RWBY, Age of The Grimm

since some people left we actually have no teams so far for freshman D: Major events posted at front of OOC, we are heading back to the school soon, the entrance exam is coming to a close
Okay thanks.

If you don't mind me asking what players quit? I know a couple people here from other role plays so I'm curious
Shura because she was running an rp like me, I had to leave an rp to do this so I completely understand and godman, who said he lost intrest and had to get a job so he would have no time :o
Okay, I've rped with Shura before so I was hoping she wasn't gone because I'm quite familiar with her. Oh well I still know a couple more people.
I'll join in after the entrance exam as if my characters were there, just so my starting post can thread itself into the role play better
I'm sorry, I've really lost interest with this Roleplay. My character isn't very invested with the plot at the moment, but I hope you can forgive me @Flip Jester Boy and, if you need to, feel free to use some God-modding to have my character die, leave, something, or just have your character leave and forget about me.
Like I mean The entrance exam in the anime only had four different chess pieces out of the many you can get so are there certain ones to pick from?
I had a feeling you two would actually leave so I'm glad you told me before you took off, bye :o so team GAIA is out completely
You can pick any zodiac sign that hasn't been picked.

I think the way it's supposed to work is that there are four different colors for every zodiac sign, and each sign is supposed to make up one group.
Three :o Then if we have some people who have no groups I will just pair them up, so far Scorpio and cancer have been mostly taken, Cancer is reserved for people who will betray beacon later.
I'm not really planning on betraying beacon, just using it as a means to an end. And I chose cancer because after reading up on it, the Cancer sign actually relates to the vast difference in personality my characters show.
I havent been getting alerts


My charas got Gemini
Is there any signs that DIDN'T get picked? Just so I can choose a sign that actually has others so I wont be alone
Huh weird. Considering Sagittarius could be considered a hunter and no hunter chose Sagittarius

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