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Fandom RWBY: Adventures in Vale

theManCalledSting said:
And I'm Open to it but I'm keeping Aqua-Marie

I need to use this gif more often here.
TheGoldenGear said:
Hmm... If it's okay for the NPC to be the leader (which it probably isn't but a suggestion is a suggestion), we could have MCAH (Micah).
As long as you get to stay that'll be wonderful, though you have to explain where the big guy when tho
I am also pondering up the possibility of name changes, which would be annoying but it is a option if we really can't find anything.

Also things to keep in mind is who should be the team leader, I personally think Safferon should be ours mainly due to the fact It might be fun with Sova's personality and his. And the other issue that the other characters, don't exactly seem like the outgoing type to lead a team actively.

EDIT: Also ill go look around for a scrabble program of some sort.
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TenaciousTinkerer said:
I am also pondering up the possibility of name changes, which would be annoying but it is a option if we really can't find anything.
Also things to keep in mind is who should be the team leader, I personally think Safferon should be ours mainly due to the fact It might be fun with Sova's personality and his. And the other issue that the other characters, don't exactly seem like the outgoing type to lead a team actively.

EDIT: Also ill go look around for a scrabble program of some sort.
I agree with you on the Saffron being the leader, and not because I just want the role. I feel that out of everyone, Saff's personality best fits the leader role.

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