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Fandom RWBY: Adventures in Vale

RedLikeRoses said:
@theManCalledSting @MoltenLightning Let's talk on here guys. MIST would be cool..
MoltenLightning said:
Yea... Here are the letters we have:
I can easily change my characters name to something with an I, So we could have MIST, and that would leave WOOL, maybe?

Or we could have MOST, and WHOL (as in the word Whole)? I'm still not clear on if Team Names need to be colors?

Again, if, before we get into the nitty gritty of this whole thing, you guys want me to change my character name to fit a team name, I'm totally down for it.
RedLikeRoses said:
No clue, it just reminds me of how much Weiss loves Zwei the dog.
True, but I kinda wanted her to be that one guy who thinks they're cute and doesn't get why they're being treated like dirt
Wow, This is going so great, I wanted my character to be a silly valley girl with all the charm and so far all she has done is screw up, genuinely love this, Also @theManCalledSting, I would love it if Mel and Hansi had a sort of almost rivalry going on, given their rough start. It would be cool to see them maybe eventually become friends, but I am a sucker for drama, and I could see Hansi being kind of catty about the whole situation (no pun intended for out Faunus members)
[QUOTE="The Succubi Queen]Wow, This is going so great, I wanted my character to be a silly valley girl with all the charm and so far all she has done is screw up, genuinely love this, Also @theManCalledSting, I would love it if Mel and Hansi had a sort of almost rivalry going on, given their rough start. It would be cool to see them maybe eventually become friends, but I am a sucker for drama, and I could see Hansi being kind of catty about the whole situation (no pun intended for out Faunus members)

Love that Idea
[QUOTE="The Succubi Queen]Wow, This is going so great, I wanted my character to be a silly valley girl with all the charm and so far all she has done is screw up, genuinely love this, Also @theManCalledSting, I would love it if Mel and Hansi had a sort of almost rivalry going on, given their rough start. It would be cool to see them maybe eventually become friends, but I am a sucker for drama, and I could see Hansi being kind of catty about the whole situation (no pun intended for out Faunus members)

Like if they end up on different teams they can have that sort of Team-on-Team Rivalry if Mel and Hansi end up as the leaders.
theManCalledSting said:
Like if they end up on different teams they can have that sort of Team-on-Team Rivalry if Mel and Hansi end up as the leaders.
Even if they don't end up as quote on quote "leaders" it can still be a great driving factor in their character arcs.
These four will be an entirely different team, but they are indeed students.

You don't have to worry about them until tommorow when we'll arrive at Beacon. So until then, just continue getting to know each other.

As for characters, we stop accepting new players once we're done with the emerald forest. And if any of you want to create a second character after that point, it'll have to be approved by me.

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