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Multiple Settings RP With Me?

Word Wonder

New Member
Salutations to yet another RT!

Permit me to tell you about myself as a RP'er and what I am looking for in my potential partners.

> First, please be active. At least a reply a day or once every other day.
> Absolutely no controlling MC/s without my permission.
> I enjoy realistic character images.
> I very much enjoy the darker side of RP'ing, be forewarned.
> I will do M/F or F/F gender-paired-RP's.
> I only accept 3rd-person-paragraph-style.
> I prefer RP'ing via PM's.


Vampire / Human (craving!)

Demon Lord / Lesser-Demon-Girl

Runaway / Psycho

Kidnapper / Victim

Bully / Target

Mermaid / Pirates




I am looking forward to hopefully many wonderful RP's!
Heya! I would looove to roleplay with you! I have no partners atm...
These are what, my eye sight love!
Vampire / Human
Runaway / Psycho
Kidnapper / Victim
im interested!
the ones that catch my eye are
demon/lesser demon
Hello there! I was interested in Vampire / Human and Bully / Target! I was wandering, what sides were your preferences to play?

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