RWBY, Age of The Grimm

.___. The episode when Ruby goes missing?

Then the episode after when they save her? With the train?

He like....dramatically introduces his weapon
OH you mean the professor? Yeah I seen that xD

I thought you were talking about the headmaster who has his coffee mug all the time and drinking infinate coffee from t xD
Like ooblecks is a bat mixed with flamethrower which is awesome xD Im trying to make the creatures weapon awesome but im nit getting very far but I do have ideas
You can do iiiiiiit~

*sprinkles magical determination dust on you* :D

Is it working~? OuO??
Not much came here to look what go posted and such--Think of what I might do for character interactions and stuff
We re finishing up with the exam finally, last students getting on the airship so we can shift over to the teams where and eventually to the classic school shenanigans.
I'm also looking for some Jojo rp's but I don't think there's anything for me here. Sad...
Jojo's Bizarre Adventure it's a manga/anime that I find extremely fun and exciting and I thought about seeing if Rpnation had anything about it here

Whatever you like, but aren't we still waiting for people..

How's everyone doing today!

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