• This section is for roleplays only.
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Fantasy Runeguard OOC


Lord of the Void
Hello there! I'm glad you could join, for the duration of this RP, I believe general chat can be helpful, and to keep the main thread from becoming filled with OOC, this thread by itself seems like a great option. Just remember to watch this thread as well as the main RP thread to receive notifications!
Does anyone have any ideas on how we're gonna have our characters eventually meet and find this artifact? Like we could have an event that forces them all together... Idk lol
Mrromeijn Mrromeijn Before I respond to the last post, is the young woman an npc or Rosalina? And if they are an npc, did you want me to control them or you? Just making sure, I don't want to misunderstand it :P
Oh, sorry. I should have tagged The Little Demon... Sorry, still new to this site. But yes, it's Rosalina.
Hey guys, sorry I haven't responded, I've come down with a nasty case of bronchitis and the meds I'm on basically keep me in a vegetive state.

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