RP "Standards"

What are your standards for RP?

  • Join nearly anything. Just ball out

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Exclude only the most boring and tasteless RP

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Dropping entire genres as a choice

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Joining only a few RP. High society taste

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Picky, Picky, Picky. Hard to find a good RP

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Absolute perfection; Mr. Perfect

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters


This is my loudest bork
After RPing for a while, you develop a certain taste for certain RPs. Be it certain genres, certain concepts, etc.

I ask this question because I'm having trouble finding a suitable RP to join. I tend to avoid a lot of RPs. I mean, I avoid School RPs, as I find that they have absolutely no room for growth. Nothing happens. I joined 3 since I joined this site, and they all ended with me withdrawing because I was just too bored. I say a "school" rp, but it's not limited to Schools. Any RP with a school-like environment, I can't join

  1. Prevents travel
  2. Socializing only
  3. No fighting

I avoid Fandoms entirely. I can't deal with a crappy-ass fanbase. The RP is usually not very supported, or very supportable, especially the ones based off games.

I look for solid concepts. Solid, completely formed, but not too rigid. I want a lot of potential for creativity, and democracy. I want every player to be able to influence the RP with their own tastes and plans.

I want to gauge the experiences of other players, so answer these questions:

  1. How high are your standards?
  2. How many RP are you in right now?
  3. If a RP gets boring, how likely are you to withdraw?
  4. If a RP is stagnant (no one's replying), how long before you start considering it dead?
  5. What type of RP would you not join?
  6. Do you exclude any categories (Fantasy, Realistic, etc.) when looking for a RP to join?
  7. Do you exclude any RP types (Casual, Detailed) when looking for a RP to join?
  8. What are some pre-RP turnoffs (any problems you see before you even sign-up)?
  9. What are some requirements for you to sign up for a RP?

Read the post
How high are your standards?

Honestly? On this site I'd probably be considered pretty dang picky. I seldom join group roleplays due to simple lack of time to keep up with them but when looking at the ideas on this site I want something that is detailed. Give me a well thoughtout story with some well rounded characters. Not too much worldbuilding because as I said I'm super busy so I don't have the time to read through like five threads of information.

How many RP are you in right now?

Three onexones.

If a RP gets boring, how likely are you to withdraw?

Very likely. If I'm not feeling a roleplay I pretty much just outright tell my partners.

If a RP is stagnant (no one's replying), how long before you start considering it dead?

A week or two, unless the it calls for a post once a week then maybe a month.

What type of RP would you not join?

Basically anything that deals with reality. No regular high school, bands, k-pop, military, road trip, etc. Exceptions - Disney roleplays and Royals arranged marriage.

Do you exclude any categories (Fantasy, Realistic, etc.) when looking for a RP to join?

Not especially.

Do you exclude any RP types (Casual, Detailed) when looking for a RP to join?

Yeah Simple roleplays would drive me up a wall. Too little for me to go on. If I don't have a solid plot and well-developed characters I won't join.

What are some pre-RP turnoffs (any problems you see before you even sign-up)?

Badly filled out character sheets. No out of character talk. Bad grammar.

What are some requirements for you to sign up for a RP?

Want you to have some characters already joined up so I can see if I'll like your players. In onexones give me some idea of your preferences.
1. How high are your standards?

pretty high- i want a great group of role players, especially if someone else's character will directly affect mine, i will most likely go to that roleplayer's profile and look at his/her past posts & activity in order to gauge how active the person is as well as their writing style

2. How many RP are you in right now?

3 active ones, 2 inactive ones, and 2 that have yet to start

3. If a RP gets boring, how likely are you to withdraw?

i'll probably stay just bc i hate breaking my commitments, and i will most likely do everything i can to make it interesting again. however, if all else fails, and i am bored out of my mind, i will withdraw.

4. If a RP is stagnant (no one's replying), how long before you start considering it dead?

around 1-2 weeks, but i usually post once in the OOC to see if it's still alive

5. What type of RP would you not join?

1x1's, because i find group RP's a lot more fun. i also have no experience with dice roleplays nor nation-building ones.

6. Do you exclude any categories (Fantasy, Realistic, etc.) when looking for a RP to join?

nope, but my 2 favorite categories are definitely realistic & fantasy

7. Do you exclude any RP types (Casual, Detailed) when looking for a RP to join?

i definitely exclude simple. even when i join a casual, i still end up posting detailed replies, so i prefer high-casual/low-detailed

8. What are some pre-RP turnoffs (any problems you see before you even sign-up)?

bad character sheets and inactive OOC. i also really like it when the coding & formatting are really pretty and appealing, bc that usually means the GM is pretty experienced with this site and cares about the RP

9. What are some requirements for you to sign up for a RP?

PROPER grammar, spelling, and punctuation from everyone. i absolutely cannot stand poor writing styles.
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How high are your standards?

Depends. If I want to be serious, then I think they're pretty up there. For this site, anyway.

How many RP are you in right now?

Since the only one I'm in is dead or dying: 0

If a RP gets boring, how likely are you to withdraw?

Unlikely, actually; I usually just stop posting and become really inactive. This might be because I think I can still get it going and keep telling myself I'll "Post tomorrow!"/"Post later!" and then I don't.

If a RP is stagnant (no one's replying), how long before you start considering it dead?

Depends on whether it's "Detailed," "Casual," or "Simple." When it comes to things that require novel pages of a post, I consider it dead in... maybe a week. If it is a "Simple" or "Casual" with very frequent post times, then I consider it dead after two days. Things surprise me, but I guess that's an average for it.

What type of RP would you not join?

Romance, high-school... Most things that are non-combat.

Do you exclude any categories (Fantasy, Realistic, etc.) when looking for a RP to join?

'Modern.' I only join combat-oriented roleplays (or roleplays that would involve combat,) and most 'modern' roleplays don't have that. As a result, I very rarely join them.

Do you exclude any RP types (Casual, Detailed) when looking for a RP to join?

Yes: "Simple." I usually think that's where all the roleplays and roleplayers that I wouldn't consider "Up to my standards." However, I see that in every category. Regardless, I think it would be far more frequent in "Simple."

What are some pre-RP turnoffs (any problems you see before you even sign-up)?

Bad presentation in an overview; "Once there was a ____," "So there's this big city in the middle of nowhere," "Omg: MUTANTS!"


I roleplay seriously, and I can't believe a setting is serious, or even good, when it's presented that way in the overview. I don't even hesitate to shut down the tab once I've seen that.

Also (though I'm not too strict on this): When the setting is posted in the "IC" section rather than the "Overview."

What are some requirements for you to sign up for a RP?

Involves combat.

Detailed setting (if I want to be serious. I join roleplays that don't have this, but often only when I'm going to screw around to some degree.)


Competent (in my opinion) roleplayers.

A character concept (purely involved with my end.)
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1. How high are your standards?

Considering that the nicest thing I've said about some RPs this year is 'that isn't terrible', pretty high. Or more accurately, quite specific.

2. How many RP are you in right now?

Five, I think.

2. If a RP gets boring, how likely are you to withdraw?

I don't join RPs I expect to get bored of.

3. If a RP is stagnant (no one's replying), how long before you start considering it dead?

A month.

4. What type of RP would you not join?

Fandoms, typically.

5. Do you exclude any categories (Fantasy, Realistic, etc.) when looking for a RP to join?


6. Do you exclude any RP types (Casual, Detailed) when looking for a RP to join?

I probably wouldn't bother with Simple.

7. What are some pre-RP turnoffs (any problems you see before you even sign-up)?

The creator has no plot in mind. The creator spends more time talking about cool powers than plot. There are more pictures than text. The creator has clearly done little to no world-building. A bad title, especially 'x RP, anyone?'

8. What are some requirements for you to sign up for a RP?

A well-developed setting, clear idea of plot or structure, and effective system for the purpose.
1. How high are your standards?

For most RPs, very high. In order to consider joining an RP I need to see that the storyteller is a strong writer. I also need to believe that they're passionate about the story they want to tell.

However, I make exceptions for DC Universe fandoms. I often join "weak" DC roleplays because I enjoy almost any opportunity to tell stories about those characters. They're my kryptonite... (> :D )

2. How many RP are you in right now?


3. If a RP gets boring, how likely are you to withdraw?

That's a question that I would need to unpack before I can answer it properly.

4. If a RP is stagnant (no one's replying), how long before you start considering it dead?

It depends on the average frequency of prior posts.

5. What type of RP would you not join?

There are several types, but dice comes to mind. I'm into storytelling, not winning a game or encounter. I'll leave dice to monopoly.

:5/5: What are some requirements for you to sign up for a RP?

I'll sum up the rest of your questions with this one. I look for strong descriptive writers who love their setting and characters, and who value what I can bring to their world. I need room to write, room to push my own character's conflict. If a storyteller wants to dictate and control every antagonist and obstical inside their roleplay then we won't be able to collaborate. The GM needs to trust me.

I'm drawn to action/adventure RPs, with a powerful preference for fantasy over realism.
How high are your standards?

My standards, compared to other standards that I have seen, are higher than most. I am picky when it comes to decided whether I want to join a roleplay. I participate in both one on one and group roleplays. In the past, I have used the recruitment section to seek for partners. Now, I only go by word of mouth. I have a whole thread dedicated to explaining my one on one preferences that I show to all of my potential roleplay partners. It's basically like my own agreement contract. There are rules that I am flexible with, but for the most part, it needs to be read and agreed with in order for there to be a happy, successful roleplay.

With groups, it is much harder to decide. There have to be dedicated users who reach the standards that I explain in my one on one thread. Essentially, I find myself roleplaying with people who I have one on ones with, or with those who have been suggested to me in the past.

How many RP are you in right now?

I am currently in two group roleplays.

If a RP gets boring, how likely are you to withdraw?

Withdrawing is not one of my strong suits and I will admit it is one fo the hardest things for me to do I will typically inform my one on one partner or group GM through a private message.

If a RP is stagnant (no one's replying), how long before you start considering it dead?

My general rule of thumb for inactivity is a full week without communication.

What type of RP would you not join?

I don't join roleplays that I don't enjoy.

Do you exclude any categories (Fantasy, Realistic, etc.) when looking for a RP to join?

I typically exclude Fandoms when I'm seeking for new roleplays.

Do you exclude any RP types (Casual, Detailed) when looking for a RP to join?

Yes and no. If we take it from a literal standpoint, where we follow the exact definition of each category, I will join just about any kind of roleplay. If we strictly look at the amount of writing that is required for each roleplay, then I usually stay away from "Simple" and "Casual".

What are some pre-RP turnoffs (any problems you see before you even sign-up)?

Again, as I stated before, I find my one on one partners through word of mouth, so those situations tend to be different. For groups, I will not join a roleplay if the GM has no sense of direction for the story or has no commitment.

What are some requirements for you to sign up for a RP?

As in, if I were to make a roleplay? As I mentioned before, I have a huge thread that explains what I like and what I don't. I would link it, but I prefer to reserve it for those who want to roleplay with me on private one on one settings. In summary, have a strong sense for all elements in writing, including but no limited to spelling, grammar, character development, plot development, and collaboration.
How high are your standards?

I'd say my standards linger somewhere in the middle -I'm not too picky, but I'm not going to jump into just any roleplay. I think the general consensus is that presentation is everything, and I agree. Something that doesn't seem like it has a lot to build off of just will not work out for me. On the other hand, if an idea sounds interesting, and I get the feeling I could do something that would benefit it, I will give it a shot.

How many RP are you in right now?

On this site? None. That may change in the near future but, to go along with the above question, I just need to find the right moment.

If a RP gets boring, how likely are you to withdraw?

Very likely. It takes a lot for me to just up and drop a roleplay, but it happens. Comes with the territory; some things just don't work out.

If a RP is stagnant (no one's replying), how long before you start considering it dead?

That depends on whether the rp is a group or a 1x1. For groups, I consider it to be dead if nobody has posted, or even mentioned it, for a good few months. As for 1x1s, a lot of my partners are busy outside of the internet. I have waited months for people before, and people have waited just as long for me. I guess it comes down to whether or not there's any communication regarding the roleplay going on.

What type of RP would you not join?

Romance, school /academy roleplays, or anything dealing with vampires or zombies. I'm not too keen on roleplays that rely solely on action either. Or fandoms, save for very few exceptions but even then I will need persuading before I consider taking a shot at it.

Do you exclude any categories (Fantasy, Realistic, etc.) when looking for a RP to join?

This is a tough one since I'm honestly not that picky when it comes to genre. I'll have to say romance and slice of life.

Do you exclude any RP types (Casual, Detailed) when looking for a RP to join?

Not really? As long as there's a solid plot happening, a detailed roleplay can be just as good as something more casual.

What are some pre-RP turnoffs (any problems you see before you even sign-up)?

This is difficult to answer... Like everyone else, I like a good presentation, as I mentioned, but on the other hand I myself am not very good at describing ideas in a way that is attractive or makes sense. Some things just sound better in your head, you know?

Now, if someone has obviously rushed their idea, and it's poorly written and filled with grammar and punctuation errors, or just sounds too common, then I will pass it by. I understand the sudden urge to get an idea on paper, sure, and again I totally understand something sounding better in your head then going to shit once it's written, but still. At least put an effort. I want to see effort above all.

That said, one of the biggest turn-offs for me is when people say something like 'I only want literate writers'. Some people are good at writing, some aren't. Everyone has their preferences. But, honestly, everyone who writes stories is literate in some way; they can read and write at least.

Also, I don't really do well when people have like 'I like Assassin x Target (just to use an example) pairings'. I need a scenario to build off of. It's one of the reasons romance turns me off, because there's no guaranteed chemistry between characters either.

That probably sounds wrong, but, hey, like I said I'm not good at explaining things. *shrug*

What are some requirements for you to sign up for a RP?

I want to get a sense that I can build off an idea buy adding my own input. I want to be able to connect with my partner, and create something wonderful. In other words, I want there to be a solid idea or plot where everything is not set in stone.
How high are your standards?

I'm... having a lot of trouble answering that question, not gonna' lie. I think for me to truly consider something a quality roleplay, that's going to take a lot. In that regard, I'm incredibly picky. Characters have to really be fleshed out, the GM has to really know what they're doing and where they want to go with the roleplay, and the writing should make me jealous. However, oftentimes I just want to roleplay for the fun of it, practice my own writing. Sometimes I'll join roleplays way below my "standards" because those that do meet them can sometimes stress me out and they die really fast. I'm a sucker for stupid drama, and honestly, sometimes I've had the most fun joining these super casual roleplays and have been able to make some of my favorite OCs from them. I've tried to be more picky recently, though, because I have a tendency to want to join whatever I'm feeling inspired for at the moment. So... high standards, but I usually going for something a little more middling...?

How many RP are you in right now?

I'm currently in four, prepping to sign up for two more.

If a RP gets boring, how likely are you to withdraw?

Not very likely. Roleplays for me tend to be slow starting and just get better as they progress. I try to make it my goal to be the last person to reply because I would hate to be that person that drops roleplays left and right. Rather unfortunately, when a roleplay gets boring, I really struggle to reply. Another goal of mine is that, at the end of every post of mine, people will have something they can easily reply to (unless I'm having fun writing my character off somewhere in no-man's land, but that rarely happens). This becomes incredibly difficult when I'm feeling uninspired and it takes me maybe a good hour, probably more, of me trying to scrape together ideas, and then even longer to finally put it into words. If none of the other roleplayers are as bored as I am, though, and I'm obviously just holding everyone back... that's when I start thinking about withdrawing. Basically, I'll do it, but I don't want to be the cause of death for a roleplay.

If a RP is stagnant (no one's replying), how long before you start considering it dead?

It really depends. I tend to gauge interest in a roleplay based on who's both replying to the IC thread but also people talking in OOC. I might consider it dead after a month or two (really grasping at straws here) of radio silence on both ends, especially if people stop showing up on the site. It's kind of weird. People usually declare a roleplay dead before I even get around to thinking that it's dead, so...

What type of RP would you not join?

I like to think I'm willing to try almost anything and anything can be pulled off if you do it well. I can't think of anything that would be a hard no for me, but I'm sure they're out there... it's kind of a case-by-case basis. I guess one thing is high school roleplays that have fantasy elements as common knowledge. If I'm going to be in a high school roleplay, then I want it to be dominantly humans living in their perfectly human world. If it's high school with werewolves and vampires openly walking around, that just seems like you're fishing for something to make your roleplay seem "unique" or something, which... really doesn't work haha. Another thing that I'm not a fan of is roleplays geared towards romance. I love arranged marriages for writing, but as far as putting an emphasis on actual romance fluff... I'm just so sick of seeing it everywhere. lol It really, truly bores me, esp. since everyone's relationships seem to just magically work out 100 percent perfectly. Oh... but I'm not a fan of realistic/historical military roleplays and I honestly can't ever see me joining a nation building roleplay.

Do you exclude any categories (Fantasy, Realistic, etc.) when looking for a RP to join?

Again, I'm willing to try anything. One thing I tend to avoid like the plague, though, is futuristic roleplays. I'm not well-versed in sci-fi elements and post-apocalyptic plots don't really do it for me that much. It's not that I dislike these things, but I just so rarely find one that catches my interest. I also don't really join a lot of fantasy roleplays, but I think that might just be because I've been lazy with finding one that suites my tastes. Nation building is something that I don't think I'll ever take a look into. I like to put more of an emphasis on characters than I do plot/setting.

Do you exclude any RP types (Casual, Detailed) when looking for a RP to join?

In theory, I would be okay with joining a simple roleplay. In practice... not so much. I still want the world to be developed for the roleplay at least a decent amount, which I have yet to really see.

What are some pre-RP turnoffs (any problems you see before you even sign-up)?

Oh boy. One of the things I'm pickiest about when it comes to roleplays is the pacing of the roleplay. It has to be realistic for me, but unfortunately that's something I can't find out until after I've signed up and the roleplay has already started. That isn't to say I'm above checking up on someone's history with roleplaying, though. I think an actual turnoff from me is seeing a GM try to start a roleplay without actually having an idea for a plot. I'm okay with some plotless roleplays, sure, but if the GM clearly hasn't put any thought into what they want to do, then I don't want to be the person carrying the burden of coming up with ideas. If I wanted to do that, I would just make the roleplay myself. I also don't really like it when people think if they have enough pretty graphics they can compensate for the quality of the roleplay. When it gets right down to it, however much you decorate your posts with BBCode, that doesn't change the content of the roleplay posts. I'm... especially picky if someone attempts this, but ends up just making their roleplay even uglier by throwing around random colors.

What are some requirements for you to sign up for a RP?

I think the biggest most important thing for me to consider signing up for a roleplay is that I need to be inspired for it. If I don't immediately start coming up with ideas for the roleplay, then in all likelihood, I'm not going to be able to fit myself into it very well for the long-run and I'm more likely to drop the roleplay, which no one wants. The other thing I like to do is wait for a few other people to sign up and look at the characters they'll be using and see if I would have fun with that or if the characters are disappointingly... bland. I also think it's so important that I have an easy time communicating with the other roleplayers. If they're very serious and I'm afraid of annoying them with just trying to start up a conversation, it's not likely that I'm going to have a very good time. Other than that, as long as the GM seems competent (or I have enough wiggle room to compensate for them), then I'm going to have a really hard time not signing up.
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How high are your standards?

High, high, high. I'm extremely selective. When I'm craving an RP, I often look for days or weeks trying to find one I like, mainly because each particular craving has its own agenda of sorts. Sometimes, I never even find an RP to suit a craving. Such is life, but I find that it's a lot better than throwing good characters at bad roleplays.

How many RP are you in right now?

One. School's just started, and I'm determined to get a 4.0 this semester, so I can't devote much time to roleplaying. Plus, I have a personal writing project that I'm working on, and I want to make sure that it receives the attention it deserves. However, the RP I'm in at the moment has a lot of potential (fantastic GM, 10/10 would recommend) and I'm hoping to put in more effort than I normally would to help advance the plot.

If a RP gets boring, how likely are you to withdraw?

I very rarely withdraw due to boredom. The only time I withdraw is when the RP goes stagnant. Usually, when the roleplay becomes boring, I find that it is almost always partially due to the GM's inexperience, and I do what I can to help them out. It doesn't do anyone any good to abandon ship in such a situation.

If a RP is stagnant (no one's replying), how long before you start considering it dead?

In simple or casual roleplays in which replies are a paragraph or two, I call it quits after maybe two weeks. Anything longer (i.e. detailed), and I let it go for a month and a half or so. It really depends, though, depending on whether or not I consider the stagnant RP salvageable.

What type of RP would you not join?

There are a lot of roleplays that I won't join, not gonna lie. Fantasy schools are out. They're great sandboxes for new roleplayers to learn on, but at present, I play with the big kids. Also, as someone who doesn't care much for real-life romance, romance-centered roleplays make me kind of uncomfortable. I don't necessarily shun all fandom roleplays, but I find that there are few well-made fandom roleplays, and fewer fandoms that I actually like. Plus, they also tend to be geared towards inexperienced players. I don't dislike new roleplayers, I swear. It's just that we're simply not on the same level in terms of what we're willing to commit to a roleplay, and unless I'm making an active effort to teach new roleplayers to branch out and try new things, I prefer to roleplay with people who are willing to put in as much as I am.

Do you exclude any categories (Fantasy, Realistic, etc.) when looking for a RP to join?

Um, sort of. I very much prefer realistic to all other categories, but sometimes something out of fantasy or sci-fi will catch my eye. This is mainly because realistic roleplays tend to be more stable, as everyone understands the world we live in and how it will factor into the roleplay. I appreciate the worldbuilding that goes into fantasy/sci-fi roleplays, but for one of said roleplays to work as smoothly as a realistic roleplay, all players would have to have an equal and very, very extensive knowledge of the fantasy world. That, and I just find playing real-world characters to be more interesting. Limitations, you know? They're quite cool.

Do you exclude any RP types (Casual, Detailed) when looking for a RP to join?

Only simple. Both casual and detailed roleplays are likely to have good potential for character development. Simple? Not so much.

What are some pre-RP turnoffs (any problems you see before you even sign-up)?

Uh, one big and obvious thing. I very rarely create roleplays, but when I do, I put hours of effort into them. I think things through. I pay attention to detail, trivial or otherwise. I code it up and make it look pretty. I make my own character as dynamic and believable as I possibly can. I get a little frustrated sometimes. I don't require that all the roleplays I join look like a roleplay I would make, because I almost always go overkill and I don't think everyone should have to bleed to start a good roleplay. It just so happens that I like the way my roleplays look when they're covered in blood, sweat, and tears, thanks. However, you'll excuse me if I have a hard time taking your roleplay seriously when all you've given me is two vague, error-ridden sentences and a rhetorical question that I answer cynically in my head as I close the page and look elsewhere. It's a sure-fire sign of an inexperienced GM, only this time, I don't have the patience or guts to tell them that if they can't write at least a paragraph about the project they want to start, then maybe they aren't quite ready to start a project, per se.

What are some requirements for you to sign up for a RP?

Well, I generally veer towards character-driven roleplays, so I'm going to answer this question as if all roleplays are character driven. One thing I need is a catalyst for character development. In most character-driven roleplays, the plot centers around people bound by a group or location, but that alone cannot make a successful roleplay. Sitting a bunch of people down in a locked room for a month with a food and water supply might make for some interesting social developments in the real world, but the difference between real people and characters with puppetmasters is that roleplayers get bored easily, and they can leave if they want to. They don't make their own stimuli. That's the GM's job. You have to supply your roleplayers with regular points of interest to facilitate interpersonal development between characters. Also, an experienced GM is a must. If you get the GM right, most other things are going to go right, too. Actually, I take that back. They don't even have to be experienced. They just have to have an idea of what they're doing, and they have to be willing to take initiative.
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How high are your standards?

No one liner RP's for myself anymore.

Sometimes being a part of some RP's for so long and many high quality ones can deter me from joining and supporting newer RP's or become prejudiced against them

How many RP are you in right now?

On RPN, currently none. Outside of the site, I am in 3 RP's

If a RP gets boring, how likely are you to withdraw?

If it was an RP I joined out of absolute interest and grew to love it I would stay until the GM said to go or until there would be less than 4 people. I have hardly done 1 x 1

If a RP is stagnant (no one's replying), how long before you start considering it dead?

Because I usually join RP's with +4 members it would be 1 month for me

What type of RP would you not join?

Vampires, as the main part of the RP

Highschool, as the main part of the RP

Fandom, unless it was completely with original characters.

Pirates, as the main part of the RP

Do you exclude any categories (Fantasy, Realistic, etc.) when looking for a RP to join?

Only if my mood is looking for something specific

Do you exclude any RP types (Casual, Detailed) when looking for a RP to join?

Only if my mood is looking for something specific

What are some pre-RP turnoffs (any problems you see before you even sign-up)?

Having been part of many forums for a while, when you see some individuals show the same interest in the RP you want to join but you know them to be the disruptive type that does not follow the rules and usually come in because of the hype it irritates me.

Another would be when the GM creates such great hype for the RP but then disappears for no reason and then shows up a few weeks down the road again.

What are some requirements for you to sign up for a RP?

Parameters. Boundaries from the GM are a must for me.

Engaging: a very involved GM and players

Structure: Some order to things making it easier on players.
okay lets see here

  • How high are your standards?

  • How many RP are you in right now?

  • If a RP gets boring, how likely are you to withdraw?

  • If a RP is stagnant (no one's replying), how long before you start considering it dead?

  • What type of RP would you not join?

  • Do you exclude any categories (Fantasy, Realistic, etc.) when looking for a RP to join?

  • Do you exclude any RP types (Casual, Detailed) when looking for a RP to join?

  • What are some pre-RP turnoffs (any problems you see before you even sign-up)?

  • What are some requirements for you to sign up for a RP?

1. My standards can be pretty high, whenever im looking for a Rp i am VERY VERY VERY choosey about what i pick dependent on MULTIPLE factors. For example, How dedicated/Active does the original poster/Game Master/Other player seem to be? Do they write out intelligent posts or just short one-to-two sentences of a single action or one line of dialogue? Do they have proper grammar and spelling?

The list goes on.

2. I'm in 2 one on ones, and three other group roleplays, one which i have hosted for three years and still going, and another one that has yet to start up.

3. I'm very likely to withdraw/eventually fizzle out if the GM/Other player isn't giving me much to respond to. However they're usually the ones to fizzle out first.

4. I give it at the longest a month before i call it quits and mark it as dead.

5. Fandoms i really do not enjoy in general. but the ones i REALLY hate is Rp's that are strict as all hell about every single little thing you do because its "not canon" or "that's not how it works!" A good example would be something like "you can only use sword and shield you can't have a two handed sword or scythe and nothing else you only get A or B" or "YOU CAN ONLY BE HUMAN", but the ones that especially piss me off are the Roleplays where you can only Rp as a certain Personality/Character/Role like oh my GOD STOP i'm not going to Rp strictly as your shitty fandom character or be this certain role with this certain personality go to hell.

I also don't particularly enjoy Rp's that go ultra fast or ultra slow or just in general are only like 1-2 sentence posts.

6. I only ever tend to AVOID Fandom, but i do lean a lot more towards Fantasy over Sci-fi and Modern stuff

7. Unless you mean Detailed as in "Minimum 1 16 page essay every post" not really no. Even though i do basically do a few Really high maintenance RPs, their requirements is like, a short paragraph minimum, but if they force me to do an essay every post you can count me out because i already do that shit on a near bi-weekly basis.

8. The game master/Other player having bad grammar/spelling or they post like, 5 words a post where there is a severe lack of content OR they're barraging me with entire humongous walls of information where there is a severe overflow of content without context.

9. My base minimums for Rp's is that you make at least a thought out/Intelligent paragraph to get your points/actions/dialogue acrossed, that you will almost always ahve something for me to respond back to, that you're going to be at least dedicated to the RP for awhile and not fizzle out in the first few weeks, and that you have a decent world/setting that i can build my character off pleasurably or at least sensibly. And a Gm/other player who will respect me/my characters boundaries respectfully.

The Most important point here being that you give me/my character something to do, talk about in some detail, or explore at almost all times.
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Kylesar1 said:
I look for solid concepts. Solid, completely formed, but not too rigid. I want a lot of potential for creativity, and democracy. I want every player to be able to influence the RP with their own tastes and plans.

I want to gauge the experiences of other players, so answer these questions:

  1. How high are your standards?
  2. How many RP are you in right now?
  3. If a RP gets boring, how likely are you to withdraw?
  4. If a RP is stagnant (no one's replying), how long before you start considering it dead?
  5. What type of RP would you not join?
  6. Do you exclude any categories (Fantasy, Realistic, etc.) when looking for a RP to join?
  7. Do you exclude any RP types (Casual, Detailed) when looking for a RP to join?
  8. What are some pre-RP turnoffs (any problems you see before you even sign-up)?
  9. What are some requirements for you to sign up for a RP?

Read the post

First Off: I agree entirely about your preference Paragraph.

1. Quite. I am however very humble and social able, so I enjoy playing with younger people just as much to learn from them and encourage their literacy, art, philosophy skills and partake in their goal.

2. **3**: One private one; One active Arcade RP; and just joined Rising of the Sands (very High Standard. * unsure of your skills? I recommend you wait until the plot develops and dive in afterwards.)

3. If Rp's are boring, the likiness is 80% relevant to skill. If I have respect for the personality of the person, regardless of ability to write. I will never bail. ... I wouldn't***

4. Never. IF** they reboot it with any amount of stimulus or vigor in their literary skills.

5. Stories with no chance to develop character or plot outside a rapid land slide of guns and violence.

6. I exclude MxM

7. nope

8. I see problems when the first post of the Plot is more than 15 paragraphs. That is a little assertive with no hook. Otherwise. Having no assertive nature, "the Lull", will always divert me.

9. I always have to find a Hidden OCC page and I have no clue where I would even begin to search. That ahs been a major problem - Requiring permission. How on earth there is not A, delete you post request, that when ignored receives the can... I don't know. Too much work for free Moderators. But. yeah. Always requires a resume.
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How high are your standards?

Fairly high, I think. I don't have any specific reason for it, I just look at a lot of the ideas for roleplays other people have come up with and just don't think they're that interesting. Part of the reason could be that all of my characters are part of the same universe (Just in different time periods), so I'm looking for something that can conform to it. Maybe I'm a bad roleplayer for that, I don't know.

How many RP are you in right now?

Overall? A lot. Ones that are still alive? Well, I'm in 4 that are ongoing as of right now, and 3 more that we're setting up the details for before we start. I was also in another group RP, but everyone ended up posting everything at the same time of day - While I was asleep - so I had to drop out of it.

If a RP gets boring, how likely are you to withdraw?

I usually give us one or two chances to shake things up a bit before I leave completely. Three if it keeps happening. Basically chance = how long we're stuck + how many times we're stuck. Throughout the whole RP, mind you.

If a RP is stagnant (no one's replying), how long before you start considering it dead?

I'm actually fairly quick to judge this. I'll start nudging people within two days or so, and consider it dead at the end of the week.

What type of RP would you not join?

Anything that doesn't interest me, or even repulses me. See above for the former.

Do you exclude any categories (Fantasy, Realistic, etc.) when looking for a RP to join?

Not... Really, no. I mean, I prefer Fantasy over everything else, but I don't outright exclude a category. I will come out and say that the only Fandom RP I'm remotely interested in is the Legend of Zelda, though.

Do you exclude any RP types (Casual, Detailed) when looking for a RP to join?

My post requirements are fairly low, however I also have a maximum you can post so I don't feel left behind, or get tired of reading your novel-long post or something. Because of this, I tend towards Simple, sometimes Casual roleplays if they're lenient enough. And I steer clear of Detailed roleplays at all times.

I'm also fairly exclusive to 1x1 RPs, with the exception of one group RP I'm in right now that looked fun. So there's that.

What are some pre-RP turnoffs (any problems you see before you even sign-up)?

The first thing that comes to mind is the setting. I swear, the fastest thing that will get me to turn away from your thread is the roleplay being in a post-apocalyptic setting of any kind, or focusing mainly on zombies or vampires. Why? Because I'm simply not interested. At all. Sorry if I offend you guys by saying this, but I'm being honest here.

The second thing is that I generally completely ignore posts from people I haven't had a good time roleplaying with, either through a bad experience with them or the roleplay, or just the way they post and/or express themselves. Be a snotty brat and I definitely won't want to play with you again ( :P )

Third is any RP where the partner in question has bad punctuation/grammar. It's okay to miss a few things here and there, but if I can't understand what you're trying to say in the synopsis of the idea you're trying to convey, odds are your roleplaying won't be any better.

What are some requirements for you to sign up for a RP?

First, your plot has to interest me. Even if it's a mild interest, it's good enough to look into. Second, obviously, your posting expectations have to be at least as low as mine, or around that area. I can push myself to pull content to meet an expectation that I don't quite reach normally, but I won't go very far. That's really all I can think of in terms of requirements. I have quite a few preferences that can be overlooked in many different cases.
1. How high are your standards?

I would say fairly high. I rarely join roleplays that haven't been recommended to me, unless I find the time to aimlessly wander about the forums.

2. How many RPs are you in right now?

I... don't know. Roleplays that have died, or been abandoned, too many to count. Active ones... one 1v1, a couple 1v1s I need to work on, a group dice roleplay, a pathfinder game (off-forum, on TS), possibly another tabletop game. So three, could end up at seven or eight.

3. If a RP gets boring, how likely are you to withdraw?

Not likely. I'll wait a long while for posts, and there's certain roleplays I'd continue on with if they were pulled out of the archive. I'm more likely to never post if it moves too fast, and talk to the GM - five pages of posts the first day posting begins absolutely tells me I'll not be able to keep up.

4. If a RP is stagnant (no one's replying), how long before you start considering it dead?

If there's been no posts in two/three weeks, nobody's said anything, and the GM's not prodding people to post, it's probably dead. I'll post if I can, within the situation, and often I've posted after a gap as long as two or three months.

5. What type of RP would you not join?

Most Fandom roleplays. I respect the roleplays, they can be done so well - I'm a storyteller in Carter's Harry Potter Hosted Project - but often they're not done well enough to do justice to the piece of work. Fandom roleplays can be so great, but unless I see something special in it... it's a no.

Same goes for school roleplays. @welian did DesuDesu, and I never did post in that (posting speeds, that's a thing) but I'd join it again, if it went a little slower. xD

6. Do you exclude any categories (Fantasy, Realistic, etc.) when looking for a RP to join?

As above, Fandom.

7. Do you exclude any RP types (Casual, Detailed) when looking for a RP to join?

Usually simple. I can't generally bring myself to post. Same goes for Casual roleplays that turn into Simple ones - I just... can't do it.

8. What are some pre-RP turnoffs (any problems you see before you even sign-up)?

Badly done graphics. I'd... honestly rather see none at all.

More picture than text.

Bad colour, particularly black text on grey background. No. No please, dear *insert whatever you believe in here*, no.

Bad grammar, which tonight I am guilty of.

Inactive OOC.

Bad text formatting.

9.What are some requirements for you to sign up for a RP?

Should know at least one player, so I know what to expect. (Not... really required?)

Readable text. No black on light grey. No pastels. If it makes my eyes hurt, I'm out, no matter the quality of writing.

Good plot. Needs to have a direction.

A character skeleton.

There is more, may edit it in later. For now, sleep.
Meredith said:
@welian did DesuDesu, and I never did post in that (posting speeds, that's a thing) but I'd join it again, if it went a little slower. xD
DesuDesu was pure unadulterated trash and that's why it was so damn popular. People who hated school roleplays were joining it, because it was so bad and it was absolutely shameless about it.

Anyways. That's beside the point.

How high are your standards?

Not very, honestly. I look for solid writing - no blatant grammatical or technical issues (punctuation, spelling), and a decent voice. After that's satisfied, I kinda don't care if the setting or characters are generic, because I can more than make up for that.

How many RP are you in right now?

Me and Atom and Giy are gonna do a silly little thing for ourselves but outside of that, none. I've had a hard time keeping up motivation for roleplays this summer, so I'm just gonna stick to my staffly duties for now.

If a RP gets boring, how likely are you to withdraw?

If by "withdraw" you mean "stop posting and drop off the face of the earth" then there is 99% chance that I will vanish on a boring thread. Or, I'll just, uh... add some of my own spice in.

If a RP is stagnant (no one's replying), how long before you start considering it dead?

Eh, I give it like.... 2 weeks of a dead OOC.

What type of RP would you not join?

Horror. Screw horror. Also not a big fan of zombie apocalypses, circus settings, or hospital/prison/mental asylum settings.

Do you exclude any categories (Fantasy, Realistic, etc.) when looking for a RP to join?

I usually don't bother with Dice, Nation Building, or Realistic. But, I can be convinced with a well-written hook.

Do you exclude any RP types (Casual, Detailed) when looking for a RP to join?

Yeah, I don't really do Simple roleplays either. Though, if the writing were decent (as in the first question I answered), then I would totally be down for a jump-in, generic fantasy tavern roleplay. Those and magical schools are my roots.

What are some pre-RP turnoffs (any problems you see before you even sign-up)?

I'm definitely not going to join a roleplay where people are arguing over godmodding and over-powered characters. That makes it seem like the DM does not have control over their group, and... well, sometimes when you have a blue name, people expect you to be the voice of authority in someone else's RP and it just doesn't work like that.

What are some requirements for you to sign up for a RP?

It's got to either have a plot (at least some goal for the characters to strive toward) or be very clear about being a sandbox RP. I also look for rules about magic or technology in the setting.
How high are your standards?

Depends upon the type of roleplay being presented. For groups, I can't say, but I do expect an agreeable environment without petty drama and a good GM if I'm joining a group. If I made one, I'd take it seriously, but as I would want to secure the likelihood of success, it would be a painstaking process to go through.

For one on ones, I don't put too many expectations on the other party/ies (I've learned not to), but tend to follow a code of conduct for myself. I do have general expectations for some partners (the basics, really), but most of my expectations lie in myself.

TL;DR with others, it varies. With myself, pretty damn high.

How many RP are you in right now?

None here, given that I'm new. On another website, one. Via emails, another. The first has been a few months and the other has been a few years.

If a RP gets boring, how likely are you to withdraw?

Varies based on what type it is and who I'm dealing with. If it's a group, I'd want to put in more effort out of obligation, or exit formally. For singles, I'd still try harder to keep it up unless I think I would be unable to handle continuing onward. For singles, that depends more heavily on the dynamic with the partner.

If a RP is stagnant (no one's replying), how long before you start considering it dead?

I'm sure there's some accepted standard for this that I haven't really considered. I wouldn't know, since I don't GM often. For singles/one on ones, I base that on how active the other person has said they are/would be and whether or not they are communicative. Either way, I don't pay much attention (in singles). If they don't reply, they don't reply.

What type of RP would you not join?

Heavy romance, slice-of-life, or school.

Do you exclude any categories (Fantasy, Realistic, etc.) when looking for a RP to join?

Once I start seriously searching, I'll probably exclude the above.

Do you exclude any RP types (Casual, Detailed) when looking for a RP to join?

I'll figure that out when it happens. If I excluded anything, it would be casual. I don't see myself excluding anything, though.

What are some pre-RP turnoffs (any problems you see before you even sign-up)?

Extreme disorganization, elitism among members (or the single person), dissent among members, a plot idea that looks more like a set up for Hamlet to rub one off than for a collaborative work, blatant egotism of the thread maker(s), too many (to an unreasonable point)/too strict standards, etc. Anything that inhibits creative freedom.

What are some requirements for you to sign up for a RP?

Barring the things that would prevent signing up, the story premise would have to interest me (but that's obvious). I'd have to find a sufficient opening to warrant reserving or entering with a character, and again, OOC dynamics. How much creative freedom is allowed is also a concern.
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Seems as though the general consensus on this thread is that we're pretty much picky people. Maybe some of you could attempt to see if you could RP and match well with each other? Actually, these questions seem to suit some kind of form you would fill when looking for a role play partner.

How high are your standards?

I suppose I can confidently say that I have 'fairly high' standards. However, I'm not borderline unrealistic with expectations. All I'm asking for is for someone who doesn't self-insert their OCs, doesn't take IC events personally, has proper grammar and punctuation, writes at least 5 descriptive paragraphs per post, and has an overall feel of character development.

How many RP are you in right now?

Not taking place on this site, I'm in two RPs right now, with the same RP partner for the both of them. I've been role playing with her for almost 5 months now, and found that our literacy levels are similar. We always update each other with why we haven't posted, if we have scenarios or ideas we want to implement in the RP in OOC, and sometimes a little non-role play related side chat. The longest either of us haven't replied to our RPs is about 2 weeks maximum.

I am comfortable with her absences because 1) I know she is still interested, just incredibly busy sometimes (and she usually elaborates the extent of her being busy). 2) She makes sure to message me OOC to keep me up-to-date on the chances of getting a RP reply in. 3) Because of this, we've built a kind of trust, so I don't have to worry about suddenly being ditched, or unexplained absences from an RP. I'm hoping to god to find more people like her here.

If a RP gets boring, how likely are you to withdraw?

Very likely. I will usually inform my RP partner(s) that I've lost interest, politely, and that they may continue on without me.

If a RP is stagnant (no one's replying), how long before you start considering it dead?

About a month, give or take.

What type of RP would you not join?

I find little to no interest in Dice, Fandom, Nation Building, and Realistic role plays.

Do you exclude any categories (Fantasy, Realistic, etc.) when looking for a RP to join?

I've been avoiding Sci-Fi for some reason. I believe perhaps, I've recognized that that genre is a weakness of mine, whether to read, to write, or role play. Sometimes it can be confusing for me to keep up with all of the terms and concepts. I've recently came across a WIP by @Sunbather that was heavily based on Sci-Fi elements that led me to think that perhaps, I may be able to successfully give it a go. Currently, I'm contemplating trying out the genre again.

Do you exclude any RP types (Casual, Detailed) when looking for a RP to join?

I cannot tolerate Simple role plays at all. They usually consist of one liners, are poorly thought out, executed amateurishly, and basically everything that I irks me, and drains all interest from me in role plays. I could go on forever about this. Casual role plays I can maybe settle with, if the RPers are at the very least semi-literate, basic grammar and punctuation, etc.

What are some pre-RP turnoffs (any problems you see before you even sign-up)?

Lack of creative space provided for members to add to the growth of plot, internal disagreement between members constantly being the center of attention, lack of communication with members and or GM, an influx of unnecessary/strict rules, incomprehensible pacing or events IC, members who self-insert, godmod, and want everything to be about them. I can go on a couple paragraphs longer about these, honestly.

What are some requirements for you to sign up for a RP?

Pretty much everything I've listed above. In addition, it is preferable that members have characters that are thought-fully written out.
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How high are your standards?

I wouldn't say high; I join whichever roleplay I fancy.

How many RPs are you in right now?

A single one-on-one. I have no motivation to search further.

If a RP gets boring, how likely are you to withdraw?

I am mostly to withdraw from a stagnant roleplay or a more active one that I've personally lost interest towards. Boring roleplays require suggestion or at least some sort of patience if they reach a crawling pace.

If a RP is stagnant, how long before you start considering it dead?

Rather quickly, though I typically stick around in case there is a sudden jolt of life.

What type of RP would you not join?

Ones with more mechanics than writing, that try to recreate a literal written-out RPG. Those complications balanced with plot usually is far too stressful to deal with.

Do you exclude any categories when looking for a RP to join?

Fandom, for the most part. There are few "fandoms" I like, though I am willing to try anything that's plot and ideas intrigue me.

Do you exclude any RP "types" when looking for a RP to join?


What are some pre-RP turnoffs (any problems you see before you even sign-up)?

Many; first impressions are everything. Aggressive rules and drawn-out application strike me hardest. The characters applied by other players also influence whether I join.

What are some requirements for you to sign up for a RP?

See above + the obvious.
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How high are your standards?

Not particularly high. You don't need a giant word-wall of an overview to impress me, but I'm not vastly intrigued by very small descriptions.

How many RP are you in right now?

Technically 3, but I haven't posted much in them (Or at all, for two). Might even say 0, to be honest.

If a RP gets boring, how likely are you to withdraw?

Eh, if the RP itself begins to bore me, there's a decent enough chance that I'll withdraw from it. If it is being lead by someone I know (A friend, perhaps), then I'll try and keep it going as best as I can.

If a RP is stagnant (no one's replying), how long before you start considering it dead?

A couple weeks.

What type of RP would you not join?

Good question.... probably certain fandom roleplay's, were the roleplayers can play as pre-established characters (Unless of course I made the RP). Dice roleplays as well, those just aren't my thing (I've got enough math to calculate in my education, I'm afraid).

Do you exclude any categories (Fantasy, Realistic, etc.) when looking for a RP to join?

Nope, I'll join roleplays from each category.

Do you exclude any RP types (Casual, Detailed) when looking for a RP to join?

Not really. I'm fine with simple, casual, or detailed roleplays. Primarily casual, but I'll join certain detailed roleplays.

What are some pre-RP turnoffs (any problems you see before you even sign-up)?

This is mostly limited to detailed roleplays, and I even made a thread talking about it: When, in the rules of a lot of detailed roleplays, people put certain limits on how many paragraphs or lines per post (As though length equates actual detail). Such as, "You're required to put this and this many lines in a post" or, "You can post a minimum of so and so amount of paragraphs. That irks me to no end, considering it causes people to believe that needlessly beefing up their post is equal to actual detail. Along with excessively lengthy character signup sheets. Definite turn off for me.

What are some requirements for you to sign up for a RP?

It just needs to catch my attention, and stir interest in me.
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  1. How high are your standards?
    Low for the RP, high for the people and their commitment slash interest slash skill. Great people turn the most boring ideas into blooming flowers that rush across the lands springing a thousand branches or something
  2. How many RP are you in right now?
  3. If a RP gets boring, how likely are you to withdraw?
    0/10. You make it boring or interesting, not the other way around
  4. If a RP is stagnant (no one's replying), how long before you start considering it dead?
    1 week
  5. What type of RP would you not join?
    Futuristic with too much detail, just becomes the obsession of the GM. Make a world that's a vision, not a textbook
  6. Do you exclude any categories (Fantasy, Realistic, etc.) when looking for a RP to join?
    Usually I only do fantasy because futuristic ones have people obsessing over ideas
  7. Do you exclude any RP types (Casual, Detailed) when looking for a RP to join?
    I only go for detailed
  8. What are some pre-RP turnoffs (any problems you see before you even sign-up)?
  9. What are some requirements for you to sign up for a RP?
    Interesting backdrop
How high are your standards? Must be able to write around 1 paragraph with proper grammar and enough detail to allow me to imagine what you're doing. Specific actions, etc.

How many RP are you in right now? Around 10 or so.

If a RP gets boring, how likely are you to withdraw? 70% chance.

If a RP is stagnant (no one's replying), how long before you start considering it dead? 2-3 days.

What type of RP would you not join? Slice of life, most fandoms, most school RPs

Do you exclude any categories (Fantasy, Realistic, etc.) when looking for a RP to join? No.

Do you exclude any RP types (Casual, Detailed) when looking for a RP to join? No.

What are some pre-RP turnoffs (any problems you see before you even sign-up)? Terrible design, very short posts, naruto.

What are some requirements for you to sign up for a RP? Must be able to appeal to me. That's it.
I think I overdid it again. (' :| ) To ease everyone's eyes from such a long read, the summary's at the top. If you really want to see the entire post, I spoiler tagged it below the top so it doesn't take up so much room in this thread.

How high are your standards?

Decent grammar a must. Semi-normal physics a must. You must comply.

How many RPs are you in right now?

Two, both very inactive.

If a RP gets boring, how likely are you to withdraw?

Explore every alternative. Try and make the RP more interesting. If I fail, and only then, I concede defeat.

If a RP is stagnant (no one's replying), how long before you start considering it dead?

Never. It may start up again. But if the only thread/website for it disappears, I may end up forgetting it.

What type of RP would you not join?

I may avoid those with complex mythologies (often seen in Fantasy, such as Lord of the Rings), but not necessarily. Competitive RP, though even in cooperative RP, I want challenge in the form of fully involving a character in a plot. If the GM or any players rely on nothing but "Rule of Cool" to hand-wave anything, I'm out.

Do you exclude any categories (Fantasy, Realistic, etc.) when looking for a RP to join?

Any that rely on superhero or anime physics.

Do you exclude any RP types (Casual, Detailed) when looking for a RP to join?

No, but I'm less likely to look in Casual than I am in Detailed.

What are some pre-RP turnoffs (any problems you see before you even sign-up)?

Major plot holes or logical inconsistencies in the setting, as far as my mind is concerned. More relationship building and "small talk" dialogue between characters than a plot which goes beyond the characters (though often involves them in a meaningful way nonetheless). If the core of the central plot revolves around individual characters' petty needs/desires (ala soap operas), I'm out.

What are some requirements for you to sign up for a RP?

Character development and relationship building must have an overarching plot which goes beyond them. Opportunities to explore my character's psyche and put it to use during the plot is necessary. If this is neither the mentality of the GM or the majority of players, I may as well be trying to change the entire structure of the universe in real life.

How high are your standards?

The definition of what is and isn't "of high standard" varies from person to person, so I can't answer this question literally. The best I can say is I've been open to a wide variety of roleplaying styles, though I've found my posts drowned in groups and completely inadequate outside of roleplays professing some semblance of normal character physics. In other words, I tend to ignore certain genres when searching for new RPs, but I'd hardly consider myself a perfectionist. That being said, I feel more comfortable with players who have a decent grasp of the English language - particularly in terms of grammar. A spelling error here and there is forgivable.

How many RPs are you in right now?

Technically, two - both 1x1s. They've been so inactive due to real-life concerns for the other player that I question whether or not I'm still "in" them.

If a RP gets boring, how likely are you to withdraw?

I try to explore every alternative before it comes down to making that choice. I'll make suggestions regarding my character to the GM and maybe salvage some interest in the RP as a whole. Keeping me engaged with an interesting setting and plot is key; your character may be worth some attention, but ultimately, setting and plot are both the primary variables convincing me to stay. I'm easily bored by dialogue that neither advances the plot, reveals some details of the setting, or gives the characters some depth and development.

If a RP is stagnant (no one's replying), how long before you start considering it dead?

That's a tough one. I've never really considered a RP dead before. There's always a chance it could start back up again in my mind, and at least for half of those I willingly joined, I would usually be interested in getting back into it. But I may forget it even existed after a year if the creator removed the site/thread entirely, and no evidence of it exists in my inbox.

What type of RP would you not join?

Perhaps those of the Casual type. I enjoy writing, and on those days I've found my muse, I can write quite extensively! I also prefer settings that are rather descriptive, but not terribly difficult to follow/understand. For me, this tends to be in terms of Science Fiction. While I've gone through entire years of studying Greek mythology, I find the mythos of many detailed Fantasy continuities relatively complex and confusing. That isn't to say I hate Fantasy, but that it takes me longer to understand than with the average Mass Effect-styled Science Fiction.

Worth mentioning is competitive RP. That's not to say that I don't enjoy a challenge, but I'd prefer the challenge involve developing an internally consistent framework for a story, as well as finding ways to draw out themes and character development through the method of engaging the character through the plot. Put simply, having a character's cherished beliefs, behaviors, personality, and thought patterns challenged is where the real challenge lies for me.

Also, the key to my considering a RP worth joining is reasonable cause-and-effect. I rather dislike it when GMs or other players pull a "Rule of Cool" to hand-wave elements of the story or setting. Then again, some settings may not rely on the Rule of Cool and still be a tad too difficult for me to follow, which leads to...

Do you exclude any categories (Fantasy, Realistic, etc.) when looking for a RP to join?

Any RP setting (or characters) that include superhero or anime physics. Even when reasonable within their own settings, I have trouble enjoying them for some reason. Otherwise, not really.

Do you exclude any RP types (Casual, Detailed) when looking for a RP to join?

Not particularly, though I'm less apt to search through a list of Casual RPs than I am through a Detailed list.

What are some pre-RP turnoffs (any problems you see before you even sign-up)?

Usually, the first thing I look at is setting. As soon as I see what appears to be a major hole in it, I may well decide to keep away - if only to avoid inadvertently ticking the creator off by pointing it out. After that, I review the plot for much the same reason. Finally, while I can reasonably ignore a few grammatical offenders among the players, I take a look at what they're roleplaying. If it turns out a majority of threads revolve around pointless (in my opinion) dialogue and relationship building, I stay far away from it. I'm not against characters getting to know one another in any form, but I prefer those "sub-plots" to be less emphasized or merged with a central "Big Picture" plot.

To explain that merging process I mentioned, I mean in terms of involving the relationship in some way. That doesn't mean the core of the plot revolves around it, as is often the case with soap operas in particular, but that it contributes in some way. One could argue that gaining allies in Mass Effects 2 and 3 are good examples; Shepherd helps take care of some personal issue of theirs, then gains their assistance for the rest of the game in entirely different situations.

What are some requirements for you to sign up for a RP?

Rather than try and list some, I would prefer simply to point to a description that fits me to a "T": "...the development of your character is the most important thing to you when you roleplay. However, you like your development and relationships to have some kind of overarching plot: you're not the type to enjoy a dressing room or any kind of roleplay where your character can't grow in at least a semi-structured manner. You enjoy exploring your character's psyche, but simple exploration isn't enough: you like to discover and then implement and use, and therefore continuity (which gives you "why"s and "how"s) is very important to you. You struggle when your character has no solid base in which to put down its roots, such as in games where there isn't enough structure or ones where the plot is continually changing." (The Biographer)
Kylesar1 said:
  • How high are your standards?

  • How many RP are you in right now?

  • If a RP gets boring, how likely are you to withdraw?

  • If a RP is stagnant (no one's replying), how long before you start considering it dead?

  • What type of RP would you not join?

  • Do you exclude any categories (Fantasy, Realistic, etc.) when looking for a RP to join?

  • Do you exclude any RP types (Casual, Detailed) when looking for a RP to join?

  • What are some pre-RP turnoffs (any problems you see before you even sign-up)?

  • What are some requirements for you to sign up for a RP?
1.) Moderate to high, depending on mood. Generally, my standard: "As long as it isn't atrocious."

2.) Attempting to make one. 0.5 is the exact number.

3.) Unlikely. I am not the type to leave unless kicked out.

4.) Around two weeks, give or take one.

5.) Fandom. I don't like running the risk of copyright violation.

6.) Practically no, though

7.) Yes, because I am quite a terse person I avoid detailed RPs and I find simple RPs a source of mockery as the "easy mode" of RPs.

8.) Lack of dedication and cohesion are big turnoffs for me, especially with the GM/DM.

9.) Being a dead serious RPer, I'd like to have an equally as serious leader for the RP. I don't care if the head man in charge is nice. I like people who get the job done.
How high are your standards?

I'm not in a position to discern that for myself, really. What I may think is fair, some may think is some manner of high maintenance, but I wouldn't know since I typically don't associate with role-players who would look down on me with the assumption that my style of writing is actively looking down on them.

If I really must be bare bones, I regularly like to write myself into an immersive setting that I'm personally comfortable with reading over again and again, since I do like to revisit my posts. That tends to add length to the page, but I don't mind it, as long as it reads fluidly. I prefer the same of my partner, just some similar quality and effort for the most part. I know what I want, so if I don't feel up to the role-play after my first three in-character posts, I drop.

How many RP are you in right now?

4 active ones, none on this site. I've got a 1x1 going on here, but it's agreed to be at I and my partner's leisure.

If a RP gets boring, how likely are you to withdraw?

It depends. I tend to try and make interesting things happen not just for myself, but also for other characters if I feel there's a lull in progression. If it gets "boring" because responses are few and far in between, I'll just ride out the death. If I join something proves to be a struggle to generate personal motivation after a few posts, I'll kindly cut my loses, distance my character in another post for IC's continuity sake, and inform the lot of my leave.

If a RP is stagnant (no one's replying), how long before you start considering it dead?

That's not something I think has a definitive frame of time. I'll just know when it's over and done with. I'm not that attached to role-plays, I don't think, where it's a concern.

What type of RP would you not join?

Since I really like to immerse myself, that requires knowing a little something about what I'm talking about. At the moment, period pieces are a drag for me because I'll spend half or more of my time doing research on the more applicable aspects of culture of the time so that I can properly apply that knowledge to my character's setting and mannerisms. I was in a role-play that was heavily based off of 1800s American western cowboy hoo-ha, and even though it wasn't set in the real world, much of it was inspired by--maybe so far as paralleled--a real-world era. So I spent a lot of time learning information about how to ride horses so I could properly describe that for my travelling highwayman, or about gas-powered machines and more rudimentary electrical appliances and applications of the time, or the mechanisms of different kinds of guns in the era. Well, no historical RPs for me unless I'm already well-learned about the period. Same applies to if the GM wrote extensive, original lore for their story's universe, because then that is a history lesson I may not want to be bothered with. It depends.

This desire to write proper action and environment is also why I don't join sci-fi or modern warfare-based junk because I don't like a lot of machinery-based anything. It makes me feel like I need to learn more about it to describe it. It's also the reason why anything that requires me to take on a real-life specialty role--like a resident doctor in a hospital, a politician in office, or even a bartender--I just can't do without knowing how they'd go about their jobs. I don't like writing vague actions for specialty jobs. It just doesn't work.

Something completely different: I don't like writing long battle sequences, so I keep from certain kinds of fighting role-plays. The ones that require "T1" fights between fantasy characters and the like. I also will not join role-plays of fandoms I am not a part of, but that one's just obvious.

Do you exclude any categories (Fantasy, Realistic, etc.) when looking for a RP to join?

In general, sci-fi is a definite. For the most part, historical as well. Role-plays that involve nation-building, like role-playing civilization, I also keep from. I just don't really understand that one that much.

Do you exclude any RP types (Casual, Detailed) when looking for a RP to join?

This is a question specific to this site. I ignore those tags. They don't mean anything to me when I get "casual" role-plays that are just two-paragraph posts to "detailed" role-plays that are the exact same thing. The thread's content will speak for themselves, personally.

What are some pre-RP turnoffs (any problems you see before you even sign-up)?

The way a GM presents their rules and/or interacts with persons whose character sheets they do not like can make or break. If a user has a character sheet that the GM courteously asks to change and they decide to try and sass and bicker about it, I typically don't want to have that person as a partner and will not join if they're accepted. Sometimes if I just don't much want to interact with the batch of accepted characters, I won't join. That's reasonable enough.

What are some requirements for you to sign up for a RP?

The only requirement is that I can read and understand the jist of it. That's it. I've joined role-plays written by 14-year-olds with poor plots and even more ludicrous characters, and I had fun reverting back to that time when I made impossible characters too. So maybe I'm not so picky in that regard. It just has to look like fun to me, is all.

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