want any alies , She said to herself

"Of course it is.Its such a great semblance! mine is creating a temporary ally of my self.Hehe its so great and useful but is only activated when I say a command which I know."She said quite excitedly at this girl

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" your semblance sounds cool too..." Midnight said, still very dull. Why are people even talking to me? of all people...She asked herself for the god knows amount of time's that day.

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Carey slipped out of the auditorium, using the shadows to ensure he is not seen. Immediately bypassing the dining hall, he headed for the back of the school, settling himself within a nook in a wall. Scratching absentmindedly at his binder, he dropped his control of the shadows; following the way they writhe on the ground around him with a mind of their own. After making sure that he is, in fact, alone, he pulled out his stuffed cat, softly petting it to calm his nerves. Leaning against the wall, he closed his eyes and relaxed, taking in the noises around him as his fingers worked on smoothing down the cats fur.
"I know right! Its such a great semblance I can make a temporary clone to help me in combat or in anything"She said very quick and in a excited tone. "You don't sound very excited?"


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