Other RpNation Diversity

I am not a fan of fandoms either. There are concepts of stories that I like and may use/twist around, but I can't picture myself playing based on a tv show or movie, I feel limited.

But hey, if one person enjoys a specific show (harry potter, kpop..), why not? enjoy it!
As said before, "anime" is by itself a very diverse "genre". But I agree with seeing a select few over and over again. I don't care enough to see how those RPs go, so I'm left wondering if they always die quickly, or if there's just enough people to always keep making new ones even as older ones are ongoing.

My preferences are mostly anime as well, some of them pretty recent and/or popular too. Attack on Titan and Fate are good examples, and I see some of those pop up in the fandom threads somewhat often. Others I like aren't as popular, such as Neon Genesis Evangelion and Gantz. Unfortunately for me, the not-so-popular ones are the ones I'm more interesting in RPing in, and the last I saw of either was an NGE RP that I joined in 2016.

There's 3 things that could be done : Trying to create an RP yourself, RPing in fandoms you don't really like that much, or just resigning yourself and hoping someone else creates one (and that you can afford to join when they do, real-life stuff and such). If you take the first, it might not be enough to just sit back and wait until people see your interest thread. Seeking out people is a good move, checking inactive RPs in the same fandom or similar ones and seeing if you can get the people there to join yours. But if that also fails in the end, that's really just how the dice falls. It's unfortunate, but there's not necessarily anything inherently wrong about that outcome.

RPNation isn't centered around any particular fandom, so despite there being a lot of people here, it's still a forums for "people who like to RP", doesn't say anything about which setting it's in, so the community is decentralized in that aspect. You can try searching for communities focused on the fandom you like, but that turns the issue around--you'll be certain to find people that like that fandom and a more unified community, but you might have a hard time finding people wanting to RP on it.
Just throwing this out thre, but I can feel you. It makes sense that a popular fandom has people wanting to play in them. But sometimes it would really be nice to see some fandoms that don’t belong to the overly-hyped or ridiculously popular themes. I’ve seen on other sites several good outlier fandom attempts get pushed out by the sheer volume of trendy themes.

I for one would kill for a good Dinotopia rp. >.>
But sometimes it would really be nice to see some fandoms that don’t belong to the overly-hyped or ridiculously popular themes.
Well, I have good news for you, there are plenty of those and plenty of people looking for them. They aren't as visible though, precisely because not as many people want to play those fandoms (that's what separates them from the more popular ones), and they may not match your specific outlier, but they are out there. Heck, maybe even what you're looking for is out there. Of course, your feelings aren't wrong: It would be nice to be able to play those more obscure fandoms we love and cherish. At the same time though, one should ask themselves if they would be willing to go out of their way to learn about a certain obscure fandom to support these minor communities or help track down other people with those interests in order to actually give a chance to that ideal one longs for.
Just throwing this out thre, but I can feel you. It makes sense that a popular fandom has people wanting to play in them. But sometimes it would really be nice to see some fandoms that don’t belong to the overly-hyped or ridiculously popular themes. I’ve seen on other sites several good outlier fandom attempts get pushed out by the sheer volume of trendy themes.

I for one would kill for a good Dinotopia rp. >.>
I know right? this is what i'm looking for, i want to revive past fandoms RPs or bring new ones from forgotten games, the popular of today aren't interesting at all, i tried to get into it, but, it's not really my tastes.
As far as underground, Altered Carbon comics that are now movies, some up and coming Syfy shows such as Wynonna Earp, Firefly, Watchmen, V for Vendetta are old seemingly forgotten already,
I adore Altered Carbon (the series as that is how I am familiar with it) and Watchmen, and V for Vendetta. There are fans out there, you just need patience and determination to dig them up.

-fades back into the abyss-
Are you complaining that a forum comprised mostly of teenagers, would be into the most popular media consumed by teenagers, and thus the communities they are part of have a heavy focus on the things they like?
Are you complaining that a forum comprised mostly of teenagers, would be into the most popular media consumed by teenagers, and thus the communities they are part of have a heavy focus on the things they like?

Actually it seems like there's a big older following as well. That is unless they are lying about their age to get away with things on here, which very well could be. I was not complaining as many here though I was. My apologies. I'm announcing something, that bothered me, and was asking for advice.
I adore Altered Carbon (the series as that is how I am familiar with it) and Watchmen, and V for Vendetta. There are fans out there, you just need patience and determination to dig them up.

-fades back into the abyss-

That's awesome!! If you're ever down to RP, let me know! It's so cool to have people in the fan bases I am in, regardless.
Also to everyone apart of this forum- I had do idea itd actually get this big! Thank you for any and all your comments and input xx
I'm assuming you're one of those teens that felt attacked?
no i am certainly not a teenager anymore!! i just don't get the complaint. "thing is popular and everywhere waaaah?" like what? yeah that is how it works. what happened to your old fandom is it got old, it still exists it just won't exist in the capacity it use to on a top rp forum with a young community that follows the trends. sort of how fandom shifts work in a community like this. if you're looking for your niche fandom from 6 years ago you'll probably need to find a discord/blog/forum community still into it enough to rp it or you'll be waiting for that gem of a player to wonder in and go "yes i like that thing too".

tangent starts here ---- granted i've never fandom rp'd, so not an issue i have, but i certainly understand the shift in genre and themes. i will likely never get a vampire rp of the verity i want ever again because my niche vampire desires are based on tropes/themes from movies popular in the early 00s . . . and as we know media like twilight and vampire academy sort of changed the landscape of vampire genre tropes (and fuck know what else, but i don't think there has been a new vampire series recently)!!! point is it's sort of waaah boohoo and kinda dumb to complain that my favorite vampire tropes from when i was 15 years old aren't popular anymore, in a community that couldn't care less about anita blake and armand.

i don't know what advice you were expecting either, you're kind just complaining about how fandom has worked since the dawn of time!!! doesn't matter how many older people are on a forum, our interest tend to follow trends too, i bet everyone here is pretty up on their media. . . it's asking a lot of a community to be more into things over a decade old . . . shit even less than that 8 years . . . fandoms move fast. ya someone out there still likes it and you might cross their path but . . .
i'm on a tangent . . . waaah new stuff everywhere is a weird complaint.
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Wow, even when you ask for advice, there are people who take offense..

Anyway, I wish you the best for the future Maxine, don't give up!
I don't think anybody wants to actively deny other users the freedom to RP what they want. Both this thread and multiple other ones I take as simple observations of what's common on RPNation as of current. People want to start conversations over this topic, and as long as no malicious intent comes from those conversations, there is no reason people shouldn't be having these types of threads.

Adding onto the subject, certain plots and situations are simply more fit for a roleplay than others. That's basically it.

For instance, school/academy roleplays are flexible and users can relate pretty easily to them. Besides roleplays, school settings are one of the most popular forms of media, so it's normal for people to re-create them into roleplays. They're easy to insert plot-twists and modifications to, because a school setting already has pretty standard rules and a plot template (e.g. classes, social spaces, a schedule). It's hard to really mess a school roleplay up. On the flip side, users that go above and beyond can really make a school/academy RP interesting by adding their own unique spins that will have a definitive impact on the roleplay and flip the entire plot on its head. But, like said before, often hosting users don't have the time to build to that due to the RP's short lifespan. Either way, it's a go-to for folks who want a more relaxed experience and not have to delve into a lore-crazy high fantasy RP.

Modern romance roleplays are obviously easy to relate to as well, as are a multitude of other modern plots. Fandom roleplays are especially based on trends, and due to this fluctuate regularly. You're also dealing with pre-made characters (usually), so it's quick and simple to get a roleplay going.

There is absolutely nothing wrong with any of this.

Going back to what was previously said on this thread, more detailed, complex, out-of-this-world roleplays will always be in the minority. Most people do not have the time to immerse themselves in a roleplay that may or may not even get off the ground. The best advice I can give anybody who doesn't enjoy what they see on the threads currently is a) patience and b) the will to change it. If you want [this] or [that] type of roleplay, go out and make it! Put it in the interest forum. You might be surprised how many other people will be interested in what you envision.
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Wow, even when you ask for advice, there are people who take offense..

Anyway, I wish you the best for the future Maxine, don't give up!

Thank you haha! I just ignore the rude people. I got my advice a while ago

I don't think anybody wants to actively deny other users the freedom to RP what they want. Both this thread and multiple other ones I take as simple observations of what's common on RPNation as of current. People want to start conversations over this topic, and as long as no malicious intent comes from those conversations, there is no reason people shouldn't be having these types of threads.

Adding onto the subject, certain plots and situations are simply more fit for a roleplay than others. That's basically it.

For instance, school/academy roleplays are flexible and users can relate pretty easily to them. Besides roleplays, school settings are one of the most popular forms of media, so it's normal for people to re-create them into roleplays. They're easy to insert plot-twists and modifications to, because a school setting already has pretty standard rules and a plot template (e.g. classes, social spaces, a schedule). It's hard to really mess a school roleplay up. On the flip side, users that go above and beyond can really make a school/academy RP interesting by adding their own unique spins that will have a definitive impact on the roleplay and flip the entire plot on its head. But, like said before, often hosting users don't have the time to build to that due to the RP's short lifespan. Either way, it's a go-to for folks who want a more relaxed experience and not have to delve into a lore-crazy high fantasy RP.

Modern romance roleplays are obviously easy to relate to as well, as are a multitude of other modern plots. Fandom roleplays are especially based on trends, and due to this fluctuate regularly. You're also dealing with pre-made characters (usually), so it's quick and simple to get a roleplay going.

There is absolutely nothing wrong with any of this.

Going back to what was previously said on this thread, more detailed, complex, out-of-this-world roleplays will always be in the minority. Most people do not have the time to immerse themselves in a roleplay that may or may not even get off the ground. The best advice I can give anybody who doesn't enjoy what they see on the threads currently is a) patience and b) the will to change it. If you want [this] or [that] type of roleplay, go out and make it! Put it in the interest forum. You might be surprised how many other people will be interested in what you envision.

You. Are. Beyond. Bloody. Awesome. THIS MADE MY DAY
I'm not going to repeat what people were saying here about diversity, because a lot of good points were made already.

Just want to add that, niche rp exist but to find them you need patience, and a lot of it. If you don't see any niche interest check, start one yourself. If you don't get a reply within a day, it doesn't mean no one wants to play it, it only means that no one who wanted to play it checked the thread on that particular day.
Yes, it will require more time to find players for such a rp, because there are trendy genres and themes and fandoms that get a lot of interest much faster. And there is nothing wrong with that. People play what they want to play at a given moment in time. Diversity hides in details.

Just to say, it took me a month (or maybe more) to find a rp for a niche fandom that I wasn't even thinking about playing until I found a person with interest check for it. I found it accidentally. But I found it and the person who posted it was actually surprised to find someone to rp in that fandom. But we started the rp, and it's incredibly fun for both of us.
In the end, it all depends on how much time you want to wait, but if you look for something, you'll find it.

There was indeed a good advise saying that if you want something niche, you might have better luck finding roleplayers in the related communities (and bring them here if you want). That also works.
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Hey there-

I've noticed since I've joined, fandom base wise, there isn't much creativity or diversity in the fandom and plots with them. Most fan-bases are anime, the same animes, vocaloids, Supernatural and Marvel (which I'm victim to occasionally) but you don't hear about a lot of major fanbases and it's starting to wear on me.

A lot of what I watch, which are fairly popular, is considered uncommon here and I'm finding that a bit disheartening about the fandom world in general. Marvel, DC, K-Pop and really poppy stuff is taking over instead of the underground stuff- what nerds used to be. What I'm saying is I find that being called the term nerd, fanboy, fangirl is now seemingly boxing itself in around 4-5 major cliques. Has anyone else had this problem? What "unusual" fandoms are you associated with? Just want to see if I'm not alone, of if there's some secret site I don't know about.

Thank you-

Fanbases are trashy af to begin with. Why you'd want to see more of them plague this site than there are already, I'll never know.
I am sorry, but I strongly disagree with calling fanbases 'trashy' and saying they plague the site. That's generalizing and it's offensive.
Just because you had bad experiences with some fanbases doesn't mean that you should generalize.

Although I agree bad experiences are easier to remember, and if we take popular fandoms with large fanbases, bad stuff is more easily noticed. But still, "some" does not equal "everyone".

And people should be allowed to rp what they want, as long as they abide by the rules of the site and common sense.
Hey there-

I've noticed since I've joined, fandom base wise, there isn't much creativity or diversity in the fandom and plots with them. Most fan-bases are anime, the same animes, vocaloids, Supernatural and Marvel (which I'm victim to occasionally) but you don't hear about a lot of major fanbases and it's starting to wear on me.

A lot of what I watch, which are fairly popular, is considered uncommon here and I'm finding that a bit disheartening about the fandom world in general. Marvel, DC, K-Pop and really poppy stuff is taking over instead of the underground stuff- what nerds used to be. What I'm saying is I find that being called the term nerd, fanboy, fangirl is now seemingly boxing itself in around 4-5 major cliques. Has anyone else had this problem? What "unusual" fandoms are you associated with? Just want to see if I'm not alone, of if there's some secret site I don't know about.

Thank you-

Hear hear!!!!
I am having real problems finding what I enjoy on this page. :( I am not into any anime, except for those obviously nobody else likes (Pet shop of horrors, Godchild). I don't like superheroes. I do enjoy sci-fi, however, not star wars. That already means everything I like is niché! Yet I love a lot of things. For instance, I'd pay in gold to find someone to do a steampunk RP! I love Vikings, obviously, and that seems to be pretty rare here too. I am not even mentioning the real obscure fandoms I am in (Wraeththu). The only thing on the top of my list I seem to always find, even here, is Star Trek. I am growing seriously discouraged!
Hear hear!!!!
I am having real problems finding what I enjoy on this page. :( I am not into any anime, except for those obviously nobody else likes (Pet shop of horrors, Godchild). I don't like superheroes. I do enjoy sci-fi, however, not star wars. That already means everything I like is niché! Yet I love a lot of things. For instance, I'd pay in gold to find someone to do a steampunk RP! I love Vikings, obviously, and that seems to be pretty rare here too. I am not even mentioning the real obscure fandoms I am in (Wraeththu). The only thing on the top of my list I seem to always find, even here, is Star Trek. I am growing seriously discouraged!

I completely understand that angst. I love Vikings!!! I'd be down to RP with you. As far as my preferences I love a lot of Netflix Originals, old school stuff like v for Vendetta, Watchmen. Right now I'm still on the hunt for Peaky Blinders, Interview with the Vampire and some others but I'd love to do Vikings it's just been a while since I watched it and I know I'm not caught up anymore since I don't have cable.
I completely understand that angst. I love Vikings!!! I'd be down to RP with you. As far as my preferences I love a lot of Netflix Originals, old school stuff like v for Vendetta, Watchmen. Right now I'm still on the hunt for Peaky Blinders, Interview with the Vampire and some others but I'd love to do Vikings it's just been a while since I watched it and I know I'm not caught up anymore since I don't have cable.

Well that is totally fine, I live in Czech Republic so I pirate everything on line, there is a chance for you to get caught up. :D
I have Peaky Blinders on my list to see, but it will be a while. (No time for TV this summer).
Also, I lived vicariously through Vampire Chronicles back in the day. We even had a forum where we portrayed the characters for anyone who registered, as in acting as if they were real, answering their questions, writing our diaries and suchlike. :D (I was Marius). I still own all Anne Rice's book, but I suppose the magic was lost for me when she started writing fanfiction about Jesus and then came up with godloving werewolves and the new VC books, where Lestat meets aliens and goes to Atlantis, which is all a major fuck up.
Well that is totally fine, I live in Czech Republic so I pirate everything on line, there is a chance for you to get caught up. :D
I have Peaky Blinders on my list to see, but it will be a while. (No time for TV this summer).
Also, I lived vicariously through Vampire Chronicles back in the day. We even had a forum where we portrayed the characters for anyone who registered, as in acting as if they were real, answering their questions, writing our diaries and suchlike. :D (I was Marius). I still own all Anne Rice's book, but I suppose the magic was lost for me when she started writing fanfiction about Jesus and then came up with godloving werewolves and the new VC books, where Lestat meets aliens and goes to Atlantis, which is all a major fuck up.

Hahahaha! Isn't that the truth. That is a really neat community from the sounds of it. I wish I could find that with some of mine or even bands that are into it. That's kick-ass.
Hahahaha! Isn't that the truth. That is a really neat community from the sounds of it. I wish I could find that with some of mine or even bands that are into it. That's kick-ass.

But you know, this was back in the day when VC were popular. Before the fuck up! :D Its all long dead.
Thing is, in my experience, a lot of people who want to RP very, very niche stuff sets difficult entry points to their RPs to begin with. I've personally been turned off by supposedly "out of the ordinary, non-fanbase, non-anime, non-Kpop" RPs advertised because when I step in, all I get is very bare-bones and minimum information and when I ask for more, I'm just instructed to watch an X film, read up on some Bolshevik mantra or whatever. This is a casual activity and I sure do not want to devour an encyclopedia's worth of knowledge that I won't even need in real life. Niche products only attract niche markets after all. Is it the populace's fault? No.

Actually put in the work in writing out your interest checks such as lore, storyline, rules, how much freedom will be given to players etc, first. Convince your consumers about the merits of your product so to speak and why we should immerse ourselves in this storyline rather than the others out there.

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