RWBY, Age of The Grimm

The mod did say I have a way with words. Which is why I don't use emotes. No matter how culturally accepted I try to be at times, there are just limits a human being cannot surpass.

Anyway with the number of those kinds of mainstream addicts that are perverting this site with their uncooperation and endless lust for show stealing, I would not be surprised if that is what happens.

But who cares? This is the internet! By the time this place goes under I'm sure there'll be another site that sprouts up somewhere that will take its place.

Things built by man are destined to be destroyed. Whether by nature or the hands of their own creators, the only thing that will remain are their memories.
Or you could just make a site with a select group of friends--me and my friends did that once, but I got bored after a bit and this seems a bit slower paced than them. They often did like...10 replies a day. Speed rp's bro. They were good too, but I just didn't want to do it anymore and thought about venturing out a bit.

Because it was a small select set of friends we shared ideas like crazy and issues got finished with in a few minutes or hours. Encouragement was also nice too.
I always use emotes man, makes my words seem less harsh. Whenever I tyoe I always feel like im being mean so I add a :o or xD to make people know im just goofing around

We on da airship :o And no my picture is actually roxas I have never actually played any FF which is odd considering I am a big gamer
Oh, I thought it was Tidus from FFX, Roxas is a KH character right? never played the games but I've read one of the manga issues.
Britt i posted about 24 hours ago ^u^'

And i also said i wasnt getting alerts

And still am not idk why
How about we all just say we boarded the airship and refrain from stretching it out longer than necessary, I still have AOS members to introduce and I don't want to forget any important details before it becomes relevant.
Soon as I get home ill post them going back and the teams so they have a couple hours while I deal with school
Okay i think we should just jump straight to being on the airship

Nuuuu!! Nu sadness ;o;
okie also, can you help me find a gun that changes into a katana and vice versa? I cant find one that would fit what her weapons are...I want her to have one full weapon not two...kinda like Ruby's Sniper Scythe
Ah i getcha, sure thing ill help :3

Oh, my post may also take a while because im getting ready for school @.@

idk how because look at the gun and the katana, how can I make that something it changes into
What about......

Wait do you want two wepons in one? Cause you can do what Oobleck does xD his coffee mug is a weapon cx

Are you caught up with RWBY?! @o@


!(◎_◎ ;) sorry

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