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In case you need a translation of what Faraday said to Angie it meant 'I wouldn't want to upset you, but even if I do what you asked me to-' and then he didn't finish his sentence because people arrived, so is Angie offended that he wouldn't want to upset her, or something else? XD
Also aw yis faunus, she can use her semblance now >O
RWBY Chibi!!!

Ryan: Your party encounters an Ice Dragon... How do you respond?
Lilli: Shoot it in the face with an arrow
Corvo: Taunt it
Zure: Attack it with my sword
Faraday: Carefully laid magical trap
Aegis: It already sees us... A lightning bolt?
Ryan: All of you are dead... It took advantage of your conversing to kill you
Faraday: We didn't even get to roll!!!
Ryan: With those attitudes... you wouldn't have survived either way
Lilli: Next time we play Dungeons and Drag-On's, Aegis is DM
*Faraday Night*
Faraday: Your party comes across a vampire... it may be the vampire you're looking for
Ryan: Imma whip it
Lilli: You're using a WHIP?! Against a vampire?
Corvo: I see you like to live dangerously
Zure: RIP
Angie: You're whipping the vampire? Thats mean!
Aegis: Not a very damaging weapon either
*Ryan rolls a 20*
Ryan: This vampire is gonna spill EVERYTHING
Faraday: I feel sorry for this fictional vampire...
In case you need a translation of what Faraday said to Angie it meant 'I wouldn't want to upset you, but even if I do what you asked me to-' and then he didn't finish his sentence because people arrived, so is Angie offended that he wouldn't want to upset her, or something else? XD
Also aw yis faunus, she can use her semblance now >O
Angie is simple minded and naive. She got the wrong message.

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